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Ethics and

the Accountancy Profession

The Duties of Man to Society

Code of Ethics for
Professional Accountants


Basic Structure of the Codes of Ethics
for Accountants
 Introduction

 Fundamental Principles/Broad

 Specific application of the principles to

professional practice
Basic Structure of the Codes of Ethics
for Accountants
 Introduction

 Broad principles – general guidelines

 ICPAK: Fundamental principles

 IFAC: General application of the code

 Specific application of the principles to professional

practice – more specific guidelines are given to

 ICPAK: Statements and Explanatory Notes

 IFAC: Guidelines to Professional Accountants in Public Practice
and in Business
Code of Professional Ethics IFAC


 Introduction and Fundamental Principles

 Integrity
 Objectivity
 Professional Competence and Due Care
 Confidentiality
 Professional Behavior
Code of Professional Ethics



 Professional Appointment
 Conflicts of Interest
 Second Opinions
 Fees and Other Types of Remuneration
 Marketing Professional Services
 Gifts and Hospitality
 Custody of Clients Assets
 Independence–Assurance Engagements
Code of Professional Ethics

 Potential Conflicts
 Preparation and Reporting of Information
 Acting with Sufficient Expertise
 Financial Interests
 Inducements
Code of Ethics for
Professional Accountants


The Code of Professional Ethics of ICPAK gives a

summary of the accountants duties to the profession in
the form of four fundamental principles:

 Duty of Integrity
 Duty of Professional Competence
 Duty of Courtesy and Respect
 Duty to uphold the dignity of the profession

Duty of Integrity:

 In accepting or continuing a professional

assignment or occupation, a member should always
have regard to any factors which might reflect
adversely upon his integrity and objectivity in
relation to that assignment or occupation.
Duty of Professional Competence:

 A member should carry out his professional work

with a proper regard for the technical and
professional standards expected of him as a

 He should not undertake or continue professional

work which he himself is not competent to perform
unless he obtains such advice and assistance as will
enable him to carry out his task competently.

Duty of Courtesy and Respect:

 A member should conduct himself with courtesy and

consideration towards all with whom he comes into
contact in the course of his professional work in
order to maintain the dignity and standing of the

Duty to uphold the dignity of the profession:

 A member should follow the ethical guidelines of the


 and in circumstances not provided for by that

guidance, he should conduct himself in a manner
consistent with the reputation of the profession and
of the Institute.
Code of Ethics for
Professional Accountants

International Federation of
Accountants (IFAC)
Code of Professional Ethics IFAC
Mission of the International Federation of Accountants

 To serve the public interest

 To strengthen the worldwide accountancy profession

 To contribute to the development of strong international


 To establish and promote adherence to high-quality

professional standards

 The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants has been

prepared by the Ethics Committee of the International
Federation of Accountants.
Code of Professional Ethics IFAC

 A distinguishing mark of the accountancy

profession is its acceptance of the responsibility to
act in the public interest.

 Therefore, a professional accountant’s*

responsibility is not exclusively to satisfy the needs
of an individual client or employer.

 In acting in the public interest a professional

accountant should observe and comply with the
ethical requirements of this Code.
Code of Professional Ethics IFAC
Fundamental Principles

 (a) Integrity

A professional accountant should be

straightforward and honest in all professional
and business relationships.

 (b) Objectivity

A professional accountant should not allow bias,

conflict of interest or undue influence of others to
override professional or business judgments.
Code of Professional Ethics IFAC
Fundamental Principles

 (c) Professional Competence and Due Care

A professional accountant has a continuing duty to

maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level
required to ensure that a client or employer receives
competent professional service based on current
developments in practice, legislation and techniques.

A professional accountant should act diligently and

in accordance with applicable technical and
professional standards when providing professional
Code of Professional Ethics IFAC
Fundamental Principles

 (d) Confidentiality

A professional accountant should respect the

confidentiality of information acquired as a result of
professional and business relationships.

He should not disclose any such information to third

parties without proper and specific authority unless
there is a legal or professional right or duty to
Code of Professional Ethics IFAC
Fundamental Principles

 (d) Confidentiality

Confidential information acquired as a result of

professional and business relationships should not
be used for the personal advantage of the
professional accountant or third parties.

 (e) Professional Behavior

A professional accountant should comply with

relevant laws and regulations and should avoid any
action that discredits the profession.
Code of Professional Ethics



Code of Professional Ethics



What should an accountant do or not do to ensure his

integrity and objectivity are not compromised?

The codes will give specific guidelines.

Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK



“A member in public practice should be, and be

seen to be, free of any interest which might detract
from objectivity.

He must be impartial and must not allow prejudice

or bias to affect his judgment.”
Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK
Specific Guidelines to Accountants to maintain

ICPAK sets out these guidelines in the form of

explanatory notes

 Professional independence is a concept fundamental to

the accountancy profession. It is essentially an attitude
of the mind characterized by integrity and an objective
approach to professional work.

