Speaking 3. Unit 1

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Unit 1: Great places to be

In this lesson
✘ Question 1: Describe HCMC. What do you like about the area where you
live? (your district)
✘ Question 2: What do you think visitors to HCMC should see? Why?

P.S. During the test, your answer to the question should last about 2 minutes.

Describe HCMC. What do you like about the
area where you live?

Part 1: Describe HCMC
✘ Basic information
✘ Culture, Entertainment, and Sport
✘ Negatives

Part 1: Describe HCMC
Basic information
✘ My home city, HCM, is situated…
✘ It has a population of about…
✘ It is flourishing and affluent city.

Flourishing: developing rapidly and successfully

Affluent: a wealthy city, a city with money.

Part 1: Describe HCMC
Culture, Entertainment, and Sport
✘ The city is famous for…
✘ One of HCMC’s attractions is (name of the attraction), which was built in (year)
✘ Thousands of people flock to (name of a music festival). This event takes place every (name
of the months).
✘ HCMC has very good nightlife including large opera house in the city center, a great deal of
movie theatres, and many music venues.
✘ It is home to (names of the professional sport clubs/teams).

Part 1: Describe HCMC
✘ The city is infamous for its traffic jams.
✘ High levels of air/water/land pollution

Infamous: Well known for a bad quality or deed.

Part 2: What do you like about the area
where you live?
✘ Vocabulary cards
✘ Useful phrases


Places that are too busy and usually with inflated prices.

Example in a sentence:
1. Some districts in the city are more cosmopolitan than others.
2. She dwelled in the heart of the city and its most cosmopolitan part.

Places that are very lively, very active, or very well situated.

Example in a sentence:
They live in a thriving part of town.


Places that are easy to get to.

Example in a sentence:
When choosing a new home, make sure it is located in an accessible part of

Something absolutely beautiful.

Example in a sentence:
Every morning I wake up to the stunning sunrises above the river.

Places that are full of energy and life.

Example in a sentence:
1. Tom felt himself being drawn towards her vibrant personality.
2. Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city

QUAINT /kweint/
Places that are attractively odd or old-fashioned.

Example in a sentence:
He lived more than seven hundred years ago in a quaint little town of Italy.

Places that are full of people, trade and business which is active
all day.

Example in a sentence:
Traveling to a bustling train station populated only by Others.

Air and/or water are dirty and dangerous to people’s health.

Example in a sentence:
The river has been polluted by waste products from the factory.

Full of tourists and things for tourists to buy and do.

Example in a sentence:
The town is delightful and historic, yet not too touristy or too big.

Useful Phrases

Things you like about your area: Things you don’t like about your area:

1. I enjoy… 1. I really dislike…

2. Another good thing is that… 2. … is something I don’t like.
3. I really like… 3. I’m not very keen on …
4. I find … very enjoyable. 4. I find … unpleasant.


What do you think visitors to HCMC

should see? Why?

Part 1: Describe HCMC
Basic information
✘ My home city, HCM, is situated…
✘ It has a population of about…
✘ It is flourishing and affluent city.

Flourishing: developing rapidly and successfully

Affluent: a wealthy city, a city with money.

Part 2: What should visitors to HCMC
to see?

Cultural tourist attractions can include historical places, monuments, ancient

temples, zoos, aquaria, museums and art galleries, botanical gardens, buildings and
structures (such as forts, castles, libraries, former prisons, skyscrapers, bridges), theme
parks and carnivals, living history museums, public art, etc.

Make a list of city attractions (no more than 3) that you want to talk about.
You need to know its location, when it was build, how many tourists does it attracts
annually, and be able to describe the place.


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