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The 7S

The practice of 5S in this school The First Discipline: Sort
7S comes from 7 Japanese words Sort means clearing the work area.
that have been translated into English. It means that any work area should have
While the actual English translation may only the items needed. All other items
vary depending on the organization should be cleared (sorted out) from the
practicing it, the meaning remains the work area. To clear the area means to
same. The 7S are as follows: organize the work place so that it
becomes a more effective, more efficient
place to perform any work.
1st Discipline - Sort This are steps to follow to practice the
2nd Discipline - Set in Order first S or Sort:
3rd Discipline - Shine
1. Define what is needed in a work
4th Discipline - Standardize area. Look not just at equipment and
5th Discipline - Safety tools used but also at the materials,
6th Discipline - Security supplies an even paperwork. To
define what is needed in a work area
7th Discipline - Sustain
is not something that can be done
effectively by one person working
alone; a team effort representing all
person in the work area is the best
way to do it.

2. Disposition the items. When the 4. Sell or donate the item. Look for
team has already identified them, opportunities to sell or donate it.
consider the other items currently in
the work area. This can be done 5. Throw it away. Before throwing it
with the use of tags. Determine if away, be sure that safety and
they are still needed in the work environmental concerns have been
area anymore, determine where taken into consideration.
they could be stored. There is also a
need to determine the frequency of
use of the items. The less frequently
an item is used, the farther the work The Second Discipline: Set in Order
area it should be stored.
Set in Order means designating a
proper location for an item. Everything
3. Take action. When the items have
in the work area should have a place and
already been dispositioned, it is time
everything should be in its place.
to take action to clear the workplace
and move tagged items to a
1. The frequency of use of the item and
temporary holding area. The holding
its proximity must be considered in
area should be put in a place
determining its storage location. The
accessible to others who can
ones used many times during the
examine the items, confirm that
day or at least ones every two days
they do not need to be kept in the
must be stored in the work area. The
area, or discuss why they think an
ones used once a week may be
item is needed in the work area.
stored in certain designated areas.
2. The storage area must be spacious. 5. For permanent paper work areas,
Whatever area the items are stored related materials must have
in, their spaces should be out of designated locations. Whatever is
paths are passageways and away placed in such areas must also be
from electrical equipment. There properly labeled.
must be enough room around the
object to access so that the items
can be easily and safely stored. The Third Discipline: Shine
Heavy items that are accessed
manually should be stored too high Shine means keeping the workplace
or low. clean. To observe the cleanliness of the
work place is to exert housekeeping
3. The safety of the equipment must efforts, improve the appearance of the
be taken into consideration. work area, maintain the cleanliness of
Electronics or flammable items must the place, and more importantly do
be placed accordingly. preventive housekeeping so us to keep
the work area from getting dirty.
4. The waste containers must be so
located that they are convenient and 1. Clean the workplace and the items in
accessible and must not stand in the that workplace. It is important to
way. They must be given take the time to plan what needs to
considerable spaces. be cleaned, what will be cleaned,
and who will do the cleaning.
Any equipment that is kept clean Housekeeping equipment supplies
performs more efficiently and has less should be kept in designated locations
unscheduled downtime. Cleanliness is a near where they will be used.
plus factor in productivity and safe
performance. Practically, everything in Cleaning schedules are helpful.
the work place must be cleaned, but it However, continual cleaning of a work
would be of great help if time is really area is the best approach. If an area gets
spent to specifically list down what will dirty faster than it can be kept clean,
be cleaned. Cleaning the work area there is a need to find out the root cause
does not mean just cleaning the and correct it.
equipment and area directly around it.
It means cleaning the whole area
including the floors, the walls, and even 2. Set scheduled cleaning, schedules
the ceilings and the lighting fixtures. and responsibilities for common
Even areas under and on top of areas. A formal schedule is best for
equipment and areas which are not establishing who will do what and
normally seen, should be cleaned. when it will be done. A posted
These areas are often overlooked or schedule checklist is a helpful tool.

