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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.

Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

GCS Verification System Operation Manual


1. Introduction ~ Environment Settings

1-1. Overview ………...…………………………………………………… Page 3
- System Overview
- Premises of system operation
1-2. Process Flow ………………………..……………………………… Page 5
1-3. Environment Settings (1) GCS Verification system side ……… Page 6
- Initial setup of “hosts” file
- Initial setup of “. rhosts”
- Installation of GCS Verification system modules
- Initial setup of the environment file for online
- Initial setup of the environment file for batch
1-4. Environment Settings (2) GCS verification system side ………… Page 11
- Initial setup of RFC destination
- Initial setup of External Operating System Commands
- Initial setup of “hosts” file
1-5. Pre-install Configuration …………………………………………… Page 17
- Initial setup of Material master screen customizing (OMSR/OMS9)
- Initial setup of DG indicator profile
- Initial setup of Ext material groups

2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-1. Material Online Entry Check ……………………………………… Page 20
- Initial setup screen for variant
- Initial setup screen for transaction
- Material registration screen
2-2. Material Extraction ………………………………………………… Page 29
- Initial setup screen for variant
- Spool of material extraction
2-3. Material Synchronization …………………………………………… Page 37
- Initial setup screen for variant
- Spool of material synchronization

Date Care Of Approved by Created 17.Sep.2003 Document No.

17.Sep.2003 Checked
om-01-01 05.Nov.2003 Approved Page 1
Operation Manual 01.Mar.2004
12/06/21 11:09 AM
GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

GCS Verification System Operation Manual

Index (Cont’d)

3. Error Message Guide

3-1. Overview …………………………………………………………… Page 45
3-2. Material Online Entry Check ……………………………………… Page 46
3-3. Material Extraction ………………………………………………… Page 48
3-4. Material Synchronization ………………………………………… Page 53

4. Background Job
4-1. Define Background Job …………………………….……………… Page 58
- Define background job
- Define conditions of background job
- Create step of background job
4-2. Confirm Job log and Spool ………………………………………… Page 61
- Select the relevant job
- Job overview
- Output controller : List of spool requests
- Graphical display of spool requests

Version Date Description

First Edition 17.Sep.2003 First created

2nd Edition 05.Nov.2003 Page 21. Modified Incorrect descriptions of Ext. Command Name
Page 33. Added additional information for Destination directory.
Page 41. Added additional information for Destination directory.
3rd Edition 04.Feb.2004~ Added 2nd Phase Development Requirements

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17.Sep.2003 Checked
om-01-01 05.Nov.2003 Approved Page 2
Operation Manual 01.Mar.2004
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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction
1-1. Overview – System Overview

Applicant division GCS


1) Global Code registration
GIS Server

for distribution G-cat

Overseas company GCS Verification Server

2) Update the GCS Copy DB
3) Material Master Online Entry Check
Material R/3 Material Verificati
Master on
Maintenance Online Entry GIS
Menu Check function G-cat Connecting
(Online) System

GCS Verification function

R/3 Material Master
Synchronization Material
code file

Report Check
result file

4) Master Extract & Synchronization (Batch)

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction
1-1. Premises of system operation (Batch Process)

- From R/3 side point of view, the batch process consists of “Material extraction” and “Material

- These 2 processes must be scheduled including GCS verification function (for batch) between them. Here is
a restriction - They must be scheduled in the same day – because the intermediate files used to transfer
their parameters and return values include the process date in their file names, and if these 2 batch
processes are executed on different days, whole batch process will not work properly.

All batch processes

must be scheduled to run
in the same day !!

Batch process GCS Server

Material GCS Copy DB
2-2. Material Extraction

result file

2-3. Material Synchronization


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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction
1-2. Process Flow

On-line process GCS Server


2-1. Material Online Entry Check (Online)

Batch process

Material GCS
code Verification
2-2. Material Extraction
Control (Batch)

result file

2-3. Material Synchronization


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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-3. Environment Settings (1) GCS Verification system side

1-3-1 Initial setup of “hosts” file


- “hosts” file
controls the
between computer
name and actual IP

- In this system you

must write computer
name and IP
address of SAP R/3

IP Address Machine name

This setting value is based on

testing env. And will be
replaced in the production env.

Procedure 1) Open [ hosts ] file with text editor.

2) Add a line as follows : (Separated by blank)
e.g.) aqes91
3) Save and quit text editor.


Remarks It is recommended to validate setting result by “ping”ing.

(Type “ping aqes91”(e.g.) from DOS prompt. If setting is correctly done, reply for the pinging
will return.)

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-3. Environment Settings (1) GCS Verification system side

1-3-2 Initial setup of “.rhosts” file


-“.rhosts” : This file

controls which
server / user is
permitted to access
the Unix machine
via RFC.
User(s) who accesses the GCS
- By putting edited verification system server via RFC
“.rhosts” file, the
UNIX servers and
users that are Server name from which
described in the file RFC is carried out
are permitted to
access the server
via RFC.

This setting value is based on

testing env. And will be
replaced in the production env.

Procedure 1) Open [ .rhosts ] file with text editor.

2) Add a line as follows : (Separated by blank)
e.g.) aqes91 g01adm
3) Save and quit text editor.


Remarks - This file is located on the home folder of each user.

- Server’s name in “.rhosts” must not be an IP address but a computer name. Therefore the
server name must be properly registered in “hosts” file before this setting.

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-3. Environment Settings (1) GCS Verification system side

1-3-3 Installation of GCS Verification system modules


- Here you install all Folder Name Files Permission

necessary files /
modules to relevant
folders in the GCS /GCS/cpydb/
verification system /bin/ [Binary (Runtime) modules] 775(rwxr-xr-x)*
server. model_veri_func 755(rwxr-xr-x)
model_veri_rept 755(rwxr-xr-x)
model_veri_func.env 644(rw-r--r--)
model_veri_rept.env 644(rw-r--r--) 755(rwxr-xr-x)

/in/ [Input files] 775(rwxrwxr-x)*
… Files created at execution
/out/ [Output files] 775(rwxrwxr-x)*
… Files created at execution
/log/ [Log files]
… Files created at execution
/src/ [Source files] 775(rwxrwxr-x)*
model_veri.h Not specified
makefile * Descriptions written
with italic font are
permissions for folders.

Procedure 1) Put all necessary files as listed above.

2) Change permission of each file with “CHMOD” command etc, as listed above.


Remarks - Make sure to set relevant permission for each directory as well as file.

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-3. Environment Settings (1) GCS Verification system side

1-3-4 Initial setup of the environment file for online


- GCS verification
system modules
have environment
files. Here how to
configure the
environment file for
online is explained. Value : Case sensitivity on.
Make sure to spell correctly.

