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Exclusive breastfeeding

as prevention of
01 02 03
Table of Contents

● Nutritional problems in children under five are a public health problem
that is still relatively high in Indonesia, both acute and chronic. Stunting

or short children based on age is an indicator of failure to thrive in

children under five years old (toddlers) due to chronic nutritional
deficiencies and repeated infections, especially in the first 1,000 days of
life (HPK), from fetus to child aged 23 months.

● Therefore, the 1,000 HPK period is also referred to as the Golden period
to prevent or correct stunting problems with various specific and sensitive
nutritional interventions. Specific nutrition interventions consist of various
programs aimed at tackling the direct causes of stunting, while sensitive
nutrition interventions are a group of programs aimed at tackling various
indirect causes of stunting.
According to the World Health
Organization (WHO) (2014) in
the Global Nutrition Targets

2025, stunting is considered an

irreversible growth disorder that is
largely influenced by inadequate
nutritional intake and repeated
infections during the first 1000
days of life.
● Stunting is caused by multi-dimensional
factors and is not only caused by poor
nutrition experienced by pregnant women
and children under five.

● The most decisive intervention to reduce

the prevalence of stunting therefore
needs to be carried out in the first
1,000 days of life (HPK) of children
under five. According to the 2013 Basic
Health Research (RISKESDAS) several
factors that cause stunting can be
described as follows :
Poor parenting
Including lack of knowledge of mothers
about health and nutrition before and
during pregnancy, as well as after giving

Health services are still limited, including ANC-

Ante Natal Care (health services for mothers
during pregnancy) Post Natal Care and quality
early learning.

Lack of household/family access to

nutritious food.
● Factors that influence the occurrence of stunting are
poor parenting, especially in giving food to children,
if the mother does not provide adequate and good
nutritional intake, especially breastfeeding when the
baby is born until 6 months, it will result in the

baby being malnourished.

● The factor of the mother, who lacks nutrition when

she was a teenager, even when she was married and
pregnant, will greatly affect the growth of the
child's body and brain. WHO and UNICEF recommend
exclusive breastfeeding to infants until they are six
months old. Because breast milk contains complete
and balanced nutrition that is easily digested by the
baby's stomach.
One way to prevent stunting is to give exclusive breastfeeding to babies at the age of
0-6 months which is continued until the age of 2 years. Also give the right
Complementary foods and complete nutrition from the age of 6 months.
The nutritional content of breast milk is very dense so that it is sufficient to meet the
nutritional needs of infants during the first six months of life.

 Breast milk also contains fats and proteins that are important for the baby's growth, as well as the
development of the nervous system.
 In addition, breast milk also contains various antibodies that can increase the baby's immune system.
 Various studies have shown that exclusive breastfeeding can reduce the risk of stunting. So,
breastfeeding is an effective way to prevent stunting.
 The success of exclusive breastfeeding starts with early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD).
The IMD process is carried out immediately after the baby is born, by placing the baby on the mother's
chest and then allowing it to look for the nipple and start breastfeeding. Generally, a successful and
effective IMD is associated with successful breastfeeding and good nutritional status of the child.

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