Proper cleaning tools are needed

for housekeeping in the same manner
the proper tools are needed in doing
actual jobs.
The Fourth Discipline: Standardize
2. Ensure that everybody knows how to
Standardize means everyone is apply 7S technique and imitate or
doing things the same way. It is not only apply them in the same way.
the committee that is involved in the
effort. Everybody must be involved, 3. Do not allow the effort to become
creating the best practices and static; make it continuously evolve
motivating everybody to imitate those and grow.
practices the same way, everywhere,
and every time. There is also a need to 4. The rules and responsibilities of
standardize work area layouts and everyone must be straightforward.
storage techniques. To standardize is to Leaders must lead by example. The
put the system in place to ensure that managers and supervisors must
everyone does the things the same way. commit to the initiative, provide time
for the workforce to develop and
How does the sort is practiced must be implement 7S changes, provide
standardized. So must the set in order guidance with those changes, and
and the shine. The following are ways to support the 7S changes.
standardize them.
5. Member of the workplace must be
1. Ensure that roles and responsibilities embrace 7S principles and practices
are clear and consistently applied. and help implement the 7S in the
work area.
The 5th Discipline: Safety

Safety is the condition of being • Safety trainings to employees

protected against physical, social,
spiritual, financial, political, Resources required:
emotional, occupational,
psychological, educational, or other • Safety related instruction and
types or consequences of failure, Symbols
damage, error, accident, harm,
or any other event that could be • Personal Protective Equipments
considered non-desirable. (PPE)
Action Steps: • Safety Trainer or Expert
• Error Proofing (Poka-yoke) Target Outcomes:
• Avoid errors or mistakes
• Safety related instructions &
symbols • Reduces accidents
• Alert, Warning, Hazard area • Safer working environment
identification and labeling with
proper symbols
The Sixth Discipline: Security The Seventh Discipline: Sustain

Sustains means embedding the 7S

As organizations come to rely more into the culture. One might think that
heavily on information technology, after going through the effort to “sort,
the security of that information is set in order, shine and standardize”,
becoming a vital component of a the fifth S, Sustain, would be easy. But
quality management system”. unfortunately, sustain is the most
difficult of the 7S’s.
The adoption of information
technology and all the opportunities The 7S’s involve a culture change. And
and risks that brings has brought the to achieve a culture change, it has to
topic of security to the forefront. be embedded into the organization by
Basically, we want our information to: everyone at all levels.

• Only be accessed by the right 1. Communication is necessary to

people (Confidentiality) reinforce the 7S’s. Sustaining
• Be correct and only subject to requires keeping everyone involve,
change by authorised people or continually reinforcing what and
processes (Integrity) why the 5S is important. This can
• Be available to read and use be done by communicating to all
whenever we want (Availability). the 7S
4. Implement an organization-wide 7S
initiative, the message and by effort.
emphasizing to every one his role
• Start with the Leadership Team. As
and responsibility.
with any improvement effort,
implementation d the 7S must start
2. Leadership is necessary to
of the top of the organization. Only
sustaining the 7S effort. It
top management can create the
requires not only leadership
improvement needed and give the
but also commitment, and
effort the visibility and importance
allocation of the time and
it needs for long term viability.
resources necessary to keep
the effort going. • Build the infrastructure. The effort
should fit within an organization’s
3. Recognition of job well done
existing improvement structure.
becomes inspiration to
Divide and conquer by establishing
others. It is the fuel that
7S existing subcommittees for
keeps the effort dynamics.
Communication, Training, Project,
Support, and Best Practices.
• Launch communications, Conduct
short, focused and frequent
communication sessions with all
employees on what, why, how, when
and who of the 7S initiative. Deliver 5. Begin 7S Pilots.
the message in several formats The first pilot work areas to receive 7S
including group meetings, using the treatment should be the ones with high
organizations’ internet or website, visibility. For example, select work areas
bulletin board postings, and internal in which nobody wants to work because
newsletters. they are so congested or dirty.
• Train teams in 7S technique.
Develop a plan to train everyone 6. Established best practices.
in basic 7S concepts and then the
generic training with just-in-time Creations and used for a Best Practices
training in work-area-specific Database can help multiply the impact of
practices. 7S success by providing the means of
share success throughout the
Note that the initial teams may need organization.
to be trained in problem-solving
techniques and root case analysis.
Additionally, there may be need to 7. Develop a Full Roll-Out Plan.
provide training for the leadership Get ideas form members of the pilots
team in communication skills, about how to strengthen the 7S process
recognition strategies, and facilitation and use those ideas to develop a roll-out
skills. plan, define the sequence of events,
establish roles, responsibilities and
performance measures.
8. Continually evaluate and adjust.
Modify and strengthen the
infrastructure; select new tools to
add to the “arsenal” ; develop mportant-information-security-qualit
improve methods to measure in y-management-systems/
communicate progress; and
challenge work areas to constantly
improve. s/2015/12/4.pdf

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