 A member should recognize the problems created by

interpersonal relationships or financial involvement
which by reason of their nature or degree may threaten
this objectivity.
Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK
 For a member in practice, he should not derive too
great a part of his professional income from one client
(a new practice may not, in the short term, be able to
comply with this criterion).

 Family and personal relationships can affect objectivity.

An accountant should ensure that his objective
approach to any assignment is not endangered as a
consequence of any personal relationship.

 A practice should ensure that it does not have as an

audit client a company in which a partner in the
practice, the spouse or minor child of such a partner, is
the beneficial holder of shares, nor…
Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK
 If shares in an audit client are involuntarily acquired (e.g. a
partner inherits the shares or marries a shareholder, or the
company is taken over by a company in which the partner
owns shares), the shares should be disposed of at the
earliest practicable date- these shares should not be used
in relation to the appointment of the auditor at the AGM.

 If a partner owns shares in a company and the company

becomes an audit client, the partner should sell the shares
as soon as possible. However, these rules do not apply
when the partner has a deposit with a financial institution or
building society on terms available to the general public or
an investment in loan stocks in a public utility corporation.
Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK
 A practice should not have as an audit client a public
company if a partner in the practice, or the spouse of a
partner, is a trustee of a trust holding shares in that company
and the holding is in excess of 10% of the issued share capital
of the company or in excess of 10% of the total assets in the

 If the trust owns 10% or less of the issued share capital, the
partner who is a trustee or is a spouse of the trustee should
not take part personally in the audit; and the shareholding
should be disclosed in the accounts or in the directors’
report. In the case of a private company, the shareholding
should be disclosed. This rule does not apply when the
partner is a trustee of an approved charity.
Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK
 A practice, a partner, the spouse or child of the
partner should not make a loan to a client, nor
guarantee a client’s borrowings, nor accept a loan
from a client or have borrowings guaranteed by a
client; this does not apply to a practice having a
current or deposit account with a client commercial
bank or similar financial institutions.

 A partner, his spouse and minor children, and the

staff of a practice should not accept goods or
services from a client or under hospitality.
Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK

 Where conflicts of interest arise, there should be a full and

frank explanation to those involved, coupled with any action
necessary to disengage from one or both positions (e.g.
advising two companies tendering for the same contract, or
where clients are in dispute with one another).

 A practice should not report on a company if a partner or

employee of the practice is an officer or employee of the

 Whenever a practice is asked to accept an appointment,

consideration will need to be given to whether acceptance
might give rise to a situation in which independence may be
compromised whether by a prospective conflict of interest or
Code of Professional Ethics

Specific Guidelines related to:

 Professional Appointment
 Fees and Other Types of Remuneration
 Marketing Professional Services
 Gifts and Hospitality
 Custody of Clients Assets
Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK
Advertising and publicity

 A member may seek to promote the services they

offer through advertising or other means so long as
this is consistent with the dignity of the profession
and it does not project an image inconsistent with
that of a professional person bound to high ethical
and technical standards.
Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK
Solicitation of clients

 A member should not in any circumstances obtain or seek

professional work for himself or another member in any
unprofessional manner.

 A practising member should not give any commission, fee or

reward to a third party, other than a person who holds a practising
certificate, a retired partner or a legal representative of such a
partner, in return for the introduction of a client.

 No member in practice shall comply with any request from a firm

or company who is not a client of that firm to submit a quotation
for audit fees unless the existing auditors are aware that such a
request has been made by their client.
Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK
Changes in Professional Appointment

 A CPA shall respect the right of a client to appoint whom he

wishes to carry out professional work.

 A member who is asked to accept nomination as auditor


request the prospective client’s permission to communicate

with the auditor last appointed. If such permission is refused he
should decline nomination.

on receipt of permission, request in writing of the auditor last

appointed all information which ought to be made available to
him to enable him to decide whether he is prepared to accept
Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK
Changes in Professional Appointment

 A member receiving such request should:

request permission of the client to discuss the client’s affairs

freely with the proposed nominee. If this request is not
granted the member should report that fact to the proposed
nominee, who, if a member, should not accept nomination.

on receipt of permission from the client, he should disclose

fully all information needed by the nominee to enable him to
decide whether to accept nomination.
Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK
Changes in Professional Appointment

 Fees

The independence of judgment of the member should not be

impaired by the hope of financial gain. Hence any basis of
fees which may influence the accountant’s judgment or
findings or may even subject him in the public mind to
suspicion is to be excluded.

ENRON and Arthur Andersen

Code of Professional Ethics ICPAK
Changes in Professional Appointment

 Clients’ monies

A member in practice is strictly accountable for all clients’

monies received by him. Such monies should be kept
separate from all other monies in his hands to be applied only
for the purposes of the client.

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