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Iam Basa. Abhiram

Topic : 

Alcohol Addicti
In Adolescence

Objectives : 
• About the issue

• Disadvantages 

• Solutions to the problem 

• Conclusion

Alcohol Addiction - About the Topic
• Alcohol use is a serious risk to the health and wel
l-being of teenage children.

• They are more vulnerable to the 

 effects of alcohol because they 
 are still need to be matured . 

What is Alcohol
Addiction ?
• It is an unhealthy practice
with alcohol in which a pers
on consumes more alcohol
than the limit .

• The person comes to a st

ate where the person believ
e that one cannot live witho
ut it .

• Alcohol gives short term p

leasure who consumes it. 
Why do some adolescents drink ? 

• As children move from adolescence to young adulthood ,

they encounter certain dramatic physical, emotional and l
ife style changes .

• They don't have developed thoughts on what is wrong or

what is right .

• Beside these reasons they do attract towards these due to

the bad surroundings .   
Disadvantages :
1. The first and foremost thing is increase in deaths .
2. Health risks : They will face more number of health iss
3. Brian effects : Consuming alcohol effects in long term
thinking and memory skills .
4. Liver Effects : It damages the liver .
5.  Growth Factor : 
• Adolescence is the period where hormonal changes tak
es place. 
Solutions : 
1. Rehabilitation Centers - The program guides the person
in safe  way and uses effective medical detoxing and provi
des counseling.   

2. Increasing the minimum legal age for drinking - Strict ac

tions should be taken .

3. Prevention programs - Awareness through Campaigns 

Conclusion : 
• Promotion of Alcohol and availability of alcohol should be

•  Proper awareness should be provided to each and everyo


• Awareness of alcohol addiction and it's consequences .


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