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Menstrual Cycle


1.What are the changes that occur

during puberty in females?

2.Who among the girls have been

Presenting examples/ instances of the lesson

I. Problem: What is menstrual cycle?

II. Materials: word text, group of pupils
III. Procedures:
1. Group the pupils into five.
2. Distribute the word text and give them 3-5 minutes to
3. Let them answer the questions:
a. What is menstruation?
b. What is menarche?
c. Why is menstrual cycle called a cycle?
d. What are the body parts involved in it?
e. Why does menstruation happen to girls during
Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

1. What are the things that a female

should do or prepare when
menstruation begins?
2. Teacher will demonstrate how to
put sanitary napkin on female’s
Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

The menstrual cycle is the process that prepares

a woman for pregnancy. This cycle repeats itself
every 28 days (on the average) during
the reproductive years of most women.
Menstruation is referred to as woman’s
monthly bleeding. When you menstruate, your
body sheds the lining of the uterus called
endometrium. Menstrual blood flows from the
uterus through the small opening in the cervix
and passes out of the body through the vagina
Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days




WEEK 3 Day 2
Lesson 12: Identify
the Phases of
Menstrual Cycle

Have 3-5 volunteers to share their assignment why males should

understand all about menstruation that occur to females.

What can
you infer
from the
Presenting examples/ instances of the lessons
Presenting examples/ instances of the lessons
Presenting examples/ instances of the lessons
Presenting examples/ instances of the lessons
Presenting examples/ instances of the lessons

III. Procedures:
1. Group the pupils into four.
2. Distribute the diagram for each phase.
3. Each group will identify the phases of the
menstrual cycle.
*They may use the following questions as their
guide for their output.
a. How do you call each phase of menstrual cycle?
b. From the diagram, identify the things that
happen in each phase.
Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

1. What are the beliefs that

mothers follow during the first
on set of menstruation of their
2. Do you think it is appropriate
to follow those beliefs? Why or
Why not?
Making generalization

1.Menstruation phase-shedding of
uterine lining
2. Follicular phase-release of mature
egg cell
3. ovulation phase- travelling of the
egg in the fallopian tube
4. luteal phase- thickening of the
uterine lining.
Identify the menstrual phase referred to in each
Luteal phase Follicular phase
Ovulation phase Menstrual phase
____1. bleeding occurs.
____2. mature egg cell is released in the
____3. egg cell travels in the fallopian tube.
____4. lining of the uterus becomes thicker.
____5. uterine lining is shedding.

Draw the phases of

menstrual cycle
WEEK 3 Day 3
Explain the Phases
Lesson 13:

of Menstrual Cycle
1. Menstrual Phase- This is a woman’s
monthly bleeding. During this period,
some eggs begin to mature in the
ovaries. As the eggs develop,
the surrounding cells release estrogen
hormone into bloodstream.
2.Follicular Phase- The lining of the
uterus starts to grow due to the
hormone estrogen.
The endometrium starts to develop to
receive the fertilized egg. The follicle-
stimulating hormone (FSH), increases
and in turn stimulates the growth of the
ovarian follicles.
3.Ovulation Phase - When a mature egg
(ovum) is released from the ovarian follicle
to the nearest fallopian tube
during the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs.
As the egg moves
down the fallopian tube over several
days, the lining of the uterus continues to
grow thicker and thicker. It takes 3 to
4 days for the egg to travel toward the
uterus fertilization may take place ,thus
pregnancy is possible.
4. Luteal Phase- After ovulation occurs, the follicle
develops into a hormone-producing
structure called corpus luteum, a yellow structure
in the ovary that produces estrogen and large
amounts of progesterone. This hormone signals
the uterus to thicken to provide nutrients for
the coming baby if in case a sperm fertilizes the
egg. If fertilization did not take place the
thickening of the uterus breaks down and comes
out of the body through menstruation.
The menstrual cycle repeats, after approximately
28 days
What does the picture above

How iit becomes possible for a

woman to get pregnant?
Many women experience different
problems during menstruation
These include menstrual pain and
discomfort, tenderness of the breasts,
headache, irritability, and depression
with no apparent cause.

All of these refer to premenstrual

stress or PMS.
A few women experience severe
menstrual cramps called
dysmenorrhea. There are some
women who experience irregular
menstruation or lack of a menstrual
period, unless pregnant. If they
suffer from this, they have
Draw a heart if the phrase/word
tells problem during menstruation
and a if it is not.
_____1. abdominal cramps
_____2. hypertension
_____3. missing of menstrual period
_____4. morning sickness
_____5. emotional stress
Learning Task: Determine whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write
WOMAN if the statement expressed true idea. Otherwise, write MAN if it is
________________ 1. Menstrual cycle period may change every month.
________________ 2. The blood from menstruation is filthy.
________________ 3. The blood during menstruation is due to crashed egg
________________ 4. When woman get pregnant, they still experience
monthly period.
________________ 5. The number of days of menstrual cycle may be shorter
or longer.
________________ 6. Menarche signals the possibility to become pregnant
in the presence of sperm cell.
________________ 7. After menopause, woman can still get pregnant.
________________ 8. Hormones are important in the menstrual cycle.
________________ 9. Stress can be a factor of changing menstrual cycle.
________________ 10. It takes five days for a woman to complete menstrual

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