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Gold Recovery by Heap Leaching

Presented By: Gaylord Ebro “Hydrogeology”

B Sc. Geology 5th Year 3:00 – 6:00 pm

History of Heap Leaching
The Processed of Heap Leaching
Gold Recovery
 Merrill-Crowe Recovery (Zinc Precipitation)
 Carbon Adsorption Recovery
Catalyst to Gold Dissolution
Advantages of Heap Leaching
Disadvantages of Heap Leaching
History of Heap Leaching

There is no record of the first discovery and use of gold,

but it must have been a very long lime ago. In the
beginning people probably picked up nuggets along a
stream. Later they learned to wash the stream gravel in a
shallow container to concentrate the heavy grains of
gold, much as the 49ers did with their gold pans and
sluice boxes during the California gold rush. This method
of recovery works well for deposits where the gold
occurs in discrete grains that are large enough to be
recovered by panning or sluicing. It also works for ores
that can be ground fine enough to free the gold and
where the grains of gold are large enough to be recovered
by panning
Cont. (History of Heap Leaching)

More than 5,000 years ago the Egyptians were

operating gold mines in Nubia and Sinai. They pounded
up chunks of ore and ground it in granite mortars, much
as grain was ground to make Hour. The ground-up
material was then washed to separate the gold, which
was later melted and made into ingots for use by the
pharaoh's goldsmiths. Most of the gold used for the
ornaments and death masks recovered from ancient
Egyptian tombs was obtained this way.
Cont. (History of Heap Leaching)

Until about 100 years ago this general method of mining,

grinding, and concentrating in water was the way most
raw gold was recovered from its ores. Then, beginning in
1886 large deposits were discovered in South Africa. It
was soon obvious to the miners that a new way of treating
the ore would be needed if the mines were to be worked
at a profit. Fortunately a new method was found, one that
not only changed the history of South African mining but
the worldwide mining industry as well
Cont. (History of Heap Leaching)

Here was a case where necessity was truly the

mother of invention. Three Scottish chemists, John
MacArthur and Robert and William Forrest, in 1887
invented a process to dissolve and reprecipitate gold
and silver by using a solution of alkaline cyanide.
Because cyanide is one of the few solvents that
dissolves gold, it was a stroke of genius that led
these Scottish chemists to try it and then to perfect
the process. For the South Africans it was a godsend,
and by 1890 they were successfully using cyanide to
treat gold ores. By the beginning of this century the
cyanide process had spread to all the world's gold
mining districts, where it was used to supplement the
existing methods of winning raw gold from its ores.
Cont. (History of Heap Leaching)

Heap leaching was introduced in the 1970's as a means

to drastically reduce gold recovery costs. This process
has literally made many mines by taking low grade
geological resources and transforming them to the
proven ore category. Ore grades as low as 0.01 oz Au
per ton have been economically processed by heap
The Process of Heap Leaching

In many ore deposits currently being mined the gold is extremely

fine, with panicles far too small and light to he caught in a pan or
sluice. Also, many of these same deposits are of such low grade
that it has been necessary to find a more economical method of
applying cyanide rather than the usual fine grinding and soaking
in steel tanks. (see Figure 1)

In heap leaching, ore from the mine is piled up in a heap, as

shown in the photograph. Cyanide solution is applied to the upper
surface and allowed to infiltrate and flow to the bottom of the
heap where it may be intercepted by previously placed drains and
then led to a holding pond, called a pregnant pond.
Cont. (The Process of Heap Leaching)
Morning Star
Mine in the
eastern Mojave
California. This
is a typical open-
pit gold mine
using the cyanide
heap leach
technology to
recover gold.
labeled on the
photograph, as
are the mine pit
and gold
processing plant
Cont. (The Process of Heap Leaching)

Two (2) Types of Cyanide Heap Leach

Cross-sectional views of two types of cyanide heap leach ore
piles, as shown in Figure 2 and 3. The major difference between
the two methods is in the method for recovering pregnant cyanide
solution from the bottom of the ore pile. The view in (Figure 2)
shows how pregnant solution is drained from the pile and
temporarily stored in an exterior pregnant pond. The view in
(Figure 3) shows how pregnant solution is retained in pore spaces
of the bro­ken ore at the bottom of heap, from which it is pumped
lo the processing plant without exposure to the open-air
environment outside the ore heap. At left of the active cell in
(Figure 3) you can see a new rock impoundment under
construction This impoundment will enclose the lower part of a
second leach cell on this heap leach pad.
Cont. (The Process of Heap Leaching)
Cont. (The Process of Heap Leaching)
Cont. (The Process of Heap Leaching)

However it is collected from the heap, the pregnant solution is

pumped to a processing plant where the gold is recovered and the
cyanide is sent back to the heap for another load of metal. The
major advantage of the second method is the elimination of an
exposed pregnant pond where animals or birds could come to
drink and be poisoned.