Entry Name : Case sensitivity off.

Procedure 1) Open [ model_veri_func.env ] file with text editor.

2) Edit lines according to your environment / requirements.
3) Save and quit text editor.
No Item (Entry Name) Explanation
1 SID Enter “gcmdev” (Oracle SID).
2 UID Enter Oracle user name.
3 PWD Enter password for the Oracle user.
Enter log file name. (e.g.”../log/model_veri_func.log”)
Process log will be output in this file.


Remarks -In [UID] [PWD] entry, actual user id / password value must be filled.
-All entries are mandatory.

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-3. Environment Settings (1) GCS Verification system side

1-3-5 Initial setup of the environment file for batch

Outline Entry Name : Case sensitivity off.

- GCS verification
system modules Value : Case sensitivity on.
have environment Make sure to spell correctly.
files. Here how to
configure the
environment file for
batch is explained.
Output & Error Directory :
Be sure to enter the same value.
Otherwise, subsequent process
(R/3 synchronization) cannot work

Procedure 1) Open [ model_veri_func.env ] file with text editor.

2) Edit lines according to your environment / requirements.
3) Save and quit text editor.

No Item Explanation
1 SID Enter “gcmprod” (Oracle SID).
2 UID Enter Oracle user name.
3 PWD Enter password for the Oracle user.
Enter log file name. (e.g.”../log/model_veri_func.log”)
Process log will be output in this file.

5 IND Enter directory name for input files. (e.g.”../in”).

6 OTD Enter directory name for output (result) files. (e.g.”./out”)
7 ERD Enter directory name for error files. (e.g. “./out”)
8 BKD Enter directory name for backup files. (e.g.”./out”)


Remarks -Make sure to set the same directory for entries [OTD] (Output files directory) and [ERD]
(Error files directory).
-In [UID] [PWD] entry, actual user id / password value must be filled.
-All entries are mandatory.

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-4. Environment Settings (2) R/3 side

1-4-1 Installation of GCS Verification system modules


- Here you install all Folder Name Files Permission

necessary files /
modules to relevant
folders in the R/3 /sap_gt/y0_xx/smat [Permission]
server. [Binary (Runtime) modules] 775(rwxr-xr-x)*
/bin/ 755(rwxr-xr-x)
… Parameter Files created and
deleted at execution
/in/<Client No>/ [Input files] 775(rwxrwxr-x)*
e.g. /in/210 … Files created at execution

/out/<Client No>/ [Output files] 775(rwxrwxr-x)*
e.g. /out/210 … Files created at execution

* Descriptions
written with
italic font are
permissions for

Procedure 1) Put all necessary files as listed above.

2) Change permission of each file with “CHMOD” command etc, as listed above.


Remarks - Make sure to set relevant permission for each directory as well as file.

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-4. Environment Settings (2) R/3 side

1-4-2 Initial setup of RFC destination (1)


- RFC destination
interface between
R/3 and external
modules that are to
be called via RFC.

- RFC destination
can be edited on
transaction “SM59”.

Select connection

Procedure 1) Log onto R/3, and open RFC destination setting screen with transaction code [SM59].
2) Click on “TCP/IP Connections”.


Remarks - A RFC dest. “SAPFTPA” is necessary for this system. Although this RFC dest. Is
created by SAP, it might not exist due to any R/3 install options. Therefore we must
check if RFC dest. “SAPFTPA” exists or not at first. If exists, you can use it and skip this
RFC dest. setting procedure.
Otherwise, you must define an additional RFC dest. instead of “SAPFTPA”, following to
the steps explained from the next page.

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-4. Environment Settings (2) R/3 side

1-4-3 Initial setup of RFC destination (2)


- Here you can

choose the RFC
destination to edit.

- You can also

create a new one, [Create] button
by clicking on
“Create” button. Select RFC

Procedure 1) Check if a RFC destination “SAPFTPA” exists or not.

2) If it does not exist, click on “Create” button.


Remarks - You can check / edit the details of RFC destination setting by clicking on [Change] button,
putting cursor on the target RFC dest.

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-4. Environment Settings (2) R/3 side

1-4-4 Initial setup of RFC destination (3)


- Here you can

[Save] button
display / edit detail
settings of the RFC [Test connection] button

Click on [Application server]

Program to

Procedure 1) Click on [Application server] button in “Start on” frame.

2) Enter “sapftp” into the “Program” field in “Application server” frame.
3) Click on [Save] button.


Remarks - It is recommended to check if this RFC dest. setting can actually connect to the destination
system, by clicking on [Test connection] button, before saving.

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-4. Environment Settings (2) R/3 side

1-4-5 Initial setup of External Operating System Commands (1)


- Here you can

display / edit
definition of external
operating system
[Create] button
[Display <> Change] button

Procedure 1) Log onto R/3, and open “External operation system commands” screen with transaction
2) Click on [Display <> Change] button, and the screen goes on to maintenance mode
(The table of external commands will be striped then).
3) Click on [Create] button.

Result Goes to Initial setup of External Operating System Commands (2) (1-4-6 Page 15).


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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-4. Environment Settings (2) R/3 side

1-4-6 Initial setup of External Operating System Commands (2)


- Here you can

display / edit
[Save] button
definition of external
operating system

Command name Operating system

Program to execute

Procedure 1) Enter external command name “Y0_XX_RSH”.

2) Enter operating system name “UNIX”.
3) Enter operating system command “/sap_gt/y0_xx/smat/bin/”.
3) Click on [Save] button.

Result Goes to Initial setup of External Operating System Commands (1) (1-4-5 Page 14).


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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-4. Environment Settings (2) R/3 side

1-4-7 Initial setup of “hosts” file


- “hosts” file
controls the
between computer
name and actual IP

- In this system you

must write computer
name and IP
address of GCS
Verification system

Machine name

IP Address

This setting value is based on

testing env. And will be
Procedure 1) Open [ hosts ] file with text editor. replaced in the production env.
2) Add a line as follows : (Separated by blank)
e.g.) rs_h70
3) Save and quit text editor.


Remarks It is recommended to validate setting result by “ping”ing.

