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Data protection


Development of new information technologies and computerization have led to that

information security is not only becomes mandatory, it also one of the characteristics of
IP. There is quite a wide class of systems processing the information in the design
safety factor which plays the primary role (eg, banking information systems).
Under Security ICs understood security system against accidental or intentional
interference with the normal process of its operation, from attempted theft
(unauthorized receipt) information, modification or physical destruction of its
components. In other words, the ability to counteract various disturbing influences on
Threatened the security of information refers to an event or action, which can lead to
distortion or even unauthorized use the destruction of information resources of the
controlled system, as well as software an hardware.
Today, it can be argued that the new born modern technology - information protection
technology in computer information systems and data networks. The implementation
of this technology requires increasing costs and efforts. However, it avoids much
superior loss or damage that may arise during the implementation of the real threats to
IP and IT.
Definition of information security

Data protection is the practice of defending information from unauthorized access, use,
disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal, inspection, recording or destruction. It is a
general term that can be used regardless of the form the data may take (e.g. electronic,
Methods of information security in the IP

 Obstacle;
 Access Control;
 Encryption mechanisms;
 Resistance to attacks by malicious programs;
 Regulation;
 Coercion;
 Motivation.
Security technology
Protection of data and programs from unauthorized access, copying, modification implemented hardware and software
methods and technological methods. For software and hardware protection include passwords, electronic keys,
electronic ID, electronic signature, means of encoding, decoding data. For encoding, decoding data, programs, and e-
signatures are used cryptographic techniques. For example, in the United States applies a cryptographic standard
developed by a group of IETF. He is not subject to export. Developed including domestic electronic keys, for example,
Novex Key to protect applications and data in the systems Windows, DOS, Netware. Remedies are similar, according to
experts, door locks. Castles hacked, but no one removes them from the door, leaving the apartment open.
Methods and means of Data protection

System information security, as well as any IP should have certain types of proprietary software, based on which
she will be able to fulfill its objective function.
 1. Legal provision - a set of laws, legal documents, regulations, instructions, manuals, requirements which are
mandatory within the scope of their activities in the protection of information.
 2. Organizational support. It is understood that the implementation of information security is carried out certain
structural units, such as for example security services firm and its components structure: mode, security, etc..
 3. The provision of information, including the information, data, performance parameters underlying solving
providing operation of the SIS. This may include as indicators of access, accounting, storage and information
support of various computational problems nature relating to the activities of security.
 4. Technical (hardware) software. Widely assumed the use of technical means for the protection of information
and for support of the NIB.

Methods and means of Data protection

 5. Software. Refers to a variety of information, accounting, statistical and computational programs to ensure the
presence and the danger of leakage of different channels and methods of unauthorized access information.
 6. Mathematical Software. This - mathematical methods, used for various calculations related to technical hazard
assessment means by which attackers zones and regulations necessary protection.
 7. Linguistic support. Special set of linguistic resources communication specialists and users in the field of
information security.
 8. Regulatory and methodological support. This includes rules and regulations the activities of, services, facilities,
realizing functions of information security; different kinds of techniques that provide users with activity
performance of the work under tight compliance requirements Privacy. Normative and methodological support can
be merged with the legal.
Statistics show that in all countries the losses from malicious acts continuously increasing. And the main reasons for
the losses associated not so much with lack of safety features such as, but with the absence of relationship
therebetween, i.e. with the lack of implementation of the system approach. That Is Why need faster pace improve
comprehensive protection.

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