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Chapter 2

Exercise 1
Please draw a use case diagram for class management system.

Use case: login in; get back password; look up class information;
modify class information; insert class information; delete class

Users: administrator and dean principal

dean principle

look up class information <<in

e >>
lude >
delete class information
<<include >> login in get back password
administrator > >
modify class information de
nc lu
< <i

insert class information

Exercise 2
Please draw a use case diagram for student grade system.

Use case: login in; get back password; look up student grade; modify
grade; insert grade; delete grade; save grade

Users: teacher and student

<<include >>

insert grade > save grade

< i ncl

modify grade

teacher look up grade

delete grade
<<extend >>

login in get back password

Exercise 3
(1)What is the relationship between class Student and class Course?
(2)Can you describe the meaning of this diagram?
(3) Write the java code of this class diagram.
public class Student{
private String name;
private Course[] selecters;
public void Student(){}
public void test(){}
Exercise 4
1 Which one is the participant of the
system ?
A① B② C③ D④

2 Which one is the object ?

A① B②③④ C ④

3 What operation of class CreditService is

called up by class Server ?
A⑦ B⑧ C ⑦⑧ D⑧⑨
1 指出左图中的参与者?
A① B② C③ D④

2 哪些是对象?
A① B②③④ C ④

3 Server 类调用了 CreditService 类中的

A⑦ B⑧ C ⑦⑧ D⑧⑨
1. A 2. B 3. B
going up
At 1st Floor Ascending

Descending to arrived at 1 Floor arrive

going up
1st Floor
Descending arrive Idle

going down

time over

(1) which one is the state ?

(a) time over (b) arrive (c) At 1st Floor
(2) If state Idle is time over, which state will the lift transfer to?
 (a) Descending to 1st Floor (b) Ascending (c ) final state
going up
At 1st Floor Ascending

Descending to arrived at 1 Floor arrive

going up
1st Floor
Descending arrive Idle

going down

time over
(1) which one is the state ? (1) (c)
(2) (a)
(a) time over (b) arrive (c) At 1st Floor
(2) If state Idle is time over, which state will the lift transfer to?
 (a) Descending to 1st Floor (b) Ascending (c) final state

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