(Type “ping rs_h70”(e.g.) from UNIX shell. If setting is correctly done, reply for the pinging will

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-5. Pre-install Configuration

1-5-1 Initial setup of Material master screen customizing (OMSR/OMS9)


-On Material master

registration screen,
system uses
following fields.
1) External Material
[for G/D-CAT]
2) DG Indicator
[for Global flag]
3) Valid From, and
X-plant matl status

-So, you must

customize these
fields as possible to

Procedure 1) Log onto R/3 and launch SAP IMG reference menu [SPRO].
2) Access menu by : Logistics - General >> Material Master >> Field Selection >>
Maintain Field Selection for Data Screens
3) Enter field selection group and enable following items to be entered, as follows:
(Field setting group) : (Option to be selected)
125 (Field setting group including [DG indicator profile]) => [Opt. entry]
151 (Field setting group including [Ext matl group]) => [Opt. entry]
155 (Field setting group including [Valid From] and [X-Plant matl status]) => [Opt.

Result Field groups’ attributes are changed according to settings here.

Remarks - If target system’s field selection groups are customized, the field selection group# might be
different to those described above. In such cases, check relevant field selection group# with
transaction code “OMSR” (Screen for assignment of fields to field setting groups).
(Field setting group# described above are default values.)

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-5. Pre-install Configuration

1-5-2 Initial setup of DG indicator profile


- [DG indicator
profile] is used as
“Global flag” in this
system. This “flag”
means either of
“Local” “Global” or
“Pending”, the
status of the An entry to be modified (desc.)

- As this usage is
An entry to be added
different from R/3
default, some items
must be modified
and added in

Procedure 1) Log onto R/3 and launch SAP IMG reference menu [SPRO].
2) Access menu by : Environment, Health & Safety >> Dangerous Goods management >>
General Basic Settings >> Define Indicator Profile for the Material Master [OMS9]
3) Modify & enter field values as follows :
(Pro.) : (Description of DG Profile)
001 => (Modify) [Global Material]
002 => (Add) [Pending]
003 => (Add) [Discontinued]   Out of date
004 => (Add) [No G-Cat/D-Cat]

Result The new value and entry is enabled to be selected in MM01.

Remarks - Checkboxes “DG” “Chk” and “Pap”, they have no effect on the GCS verification function.

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-5. Pre-install Configuration

1-5-3 Initial setup of External Material Group


- [External Material
Groups] is used as
“D-Cat & G-Cat” in
this system.

- As this usage is
different from R/3
default, some items An entry to be modified (desc.)
must be modified
and added in

An entry to be added

Procedure 1) Log onto R/3 and launch SAP IMG reference menu [SPRO].
2) Access menu by : Logistics - General >> Material Master >> Settings for Key Fields >>
Maintain External Material Groups
3) Modify & enter field values(8digits) for G-CAT(3digits) & D-CAT(5digits)
[For example]
(Ext. material group) : (Ext. matl grp descr.)
This configuration is not necessary
After implementation of
The new value and entry is enabled to be selected in MM01.
2nd phase development,
Remarks Because “Ext matl group” is
not used.

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

1. Introduction

1-5. Pre-install Configuration

1-5-3 Initial setup of Product Hierarchy


- [Product
Hierarchy] is used
as “D-Cat & G-Cat”
in this system.

- All combinations of
must be registered An entry to be modified (desc.)
with this screen, in
Click on this button to add a
new entry

Procedure 1) Log onto R/3 and launch SAP IMG reference menu [SPRO].
2) Access menu by : Logistics - General >> Material Master >> Settings for Key Fields >> Data
Relevant to Sales and Distribution >> Define Product Hierarchies
3) Choose [Product Hierarchies].
4) Modify & enter field values(8digits) for G-CAT(3digits) & D-CAT(5digits)
[For example]
(Prod. Hierarchy) : (Prod. Hierarchy Description.)

Result The new value and entry is enabled to be selected / entered in MM01.


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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-1. Material Online Check

2-1-1 Initial setup screen for Variant

Function outline

- This is the initial

setup screen for

- You should specify

the name of
[Execute] button
program to set up
the variant.

The name of program to execute

Procedure 1) Log onto R/3 and launch ABAP editor (Transaction code=“SE38”).
2) Enter the program name “Y0_MM_SAR0001” in the field [Program], and execute it by
clicking [Execute] button.

Result Goes to 2nd setup screen for Variant (2-1-2 Page21 ).


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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-1. Material Online Check

2-1-2 2nd setup screen for Variant

Function outline

- This is the 2nd

setup screen for
[Save as Variant] button

- You should set

relevant values in
all required fields on
the screen.


Procedure 1) Type in the items below.

No Item Explanation
1 Ext. Command Name Enter “Y0_XX_RSH”.
2 Operation System Enter “UNIX” with upper case.
3 Server Enter “rs_h70”.
4 User Enter “iccgcs”.
5 Parameter File Directory Path Enter “/sap_gt/y0_xx/smat/out/210”.
6 Division Code Enter Division Code up to 8 digits (Ex. 00012345)
Allow Registration
7 Checked
of lcl Matl.
2) Click on [Save as variant] button.

Result Goes to 3rd setup screen for Variant (2-1-3 Page 22).

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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-1. Material Online Check

2-1-3 3rd setup screen for Variant

Function outline

- This is the 3rd

setup screen for [Save] button

- You should set

variant name and its
Name of the variant
attributes on the
Description of the variant

Check these items

Procedure 1) Enter the name of variant and its description.

(“Y0_MM_0001” is recommended for the name.)
2) Check the column “I(Invisible flag)” of items below :
- Division Code
- Ext. Command Name
- Operation System
- Server
- User
3) Check the column “O(Obligatory) of items below:
- Material
- Industry sector
- Material type
4) Click on [Save] button.

Result The variant specified will be registered.


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GCS Verification System System Name GCS Verification System Region Name Y0.Global
Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-1. Material Online Check

2-1-4 Initial setup screen for Transaction

Function outline

- This is the initial

setup screen for
definition of a

[Create] button

Procedure 1) Log onto R/3 and launch transaction maintenance screen (Transaction code = “SE93”).
2) Enter the name of transaction (Here, “y0_mm_0001” is recommended).
3) Click on [Create] button.

Result The window navigates to the 2nd screen.

Remarks - You must finish the variant setting before this setting task.

- To avoid registering new materials without GCS copy DB verification, please make sure to
use the transaction defined here, when end-users register new materials. (That is, please do
not call SAP standard material registration screen by entering transaction code “MM01”).

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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-1. Material Online Check

2-1-5 2nd setup screen for Transaction

Function outline

- This is the 2nd

setup screen for
definition of a
Short text for this transaction.
- Here you define Describe freely for explanation.
the type of the
variant and its short
description. Select this option.

[Continue] button

Procedure 1) Enter short text for this transaction.

2) Click on [Program and selection screen (report transaction)] option.
3) Click on [Continue] button.

Result The window navigates to the 3rd screen.


