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Chapter- 3

Communication Skills
संप्रेषण कौशल्य
What is communication?
• Exchange of information by signs and signals, speaking, writing or
using some other medium and means is called communication.
• The word ‘communication’ comes from the Latin word commūnicāre,
meaning ‘to share’.
• Communication is a two-way process
• Communication Cycle (Process)
Communication Cycle (Process)
Process of Communication
Elements of Communication
• Sender: the person or entity originating the communication
• Message: the information that the sender wishes to convey
• Encoding: how the sender chooses to bring the message into a form
appropriate for sending
• Channel: the means by which the message is sent
• Receiver: the person or entity to whom the message is sent
• Decoding: how the receiver interprets and understands the message
• Feedback: the receiver's response to the message
Non-Verbal Communication
• Non-verbal communication involves exchanging information or transmitting data without the use
of words.
• There are many examples of non-verbal communication everywhere in the world. For example,
• a traffic light- showing green is communicating to commuters to go ahead.
• Body language, gestures and facial expression are also types of non-verbal communication.
Verbal Communication
Unlike non-verbal communication, verbal communication needs commonly accepted meanings
for sounds to be understood by others. In order to communicate it needs a person who not only
knows the language but also the cultural context, underlying relationships between the people
involved in communication and other relevant details. Verbal communication could either be oral
or written.
• E.g. “Clean the room” could mean an informal instruction when said by a mother to a son,
• but could mean a command when spoken by a supervisor to an employee.
Verbal Communication
Oral communication
• Oral communication is the transfer of information from sender to receiver using words
and at times visual aids. Examples of oral communication include discussions, speeches,
presentations and face to face interaction.
• Benefits of oral communication:
• It is quick and direct method
• Feedback is immediate, be it praise or criticism
• One problem with this communication is that it cannot be used for documentary
Written Communication
• Any form of communication that is written and documented from the sender to the
receiver is known as written communication.
• advantage of providing records, references and legal evidences. It should have clarity,
correctness and logical continuity.
• limitations as it does not have additional help from body language and tone of voice.
• we will not get immediate feedback.
• Choosing the Right Words in verbal communication
• We should use simple words and phrases rather than the complex or
difficult ones.
• Unclear: Let's go to a place where they sell those things we need for
the office.
• Clear: Let's go to the bookstore that sells books and school supplies.
• Simple Words- Difficult Words
• dislike - abhor
• Increase - abound
Oral Written

Face to Face Application

Meetings Letter

Public Speaking Notice/Circular

Telephone Conversation E mail

Talks/Speech/Seminar SMS

Radio Books

Interview Reports/Newspaper
Non-verbal communication

Non Verbal communication is sending and receiving wordless messages. Such messages can be
communicated through facial expression, body language, eye contact or posture.
Non-Verbal Communication

• Facial Expressions

• Paralanguage
• The message that we send with our voice are known as paralanguage. The tone of our voice
helps us communicate what we mean to convey or it can reveal thoughts we mean to
conceal. This includes factors such as tone of voice, loudness, inflection, and pitch.
• Body Language and Posture
• Eye Contact
• Tone of Voice
• Appearance
Major barriers to Communication
• Environment
• Language
• Culture
• Perceptions
Strategies to overcome some major
• 1 Cultural barriers
• 2 Linguistic barriers
• 3 Poor listening
• 4 Perception
• 5 Emotional barriers
• 6 Non-verbal barriers
• 7 Physical barriers & Noise
Campus to Work
• Time Management वेळेचे व्यवस्थापन
• 1 – To Do लिस्ट बनाएं
• 2 – सबसे IMPORTANCE कार्य सबसे पहले करें
• 3 – Get Up Early In The Morning – सुबह जल्दी उठे
• 4 – आज का काम आज ही करे
• 5 – समय सही से उपयोग करने के लिए DEADLINE बनाये
• 6 – Social Media और Phone का यूज़ कम करे

• Pareto Principle - 80-20 Rules for Time Management

• Vilfredo Pareto

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