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St. Joseph College- Olongapo City Inc.

College Department/BS Criminology

10 Fountain St. East Bajac- Bajac Olongapo City, Philippines 220

Chapter 5 : The process of



BOHOLST, Jewerly Mae

LUTERO, Earl Jason
FELARCA, John Vincent
FABRO, Joshwald

Human Development
is defined as the process of enlarging people's freedoms and opportunities and
improving their well-being.
is about the real freedom ordinary people have to decide who to be, what to
do, and how to live.

 How does a newly born baby become a human social being?

o We are all born helpless and dependent on other people, like on the family, kin, and
friends, for survival. We learned how to walk, talk, eat, relate to others, and other
patterns of behavior from our family of friends. Even the matter of expressing grief
is learned.

 There a two factors at work heredity and sociocultural environment.

 How much are personality is determine by are biological inheritance (nature) and
how much is determine by social cultural environment (nurture)
 The biological traits transferred from parents to offspring through genes in
the chromosomes of the sex cells are composed of the biological structures,
psychological process , reflexes , urges, capacity, intelligences, and other
physical traits

 Cultural definition also affect socialization. Some biological traits, for

example are regarded as more socially desirable than others.
Ex. A beautiful face is an asset for jobs like those in the entertainment industry.
A high IQ enables one to enter professions.
Behavior as Biological Base

 While sociologist and anthropologist hold that culture determines are

behavior, sociobiologist have formulated a new theory of behavior.
Sociobiologist are biologist by training and hold that behavior is
biological base.

 Some sociologist point out that sociology underrates the emergence of

human brain, consciousness, and culture. They believe that genetic
heritages and culture implements human behavior, genetically inherited
reflexes and drives do not determine how humans behave.
Theories of Personality development and the
social self

Frued’s Theory of socialization

Sigmund Frued, foremost Viennese psychologist, formulated
the first comprehensive theory of personality, which had a great
impact not only on the social science but also in art and literature
and philosophy.
The Three (3) major system
1. ID
is a biological component which is source of drives and urges.

2. EGO
is the mediator between the needs of the individual and the real world.

which stands for the values of morals and society.
The various stage of

Oral Stage
From birth to one year old. In this stage eating is the major
source of satisfaction. Sucking the mothers breast is the most
important for the baby, as it provides nourishment and gives
Anal Stage
From age one to three 1-3 years old. The anal zone becomes
the center of the child's sexual interest. This stage is toilet training.
Phallic Stage
Between the age of three to six 3-6 years old at this time the
source of pleasure comes from sex organs. Boys desire their
mothers and girls desire their fathers. The first is term as “Oedipus
complex,” second is called the “Electra complex”
Latency Stage
From age six to eleven 6-11 years old. Or early adolescence. The
child enters the period of strong defenses against the Oedipal
feelings . The child possesses the new composure and self control.
Genital Stage “Puberty”
Starts at the age 11 for girls and age 13 for boys. The child
tries to avoid all physical pleasures like sumptuous food,
attractive clothes, dancing and other kinds of fun.
Process of socialization
How an infants develops into a functioning social being and emerges with the
set identity, social self , personality is called SOCIALIZATION

 To became a social being. One has to learn the expectation, habits, values,
beliefs, and other requirements

 Socialization is a life long process which begins at birth and ends at death.

 Human being is are born without the concept of self . They do not know the
parts of their body, what to eat, what to do, what to believe in , and how to
Socialization for roles
Socialization is a life long process where individuals develop
a self concept and prepare for roles which in turn shape
Agencies of Socialization
 Child grows older, he/she is influenced by other socializing agencies like
friends, school, and church, and mass media.

 The family plays the important role and has special responsibility of a child.
The family gives care, emotional support, medical attention, educational

 Parents give moral guidance and discipline to the children.

 The cultural heritage of society is transmitted by parent to the children.

The Peer group
As the child grows older family roles replaced or
supplemented by the peer group. School is called peer
group, friends, clique, gang or barkada.
The church
For the 80% of Filipinos who are roman Catholics, the
church is a significant agent of socialization. Children are
brought to church by their parents as early as infancy and are
initiated early into saying their prayers and forming a notion
of God.
The school
 A child is brought to school at the age of seven 7. Recent years saw
the emergence of nursery and kindergarten schools.
 The school is formal agency weaning children from home and
introducing them to the society.
 They are prepared to take on their various roles in society.
Mass media
 In modern society mass media is another socializing agency

 Radio, television programs ,transmit music, and other forms of

entertainment to the viewers.
The workplace
 The socialization process of an individual continues in the work place.
 He or she passes from adolescence into adulthood.
 There also excitement of getting salary to spend from needs to support
Gender Socialization
 From infancy onward, a person is socialize to age – sex role scripts related to the
institutionalize statuses of males and female.

 Opinions vary on weather the difference between males and females is biologically
based or results from socialization.

 Gender socialization is an interaction with the family and other agencies of


 The males are expected to macho, meaning showing sexual prowess and being

 The adolescent girl is assigned to feminine of domestic tasks.

 She is expected to stay at home with mother, they cook the meals for family, help
wash, iron the men clothes work in the fields during the planting and harvesting
Thank you and
Thank you and
God bless!

God Bless!

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