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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-1. Material Online Check

2-1-6 3rd setup screen for Transaction

Function outline

- This is the 3rd

setup screen for
[Save] button.
definition of a

- Here you setup

the transaction text
(=“short text” in the
previous screen),
program name, and
variant’s name to
start with.

Enter relevant values here.

Procedure 1) Enter relevant values in the fields as follows :

No Item Explanation
1 Transaction text Enter explanation for the transaction.
2 Program Enter “y0_mm_sar0001”.
3 Selection screen Please do not edit here.

Enter “y0_mm_0001” (This is the variant name defined in 2-1-

4 Start with variant
3.”3rd setup screen for variant”.

2) Click on [Save] button.

Result The window navigates to the 4th/5th screen.


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Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-1. Material Online Check

2-1-7 4th and 5th setup screen for Transaction

Function outline

- This is the 3rd

setup screen for
definition of a

- Here you setup Enter the name of dev. Class here.

the development
class to belong to.

[Save] button. 4th screen

5th screen

Enter proper request# here.

[Continue] button.

Procedure 1) Enter the development class name “y0_mm_s0001” in the field [Development class].
2) Click on [Save] button, and then navigates to the 5th screen.
3) Enter proper request# in the field [Request].
4) Click on [Continue] button.

5) The message “Transaction code Y0_MM_0001 saved” will be displayed.

Result Transaction code is saved.


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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-1. Material Online Check

2-1-8 Material registration screen - Basic data1-

Function outline

- This is the Material

registration screen. Save button

Material descriptions


Expiry Date and

X-plant matl status

Procedure 1) Execute program “Y0_MM_SAR0001” with variant “Y0_MM_0001” (recommended name)

2) Process checks whether the Material code you entered exist s in GCS Copy DB or not.
Case A: (Cf. Screen on page13-14)
If exists, the Material code is regarded as global code,
and initial values of following items are set in Material registration screen (MM01).
- Material description
- DG Indicator as Global flag ‘001’
- Product hierarchy as G-Cat / D-Cat
- Valid From / (X-plant matl status)** as Expiry Date
Case B:
If not exists, the Material code is regarded as local code,
and any initial values of items are not set in Material registration screen (MM01).
3) If you need to set more information, you can set additionally on this screen.
4) Click on [Save] button

Result The Material code will be registered.

Remarks ** “Valid from” and “X-plant matl status” are always handled together.
(Both of them are populated or kept blank.)
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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-1. Material Online Check

2-1-9 Material registration screen - Basic data2 -

Function outline

- This is the Material

registration screen. Save button

Global Flag

Procedure 1) Execute program “Y0_MM_SAR0001” with variant “Y0_MM_0001” (recommended name)

2) Process checks whether the Material code you entered exist s in GCS Copy DB or not.
Case A: (Cf. Screen on page13-14)
If exists, the Material code is regarded as global code,
and initial values of following items are set in Material registration screen (MM01).
- Material description
- DG Indicator as Global flag ‘001’
- Product hierarchy as G-Cat / D-Cat
Case B:
If not exists, the Material code is regarded as local code,
and any initial values of items are not set in Material registration screen (MM01).
3) If you need to set more information, you can set additionally on this screen.
4) Click on [Save] button

Result The Material code will be registered.


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Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-2. Material Extraction

2-2-1 Initial setup screen for Variant

Function outline
This is the initial
setup screen for

You should register

Variant for Material 1
Extraction program
this screen before
you execute
Material Extraction 2

Procedure 1) Log onto R/3.

2) Create Variant.
Transaction Code : SE38 or
Access menu by : Tools >> ABAP Workbench >> Development >> ABAP Editor
3) Enter following criteria
No Item Explanation
1 Program Please enter “Y0_MM_SAE0002” (Extraction process)
2 Subobjects Please select “Variants” radio button

4) Click on “Change”.
Result Goes to 2nd setup screen for Variant (2-2-2 Page ).


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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-2. Material Extraction

2-2-2 2nd setup screen for Variant

Function outline
This is the 2nd
setup screen for

You should set

Variant name here.

Procedure 1) Enter following criteria

No Item Explanation
1 Variant Please enter Variants name as you like (ex. “Y0_MM_0002”)
2 Subobjects Please select “Value” radio button.

4) Click on “Create”.

Result Goes to 3rd setup screen for Variant (2-2-3 Page ).


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Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-2. Material Extraction

2-2-3 3rd setup screen for Variant

Function outline
This is the 3rd
setup screen for

Procedure 1) Click on “Continue”.

Result Goes to Top Menu (2-1-2 Page 5).


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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-2. Material Extraction

2-2-4 4th setup screen for Variant

Function outline
This is the 4th
setup screen for
Variant of Material
Extraction process.
You should register
variant information 3
here. 4


Procedure Type in the items below and click on “Save” button.

* Please refer to the next page for a full explanation of each item on the 4th setup screen for

Result Variant setup is completed.


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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-2. Material Extraction

< Explanation of 4th setup screen for Variants >

No Item Explanation
Enter Division Code up to 8 digits (Ex. 00012345)
1 Division Code (*) Entered Division code is set into the file name. (Ex. S00012345-20030917-
2 Material Code Enter Material Code when you want to extract specified Material code.
Enter Process date in date format.
3 Process Date (*) Entered Process Date is set into the file name. (Ex. S00012345-20030917-
Check this flag when you want to extract Global & Pending Material code except Local
Global Flag Material code from R/3 Material master.
4 Sync local Check this flag when you extract global & discontinued Out of date materials.
Registered Material Uncheck this flag when you extract local & pending & no G-cat/D-cat materials.
When you execute Material extraction process for plural times a process date,
5 Request No. (*) please enter sequential number into Request No.
Entered Request No. is set into the file name. (Ex. S00012345-20030917-01.dat)

R/3 Local Directory Enter R/3 Local Directory.

(Outbound) (*) After extraction process, file is created in this directory.

7 Host (*) Enter Host information for FTP process. (Ex. 123.456.789)
8 User (*) Enter FTP User name.
9 Password (*) Enter FTP User password.
Enter Destination Directory.
After FTP process, file is created in this directory.
10 Destination Directory (*)
This directory name should be same as Input directory (‘IND’) described in GCS
verification function ENV file (model_veri_rept.env). See below [Fig.1].
Default “SAPFTPA”.
11 RFC Destination (*)
This is for RFC function. It is not necessary to change this value.
[Fig.1] Environmental setting file of GCS verification function (model_veri_rept.env)

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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-2. Material Extraction

2-2-5 Spool of Material Extraction (1)

Function outline
This is the spool
log of Material
Extraction process.

