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•Sex: male
•Age:51 years old
•Weight: 78 kg
•Height: 172 cm
•BMI: 23.75 kg/m2
•Family history: No History
Abdomen and Pelvis ultrasound:

• The liver appears normal in size and echo texture and no focal lesion is seen.
• Gall bladder is normal; no biliary tree dilatation
• Normal spleen.
• Both kidneys are normal in size & position, normal
CM differentiation
• Rt. kidney shows multiple stones, largest 10mm in upper pole.
• Lt. kidney shows moderate hydronephrosis & upper hydroureter
ureteric stone?
Partially filled urinary bladder.
Normal prostate gland .
No local free fluid seen.
Microscopical Finding

• R,B,Cs: +
• Pus Cells:0-1
• Casts:  …...
• Uric Acid:Few
• Ca. oxalate: ….
• Amorphus: ….
• Ep Cells:Few
• M. Thread: …..
• Others: ….
Test Result unit Flag Reference Range
ALP IFCC Gen.2 166.7 U/L H 40.0 - 129.0

ALT 85.2 U/L H 0.0 - 41.0 

AST 29.2 U/L 0.0 - 40.0

CERA Jaffe Gen2 Comp 0.91 mg/dl 0.50 - 1.20

Glucose HK Gen.3 142.0 mg/dl H 74.0 - 109.0

Uric Acid ver.2 3.17 mg/dl L 3.40 - 7.00

Urea/Bun liquid 21.3 mg/dl 16.6 - 48.5

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