Heap leaching generally requires 60 to 90 days for processing ore

that could be leached in 24 hours in a conventional agitated leach
process. Gold recovery is typically 70% as compared with 90%
in an agitated leach plant. Even with this inferior performance,
the process has found wide favor, due to the vastly reduced
processing costs compared with agitated leaching.
Cont. (The Process of Heap Leaching)

Successful operation of the heap leach process depends on

maintaining satisfactory infiltration rates at the surface and
adequate permeability in the heap to allow continuous How of
cyanide solution through the ore. The solution is applied at the
surface either by sprinkling or by using drip irrigation-type
emitters. The emitters are often more efficient and have largely
replaced sprinklers in many U.S. installations. Sometimes run-of-
the-mine ore needs to be sent through a crusher to reduce the size
of the rock particles and to better expose gold to the cyanide
Cont. (The Process of Heap Leaching)

Sizes (as 1cm), Also, the occurrence of fine-grained constituents,

such as clay, has reduced permeability in some heap leach
operations, and this has caused ponding of the cyanide solution
on the surface and greatly reduced flow rates through the ore.
When this happens, the mine operator has learned to mix ground-
up lime with the ore before placing it on the heap. This method
causes the fine-grained material to agglomerate, resulting in a
more sandy and permeable material. This process is similar to
treating agricultural soils with gypsum to increase permeability,
as described previously.
Chemical reaction

Chemically, it is a rather simple reaction:

4 Au + 8(NaCN) +O2 + 2 H2O = 4 NaAu(CN)2 + 4 NaOH

That presumes that the only elements are the gold, Sodium
Cyanide and water
Catalyst to Gold Dissolution

Copper is definitely worth mentioning, since copper minerals will

dissolve in cyanide solutions, and cause a increased use of
cyanide, the copper-cyanide complexes formed by the dissolution
will tend to inhibit the dissolution of gold in the cyanide solution.
Zinc, the element used to precipitate gold from solution, if present
in the ore, will bond with the cyanide to form a zinc cyanide
Arsenic and antimony do present a larger problem, by reacting
with the cyanide and using up all of the excess oxygen, leaving
little or no oxygen to effect the dissolution of gold. Carbonaceous
gold ores can have the carbon adsorb the gold onto its surface, and
as a result will not be recovered from the pregnant solution.
Con’t. (Catalyst to Gold Dissolution)

Leaching gold from sulfide ores is difficult, at best. Generally,

the recovery for cyanide leaching of sulfide or refractory ores is
no better than 30%, which is not a worthwhile venture.

The use of alkalies such as calcium oxide, will prevent the

decomposition of cyanide in solution to form hydrogen cyanide
gas. It reduces the volume of cyanide required to leach the gold
or silver. In addition, hydrogen cyanide is highly toxic to people.
So, the few dollars spent on adding a cheap calcium oxide to the
ore or solution, prior to leaching is worth the money spent.
Con’t. (Catalyst to Gold Dissolution)

The cyanide solution strength is also important in

leaching gold, with the typical range of solution being
in the 0.02% -0.05% NaCN. The gold particle size
has a tremendous effect on the time required for
dissolution in a cyanide solution. Generally, the finer
the gold, the quicker it will dissolve. A 45 micron
particle of gold would dissolve in 10-13 hours, while
a 150 micron particle might take from 20 to 44 hours
to dissolve in the same solution.
Con’t. (Catalyst to Gold Dissolution)

Oxygen plays an important role in the leaching of gold in a

cyanide solution, also. It has been proven that the rate of
dissolution of gold in cyanide solution is directly proportional to
the amount of oxygen present. Normal water will have 8-9 ppm
dissolved oxygen present in it, the decision to aerate and speed up
the reaction will be made based upon economics and laboratory
testing. It is not used much anymore, because most leaching is
heap leaching, carried out in the outdoors, where drip emitters or
sprays distribute the cyanide solution to a large structure of gold
ore, called a "heap". And while the pile of ore is called a heap, it
is not a haphazard pile of rocks. Much thought and design goes
into the making of a heap leach, to derive the best, most
economical solution for recovering the gold from the ore.
Con’t. (Catalyst to Gold Dissolution)

Once the gold has been dissolved in the cyanide, and the ore
body has been reasonably depleted of its gold, there are two main
processes for recovering the gold from the pregnant cyanide
solution. One is the Merrill-Crowe zinc precipitation process and
the other is the adsorption of the gold onto activated carbon. The
oldest method, Merrill Crowe, involves first removing the
oxygen from the solution, then mixing a fine zinc powder with it
(-200 mesh), and recovering the very fine gold precipitate on a
precoat filter, since the gold precipitate is very fine, ranging from
a few microns to 50 or so microns.