After you execute

job, you should 1
check the process
result from this

Procedure No Explanation
1 Main process starts.
[Material Extraction process]
Material are extracted from R/3 Material master matching the criteria specified.
2 You can confirm following points.
- Description according to the status of checkbox.
- How many Material are extracted.
[File Creation process]
3 After extraction process, 2 files (Material data file, Control file) are created in R/3 server.
You can confirm the file name and path.
[FTP process for Material data file]
4 File is transferred from R/3 server to destination server.
You can confirm FTP information.
Result .

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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-2. Material Extraction

2-2-5 Spool of Material Extraction (2)

Function outline
This is the spool
log of Material
Extraction process.

After you execute

job, you should
check the process
result from this
spool. 5

Procedure No Explanation
[FTP rename process for Material data file]
5 File is renamed after FTP process.
You can confirm renamed file name.

[FTP process for Control file]

6 File is transferred from R/3 server to destination server.
You can confirm FTP information.



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Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-2. Material Extraction

2-2-5 Spool of Material Extraction (3)

Function outline
This is the spool
log of Material
Extraction process.

After you execute

job, you should
check the process
result from this

Procedure No Explanation
[FTP rename process for Control file]
7 File is renamed after FTP process.
You can confirm renamed file name.

8 Main process ends.



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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-3. Material Synchronization

2-3-1 Initial setup screen for Variant

Function outline
This is the initial
setup screen for

You should register

Variant for Material 1
program this screen
before you execute
Material Extraction 2

Procedure 1) Log onto R/3.

2) Create Variant.
Transaction Code : SE38 or
Access menu by : Tools >> ABAP Workbench >> Development >> ABAP Editor
3) Enter following criteria
No Item Explanation
1 Program Please enter “Y0_MM_SAB0003” (Synchronization process)
2 Subobjects Please select “Variants” radio button

4) Click on “Change”.
Result Goes to 2nd setup screen for Variant (2-3-2 Page ).


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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-3. Material Synchronization

2-3-2 2nd setup screen for Variant

Function outline
This is the 2nd
setup screen for

You should set

Variant name here.

Procedure 1) Enter following criteria

No Item Explanation
1 Variant Please enter Variants name as you like (ex. “Y0_MM_0003”)
2 Subobjects Please select “Value” radio button.

4) Click on “Create”.

Result Goes to 3rd setup screen for Variant (2-3-3 Page ).


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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-3. Material Synchronization

2-3-3 3rd setup screen for Variant

Function outline
This is the 3rd
setup screen for

Procedure 1) Click on “Continue”.

Result Goes to 4rd setup screen for Variant (2-3-4 Page ).


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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-3. Material Synchronization

2-3-4 4th setup screen for Variant

Function outline
This is the 4th
setup screen for
Variant of Material
process. 1
You should register 4
variant information 5
here. 6


Procedure Type in the items below and click on “Save” button.

* Please refer to the next page for a full explanation of each item on the 4th setup screen for

Result Variant setup is completed.


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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-3. Material Synchronization

< Explanation of 4th setup screen for Variants >

No Item Explanation
Enter Division Code up to 8 digits (Ex. 00012345)
1 Division Code (*) Entered Division code is set into the file name. (Ex. S00012345-20030917-
Enter Process date in date format.
2 Process Date (*) Entered Process Date is set into the file name. (Ex. S00012345-20030917-
When you execute Material Synchronization process for plural times a process
3 Request No. (*) date, please enter sequential number into Request No.
Entered Request No. is set into the file name. (Ex. S00012345-20030917-01.dat)

R/3 Local Directory Enter R/3 Local Directory.

(Inbound) (*) After extraction process, file is created in this directory.
Enter R/3 Local Directory.
R/3 Local Directory
5 The file is transferred from GCS server to this directory by FTP in synchronization
(Outbound) (*)
Batch Input Default “Y0_MM_SMAT”
Session Name (*) This is for batch input. It is not necessary to change this value.

7 Host (*) Enter Host information for FTP process. (Ex.
8 User (*) Enter FTP User name.
9 Password (*) Enter FTP User password.
Enter Destination Directory.
After FTP process, file is created in this directory.
10 Destination Directory (*)
This directory name should be same as Output directory (‘OTD’) described in
GCS verification function ENV file (model_veri_rept.env). See below [Fig.1].
Default “SAPFTPA”.
11 RFC Destination (*)
This is for RFC function. It is not necessary to change this value.

[Fig.1] Environmental setting file of GCS verification function (model_veri_rept.env)

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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-3. Material Synchronization

2-3-5 Spool of Material Synchronization (1)

Function outline
This is the spool
log of Material

After you execute 1

job, you should
check the process
result from this

Procedure No Explanation
1 Main process starts.
[FTP process for Error control file]
2 File is transferred from destination server to R/3 server.
You can confirm FTP information. (refer to Note for FTP messages of next page)



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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-3. Material Synchronization

2-3-5 Spool of Material Synchronization (2)

Function outline
This is the spool
log of Material

After you execute

job, you should
check the process
result from this

Procedure No Explanation
[FTP process for Check result file]
3 File is transferred from destination server to R/3 server.
You can confirm FTP information. (refer to Note for FTP messages of next page)

Note for FTP log messages:

1. The error control file is transferred from GCS copy server to R/3 server.
2. When an error is occurred in the above process(The error control file does not exist.),
a check result file is transferred from GCS copy server to R/3 server.
(If an error does not occur in transmission of the check result file,
processing continues.)

Therefore, even if it is a normal case, an error occurs in transmission of the error

control file.
The error in transmission of the error control file should be ignored.
Please check the log message in transmission processing of the check result file.

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2. GCS Verification System Operation

2-3. Material Synchronization

2-3-5 Spool of Material Synchronization (3)

Function outline
This is the spool
log of Material

After you execute

job, you should
check the process
result from this


Procedure No Explanation
[File loading process]
4 The control file and the check result file is loaded.
You can confirm the file name and path.
[List of the Material which updates by the next Batch Input processing]
5 You can confirm following values.
1. Material No. / 2. Update field / 3. old and new value

[Batch Input process for material synchronization]

6 Material is updated by Batch Input.
You can confirm Sub Process information.

7 Main process ends.



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3. Message Guide

3-1. Overview

3-1 Overview
Message type
This table describes the types of messages the batch programs issue.
Message Type Function
Indicates that the batch program can't process the file.
Process is interrupted.

Warning Warns of a problem, but the file is processed.

Information Provides the status of the process.

Possible reasons for the error or warning or a detailed discussion of the type of information the message presents.
The procedure or response you must follow or give to continue processing.

