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Algebraic Expressions

Prepared by:
Ms. Jiecel Maedeen Aquino Santos
What is an Algebraic Expression?

An algebraic expression in mathematics is an

expression which is made up of variables and
constants along with algebraic operations
(addition, subtraction, etc.) Expressions are made
up of terms.
Example of Algebraic expression:
3x + 4y - 7
4x – 10
It is to be noted that, unlike algebraic equation, an
algebraic expression has no sides or equal to sign.

Some of its examples include

•3x+4y -7
•4x – 10
The terminology used in Algebraic expressions:
In Algebra we work with Variable, Symbols or Letters whose
value is unknown to us.
In the expression (i.e. 5x – 3),
•x is a Variable, whose value is unknown
to us which can take any value.

•5 is known as the Coefficient of x, as it is a constant value

used with the variable term and is well defined.
•3 is the Constant value term which has a definite value.
The whole expression is known to be the Binomial term, as it
has two unlikely terms.
What is a term?
A term is the name given to a number, a variable,
or a number and a variable combined by
multiplication or division.

Algebraic Expressions Terms

a + 2 a, 2
3m + 6n - 6 3m, 6n, - 6
Types of Algebraic Expressions

There are 4 mains types of algebraic expressions

which include:
•Monomial Expression
•Binomial Expression
•Trinomial Expression
•Polynomial Expression
Monomial Expression
An algebraic expression which is having only one
term is known as a monomial.
Examples of monomial expression include 3x4, 3xy,

Binomial Expression
A binomial expression is an algebraic expression
which is having two unlikely terms.
Examples of binomial include 5xy + 8, xyz + x3, etc.
Trinomial Expression
An algebraic expression which is having three terms is
known as a trinomial.
Examples of monomial expression include 3x4- 8xy + 16.

Polynomial Expression
In general, an expression with more than one terms with
non-negative integral exponents of a variable is known as
a polynomial.
Examples of polynomial expression
include ab + bc + ca,  etc.
Other types of Expressions

Apart from monomial, binomial and polynomial types

of expressions, algebraic expression can also be
classified into two additional types which are:

•Numeric Expression
•Variable Expression
Numeric Expression:
A numeric expression consists of numbers and
operations, but never include any variable. Some of the
examples of numeric expressions are 10+5, 15÷2, etc.

Variable Expression:
A variable expression is an expression which contains
variables along with numbers and operation to define an
expression. A few examples of a variable expression
include 4x+y, 5ab + 33, etc.
Figure it out!
Identify the terms, coefficients, and constants.

1. 12a - 6b + 4
2. 4x - 2y
3. c - 32
4. 3x + 2
Writing Algebraic Expressions
You can translate word phrases into variable

1. Three more than a number =x+3
2. The quotient of a number and 8 = y/8
3. Six times a number = 6 x n or 6n
4. 15 less than a number = z – 15
5. The quotient of 30 and a number plus 10 = 30/x + 10
Key words to look for:
Addition: Subtraction:
• Add • Minus
• Plus • Difference
• Sum • Subtract
• Total • Less than
• Increased by • Decreased by
• More than • less
Multiplication Division
• Product • Quotient
• Times • divide
• multiply
Write Algebraic Expressions for these word phrases

1. Four more than s

2. The product of 7 and c
3. Nine less than x
4. A number divided by the sum of 4 and 7.
5. Twice the sum of a number plus 4.
6. The sum of ¾ of a number and 7.
7. Ten times a number increased by 150.
Algebraic Expression Example Question

Example: Simplify the given expressions by combining

the like terms and write the type of Algebraic

(i) 3xy­3­  + 9x2 y3 + 5y3x

(ii) 7ab2 c2 + 2a3 b2 − 3abc – 5ab2 c2 – 2b2 a3 + 2ab
(iii) 50x3 – 20x + 8x + 21x3 – 3x + 3 + 15x – 41x3
Solution 
Creating a table to find the solution:

Type of
No. Term Simplification

1 3xy­3­  + 9x2 y3 + 5y3x 8xy3 + 9x2y3 Binomial

7ab2 c2 + 2a3 b2 − 3abc – 2ab2 c2 − 3abc +

2 Trinomial
5ab2 c2 – 2b2 a3 + 2ab 2ab

50x3 – 20x + 83 + 21x3 – 3x + 3 +

3 3x³ Monomial
15x – 41x 3

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