The zinc reacts with the cyanide:

2Au(CN) + Zn = 2Au + Zn(CN)4-2
Gold Recovery

1. Merrill-Crowe Recovery

The traditional method for gold recovery from pregnant

cyanide solutions is zinc precipitation. Originally,
solutions were passed through boxes containing zinc metal
shavings. Gold and silver would precipitate out of solution
by a simple replacement reaction procedure. Around 1920,
zinc shaving precipitation was replaced by the Merrill-
Crowe method of zinc precipitation.
The Processed

The Merrill-Crowe process starts with the filtration of pregnant

solution in media filters. Filter types used include pressure leaf
filters, filter presses, and vacuum leaf filters. Generally, a precoat of
diatomaceous earth is used to produce a sparkling clear solution.

Clarified solution is then passed through a vacuum deaeration tower

where oxygen is removed from the solution.

Zinc powder is then added to the solution with a dry chemical feeder
and a zinc emulsification cone. The reaction of the special fine
powder zinc with the solution is almost instantaneous.

Precipitated gold is then typically recovered in a recessed plate or

plate and frame filter.
Carbon Adsorption Recovery

Granular coconut shell activated carbon, is widely used for

recovery of gold from cyanide solutions. The process can be
applied to clean solutions through fluidized bed adsorption
columns, or directly to leached ore slurries by the addition of
carbon to agitated slurry tanks, followed by separation of the
carbon from the slurry by coarse screening methods.

Gold cyanide is adsorbed into the pores of activated carbon,

resulting in a process solution that is devoid of gold. The loaded
carbon is heated by a strong solution of hot caustic and cyanide
to reverse the adsorption process and strip the carbon of gold.
Gold is then removed from the solution by electrowinning.
Stripped carbon is returned to adsorption for reuse.

The major advantage of carbon-in-pulp recovery over Merrill

Crowe recovery is the elimination of the leached ore solids
and liquid separation unit operation. The separation step
typically involves a series of expensive gravity separation
thickeners or continuous filters arranged for countercurrent
washing or filtration of the solids.

Ores with high silver content will generally suggest that

Merrill-Crowe recovery be used. This is because of the very
large carbon stripping and Electrowinning systems required
for processing large quantities of silver.
Other Method

Other chemicals have been used to leach gold, and they include
bromine, chlorine, and thiourea. There has also been a lot of
experimentation with various biological media for recovering
gold from ores, but no one has come up with a more cost
effective and productive method than leaching with cyanide. In
some special circumstances, some of the other methods may
show promise, but for a good oxide gold ore, CN leaching is
usually the best of the leach methods for the yellow precious
The Advantages in Heap Leaching:

1. Comminution: Where as heap leaching is typically done on

-3/4 inch rock, agitated leaching requires reduction to -200
mesh. This additional step is typically done with large
grinding mills that consume roughly one horsepower per ton
per day of capacity.
2. Solids liquid separation steps are not required for heap
3. Tailings disposal costs are quite high for a modern agitated
leach plant. Large expensive liquid containment dams are
required. By comparison, heap leach pads can generally be
left in place after reclamation.
Disadvantages in Heap Leaching Process

1. The stacked ore must be porous enough to allow solution to

trickle through it. There have been many recovery failures
due to the inability to obtain solution flow. This is widely
experienced when ores have high clay content. This problem
is often alleviated by agglomeration prior to heap stacking.
2. In areas of high rainfall, solution balance problems can arise,
resulting in the need to treat and discharge process water.
3. In extremely cold areas, heap freezing can result in periods of
low recovery. Operational procedure modifications such as
subsurface solution application have reduced, but not
eliminated, this concern.
4. Ice and snow melting can result in excessive accumulation of
leach solutions. This concern can often be mitigated by use of
diversion structures.

Heap leaching involves placing crushed or run of mine ore in a

pile built upon an impervious liner. Cyanide solution is
distributed across the top of the pile and the solution percolates
down through the pile and leaches out the gold. The gold laden
pregnant solution drains out from the bottom of the pile and is
collected for gold recovery by either carbon adsorption or zinc
precipitation. The barren solution is then recycled to the pile.

It requires 60 to 90 days for processing ore that could be leached

in 24 hours in a conventional agitated leach process.
Cont. (Summary)

For copper leaching a dilute solution of sulfuric acid is used in

much the same way that cyanide is used in gold leaching.
Uranium is another metal that is currently being recovered by
leaching buried ore deposits in a process called solution mining.
Depending on the nature of the ore body and the enclosing rock,
uranium may be dissolved either by an acid solution or by an
alkaline solution.
Cont. (Summary)

Recovery of gold/silver, copper, nickel and uranium from the

leachate requires different processes for each metal, and these are
beyond the scope of this chapter.

The interest here is in the application of the concepts of

infiltration and soil water as they apply to all of these metallic
recovery systems. It is interesting to note that it took gold miners
about 80 years after the invention of the cyanide process to begin
to apply the heap leaching technique, a technique that was being
used all the time in many copper mining districts.
That’s All
That’s All
Information provided by Charles Kubach, Mining and Mineral
Processing Engineer
Reference: Chemistry of Cyanidation, American Cyanamid  

Applied Principles of Hydrology by John C. Manning, John

Wiley and Sons, 1975

(photograph: Courtesy of Vanderbilt Gold Corporation).

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