Message Sample
[Information Message]

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3. Message Guide

3-2. Material Online Entry Check

3-2 Material Online Entry Check

No Explanation
900 Database system error occurred. Call Administrator: [< >]
Message type: Warning
Error occurred in the database of GCS Verification server.

Please call Administrator.

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3. Message Guide

3-2. Material Online Entry Check

3-2 Material Online Entry Check

Msg Class No Explanation

00 055 Make an entry in all required fields : [< >]
R/3 Message) Message type: Error
You cannot proceed because all mandatory fields are not filled properly.

Fill all mandatory fields (Material No., Industry Sector, Material Type) properly and try again.
Y0_MM_0001 000 Failed to call external function. Call Administrator: [< >]
Message type: Error
Failed to call GCS verification function. The program terminates immediately after
displaying this message.

Please call administrator.
Y0_MM_0001 002 Material & code has expired. Register anyway ?: [< >]
  2004.02.12 mod
Message type: Warning
Material code you entered exists in GCS copy DB, but is out of date.
It means that the material is “discontinued” was regarded as “Global” at one time.
However, it is no longer available for use in the GCS system.
If you still allow the material to be registered, press [YES].
If you do not allow, press [NO].

Y0_MM_0001 032 No G-CAT/D-CAT found for material &.: [< >]

Message type: Warning
Material code you entered exists in GCS copy DB, but its G-CAT/D-CAT are not set properly.

If you still allow the material to be registered, press [YES].
If you do not allow, press [NO].

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3. Message Guide

3-2. Material Online Entry Check

3-2 Material Online Entry Check

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_MM_0001 005** Material [<Material Code>] does not exist in GCS copy DB. Will you register as local?
Message type: Warning
Explanation: **Note:
Material code you entered does not exist in GCS copy DB.
It means that the Material code is not global code. - When a end-user tries to
If you still need to proceed, you can only register it as a local code. register a new material
that does not exist in GCS
Procedure: copy DB, the system
If you still allow the material to be registered, press [YES]. behavior varies
If you do not allow, press [NO]. depending on the status
Y0_MM_0001 031** Material [<Material Code>] does not exist in GCS copy DB. of checkbox “Allow
  Registration of Local
Message type: Error Materials”, which is
  intended to be setup by
Explanation: system administrator at
Material code you entered does not exist in GCS copy DB. implementation stage.
It means that the Material code is not global code.
You cannot proceed any more.
Try again with a new material code.
Y0_MM_0001 014 Call transaction error: [< >]

Message type: Error

Error occurred in the “Call transaction” process. (“Call transaction” process is used for screen
navigation and populating default values to fields)
Please call Administrator.
Y0_MM_0001 006 No G-CAT/D-CAT found for material [< >].

Message type: Error

Material code you entered exists in GCS copy DB, but for some reasons, G-CAT / D-CAT
could not be retrieved.
If you still allow the material to be registered, press [YES].
If you do not allow, press [NO].

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3. Message Guide

3-2. Material Online Entry Check

3-2 Material Online Entry Check

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_MM_0001 017 GCS copy DB system error occurred. Register anyway as local code?
Message type: Warning
Error occurred while accessing to GCS copy DB, via GCS verification function.
If you still need to proceed, you can only register it as a local code.

If you still allow the material to be registered, press [YES].
If you do not allow, press [NO].
Y0_MM_0001 018 Parameter error occurred in GCS veri func. Register anyway as local code?: [< >]
Message type: Warning
Invalid parameter is returned from GCS verification function.
If you still need to proceed, you can only register it as a local code.

If you still allow the material to be registered, press [YES].
If you do not allow, press [NO].

Y0_MM_0001 019 GCS func has returned a unexpected err[ & ]. Register anyway as local cd?: [< >]
Message type: Warning
System encountered some exceptional error(s) while calling GCS verification function.
If you still need to proceed, you can only register it as a local code.

If you still allow the material to be registered, press [YES].
If you do not allow, press [NO].

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Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

3. Message Guide

3-3. Material Extraction

3-3 Material Extraction

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_XX_0001 001 Cannot open file. Filename : [<Path>, <File Name>]
Message type: Error
The target file can not be opened.

Please specify the correct path.
Execute material extraction process again.
Y0_XX_0001 006 Cannot write file. Filename : [<File Name>]
Message type: Error
System cannot write data into the target file.

Please check the specified file.
Execute material extraction process again.
Y0_XX_0001 008 Data not found. Tablename : [<Table Name>]
Message type: Error
The target data does not exist in R/3 Material master.

Please change the search condition.
Execute material extraction process again.
Y0_XX_0001 043 Error occurred in FTP process.
Message type: Error
FTP process ends with error.

Please check FTP connect information.
Execute material extraction process again.

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3. Message Guide

3-3. Material Extraction

3-3 Material Extraction

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_XX_0001 044 Error occurred in FTP rename process.
Message type: Error
FTP rename process ends with error.

Please check FTP connect information.
Execute material extraction process again.

Y0_XX_0001 705 File created successfully. Filename: [<File Name>, <Path>]

Message type: Information
The target file was created successfully.


Y0_XX_0001 706 File exported successfully. Filename: [<File Name>, <Path>]

Message type: Information
The target file was exported with FTP successfully.


Y0_XX_0001 710 MAIN PGM: [<Process Name>] Process start.

Message type: Information
Material extraction process starts.


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3. Message Guide

3-3. Material Extraction

3-3 Material Extraction

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_XX_0001 711 MAIN PGM: [<Process Name>] Process normal end.
Message type: Information
Material extraction process ends normally.

Y0_XX_0001 712 MAIN PGM: [<Process Name>] Process abnormal end.
Message type: Error / Information
Material extraction process ends abnormally.

Please take measures against the error.
Execute material extraction process again.

Y0_XX_0001 713 SUB PROCESS: [<Process Name>] Process start.

Message type: Information

Sub process of material extraction starts.

Y0_XX_0001 714 SUB PROCESS: [<Process Name>] Process normal end.

Message type: Information

Sub process of material extraction ends normally.


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3. Message Guide

3-3. Material Extraction

3-3 Material Extraction

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_XX_0001 715 SUB PROCESS: [<Process Name>] Process abnormal end.
Message type: Error / Information
Sub process of material extraction ends abnormally.

Please take measures against the error.
Execute material extraction process again.

Y0_XX_0001 716 [<Record Count>]records are extracted.

Message type: Information
The number of material codes extracted from R/3 material master is described.


Y0_XX_0001 717 File renamed from [<File Name1>] to [<File Name2>] successfully.

Message type: Information

In FTP process, <File Name1> is renamed to <File Name2>.


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3. Message Guide

3-3. Material Extraction

3-3 Material Extraction

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_MM_0001 007 Local/Pending/No G/D-CAT material codes are extracted from R/3 master.
Message type: Information
When you set “Sync Local Registered Material Only” checked, local / pending
and no-G-CAT/D-CAT material codes are extracted from R/3 material master.


Y0_MM_0001 008 Global/Out of Date material codes are extracted from R/3 master.
Message type: Information
When you set “Sync Local Registered Material Only” unchecked,
global / discontinued Out of date material codes are extracted from R/3 material master.


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3. Message Guide

3-4. Material Synchronization

3-4 Material Synchronization

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_XX_0001 001 Cannot open file. Filename : [<Path> : <File Name>]
Message type: Error
The target file cannot be opened.

Please specify the correct path.
Execute material synchronization process again.
Y0_XX_0001 043 Error occurred in FTP process. : [<FTP Process Name>]
Message type: Information
Explanation: FTP process ends with error.
<FTP Process Name>
FTP connection error : Do not connection to FTP server(GCS server).
FTP command error : Error occurred when FTP command was executed.
TCP/IP error : Error occurred when FTP command was executed.
Normal FTP ECHO was not returned. : Transfer of the target file was failed.

Please check FTP connect information.
Execute Material synchronization again.

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3. Message Guide

3-4. Material Synchronization

3-4 Material Synchronization

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_XX_0001 045 Error occurred in creation batch input session. : [<Batch Input Process Name>]
: [<Batch Input Process Error code>].
Message type: Error
Error occurred in the process of creating batch-input (R/3 standard data updating method)
Call system administrator and ask him to take measures against the error.
Execute material synchronization process again.
Y0_XX_0001 704 File loaded successfully. Filename: [<Path> : <File Name>] Count: [<Record Count>]
Message type: Information
The system finished loading the target file successfully.


Y0_XX_0001 708 FTP Host: [<FTP Host>] /FTP User: [<FTP User>]
Message type: Information
Displays FTP destination and FTP user to which the system is logging on.
(The value typed in the initial screen)

Y0_XX_0001 710 MAIN PGM: Y0_MM_SAB0003 Process start.

Message type: Information
Material synchronization process starts.


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3. Message Guide

3-4. Material Synchronization

3-4 Material Synchronization

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_XX_0001 711 MAIN PGM: [<Process Name>] Process normal end.
Message type: Information
Material synchronization process ends normally.

Y0_XX_0001 712 MAIN PGM: [<Process Name>] Process abnormal end.
Message type: Error / Information
Material synchronization process ends abnormally.

Please take measure against the error.
Execute material synchronization process again.

Y0_XX_0001 713 SUB PROCESS: [<Process Name>] Process start.

Message type: Information

Sub process of material synchronization starts.

Y0_XX_0001 714 SUB PROCESS: [<Process Name>] Process normal end.

Message type: Information

Sub process of material synchronization ends normally.


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3. Message Guide

3-4. Material Synchronization

3-4 Material Synchronization

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_XX_0001 715 SUB PROCESS: [<Process Name>] Process abnormal end.
Message type: Error / Information
Sub process of material Synchronization ends abnormally.

Please take measures against the error.
Execute material synchronization process again.

Y0_XX_0001 901 Unexpected system error occurred. Call Administrator: [< >] .
Message type: Error / Information
Unexpected system error has occurred in GCS verification function.
Material synchronization process ends abnormally.

Call system administrator and ask him to take measures against the error.
Execute material synchronization process again.

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3. Message Guide

3-4. Material Synchronization

3-4 Material Synchronization

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_MM_0001 003 Error occurred in GCS verification function. Error control file: [<Path> : <File Name>]

Message type: Error

An error has occurred in GCS verification function, and the error control file was created in
GCS server. Material synchronization process detected the error control file in GCS server.

Please take measures against the error.
Execute material synchronization process again.

Y0_MM_0001 004 GCS error message code : [< error code >]
Message type: Error
Explanation: The error number is notified in the error control file.
Please take measures against the error.
Execute material synchronization process again.
Y0_MM_0001 009 Record count is different.
Result file: [<Record Count>] Control file: [<Record Count>]
Message type: Error

Explanation: There is a discrepancy between the check result file record count and
“record count” value contained in the control file.

Call system administrator and ask him to take measures against the error.
Execute material synchronization again.

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3. Message Guide

3-4. Material Synchronization

3-4 Material Synchronization

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_MM_0001 010 GCS error control file is 0 record.
Message type: Error
The error control file exists, but contains no record, due to an unexpected error in
GCS verification function.

Please call system administrator and ask him to take measures against the error.
Execute Material Synchronization again.

Y0_MM_0001 011 There is no material to update. 

Message type: Information

After analyzing the result data from GCS verification function, the system did not detect any
records to be updated.

Y0_MM_0001 012 Update Material No: [<Material Code>] / Field: [<Update Field>] =
([<Old Value>] ) -> ([<New Value>] ).
Message type: Information
This material code will be processed with batch-input (R/3 standard data updating method).
** Note that all the materials shown here might NOT exactly correspond to the materials
updated, because of some irregular cases, such as master data inconsistency etc.
Make sure to check updating status with SM35, batch-input session manager.
Y0_MM_0001 013 GCS fnc has returned a error cd([<Material Code>]) against
material([<Material Code>]). Call admin.
Message type: Error (but process continues after this message.)

GCS verification function has returned a error code against the material specified.
(Message type is “Information" in order to process remaining materials, regardless whether
the system detects errors in synchronization process or not.)
Call system administrator and ask him to take measures against the GCS error.
Execute material synchronization process again.
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3. Message Guide

3-4. Material Synchronization

3-4 Material Synchronization

No No Explanation
Y0_MM_0001 015 Total count of update Material: [<Record Count>]
Message type: Information

Information of the materials which will be updated with batch-input processing.


Y0_MM_0001 016 GCS copy DB function has returned a fatal error code.
Message type: Error(When online execution) / Information(When back ground execution)

The system detected a fatal error code (parameters, database and other unexpected errors)
in the result file from GCS verification function.
Call system administrator and ask him to take measures against the error.
Execute material synchronization process again.

Y0_MM_0001 020 Past date is not allowed.

Message type: Error

Past date is not permitted to populated in “Process Date” field of selection screen.

Y0_MM_0001 025 Get the check result file.
Message type: Information

The system is getting the check result file from GCS server via FTP.
(This is synchronization Process step message.)


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3. Message Guide

3-4. Material Synchronization

3-4 Material Synchronization

Msg Class No Explanation

Y0_MM_0001 026 Get the error control file.
Message type: Information
The system is getting the error control file from GCS server, via FTP.
(This is synchronization process step message.)
Y0_MM_0001 027 Open the error control file.
Message type: Information
The system is opening the error control file.
(This is synchronization process step message.)
Y0_MM_0001 028 Cannot get the check result file.
Message type: Information
The system failed in receiving the check result file via FTP.
(This is synchronization Process step message.)
Y0_MM_0001 029 The processing which gets a check result file was successful.
Message type: Information
The system successfully finished receiving the check result file from GCS server via FTP.
(This is synchronization process step message.)
Y0_MM_0001 030 Cannot open the file. Since this is a normal case, processing continues.
Message type: Information
The system cannot open error control file.
However, this is not an error because “error control file” does not exist unless errors occur
while GCS verification function, due to inconsistency between extracted material file and
control file from R/3 side.
(This is synchronization Process step message.)

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4. Background Job

4-1. Define Background Job

4-1-1. Define Background Job (Sample operation)

Function outline

This is the initial

screen which 4
defines a
background job.
2 3
Transaction Code :
Access menu by :
SAP Easy Access
-> System -> Jobs
-> Define job

Procedure 1) Type in the items ‘1’. Then click on the “Start condition” and “Step”. End up with click on the “Save”.
No Item Explanation
Enter a name or short description to identify your job. The
1 Job name name can include any typable character, including spaces.
Example: “z_jobtest_for_material_check"
Enter one of the following classes for your job:
•A: Jobs with high priority whose execution is absolutely
necessary for further processing.
Class A jobs are always processed before jobs of other classes.
1 Job class •B: Jobs that should be run at regular intervals, for example,
jobs transferring performance statistics.
Class B jobs are processed before class C jobs.
•C: Jobs that neither fit into class A nor in class B and that
do not require a higher priority. Class C is the default class.
2 Start condition Goes to “Start Time” Screen (4-1-2 Page).
3 Step Goes to “Create step” Screen (4-1-3 Page).
4 Save Releases the job.
If you click on the “Save” button, you can release this job.

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4. Background Job

4-1. Define Background Job

4-1-2. Define Conditions of Background Job (Sample operation)

Function outline

This is the “Start 1

Time” screen which
defines conditions
of background job.

You can define the 2

conditions of
background job.

3 7

Procedure No Item Explanation

1 Date/Time Click on this item, then displays “Date/Time” (2) field.
2 Date/Time Entry Type in this items.
3 Periodic job You put in a check to make it a periodical job.
4 Period values View as popup “Period Values”.
5 Daily One of period values.
6 Save Save the period values.
7 Save Goes to initial Screen (4-1-1 Page).
1) Click on the item no 1. 4) Click on the item no 4. 6) Click on the item no 6.
2) Type in the item no 2. 5) Click on the item no 5. 7) Click on the item no 7.
3) Check in the item no 3.
Result Defined condition of background job.
Remarks When you’d like to carry out at daily process job

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4. Background Job

4-1. Define Background Job

4-1-3. Create Step of Background Job (Sample operation)

Function outline

This is the “Create

Step” screen which
creates step of
background job. 1


Procedure No Item Explanation

1 ABAP program Click on the this item, then displayed entry items.

2 ABAP program Name Type in the program name which executes by job.

3 ABAP program Variant Type in the variant .

4 Save Goes to initial Screen (4-1-1 Page).

1) Click on the “ABAP program”.

2) Type in the program “Y0_MM_SAB003” .
3) Select variant “Z_TEST_FOR_JOB” in the F4 menu.
4) Click on the “Save” button. And goes to initial screen.

Goes to initial screen.



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4. Background Job

4-2. Confirm Job log and Spool

4-2-1. Select the relevant Job

Function outline

This is the Simple

Job Selection
Transaction Code :
SM37 1

Access menu by :
SAP Easy Access
-> System -> Jobs
-> Job overview

Procedure 1) Type in the items ‘1’ and ‘2’. Then click on the “Execute”.
No Item Explanation

The name of the R/3 user who scheduled a job or job-step.

1 User name This is not necessarily the user under whose authorizations the job runs.

During scheduling: Specify the start date or the latest start date you require for
2 Job start condition Fr. To your background job. To restrict the scope of the overview, specify the earliest
or latest start date for the overview.

3 Execute Goes to “Job Overview” Screen (4-2-2 Page).

Goes to “Job Overview” Screen (4-2-2 Page).



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Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

4. Background Job

4-2. Confirm Job log and Spool

4-2-2. Job Overview

Function outline

This is the Job

Overview screen.

You can select the 3

JobName, then you
can click on Spool
and Job log button.

Procedure 1) Check on the items ‘1’. Then click on either the item “Spool” or the item “Job log”.
No Item Explanation

Click on the check box of the job name you would like to
1 JobName
Goes to “Output Controller: List of Spool Requests” Screen
2 Spool
(4-2-3 Page).
3 Job log Goes to “Job Log Entries for …” Screen (4-2-5 Page).

Goes to “Output Controller: List of Spool Requests” Screen(4-2-3 Page).

or Goes to “Job Log Entries for …” Screen (4-2-4 Page).


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4. Background Job

4-2. Confirm Job log and Spool

4-2-3. Output Controller: List of Spool Requests (1)

Function outline

This is the Output

Controller: List of
Spool Requests
You can select the
relevant spool.

Procedure 1) Check on the items ‘1’. Then click on the item ‘2’.
No Item Explanation

Click on the check box of the job name you would like to
1 Spool no.
Goes to “Graphical display of spool Requests …” Screen
2 Display contents
(4-2-4 Page).

Goes to “Graphical display of spool Requests …” Screen (4-2-4 Page).



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Operation Manual Function Name Material Master Verification Notes Y/N

4. Background Job

4-2. Confirm Job log and Spool

4-2-4. Graphical display of spool Requests …

Function outline

This is the
Graphical display of
spool Requests …
screen. 1

You can confirm the

log of

Procedure 1) Click on the items ‘1’.

No Item Explanation

Goes to “Output Controller: List of Spool Requests” Screen

1 Back
(4-2-3 Page).

Goes to “Output Controller: List of Spool Requests” Screen(4-2-3 Page).



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4. Background Job

4-2. Confirm Job log and Spool

4-2-5. Job Overview

Function outline

This is the Job log


You can confirm the 1

Job log of
background job.

Procedure 1) Click on the items ‘1’.

No Item Explanation

1 Back Goes to “Job Overview” Screen (4-2-2 Page).

Goes to “Job Overview” Screen (4-2-2 Page).



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