Molly Animation Techniques Technologies Timeline

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‡ Gertie the Dinosaur ± September the 14th 1914
‡ Steamboat Willie ± November the 18th 1928
‡ Snow White - February 4, 1938
‡ The Flintstones ± September the 30th 1960
‡ Toy Story 1 ± November the 22nd 1995
‡ Salad Fingers ± August the 20th 2004
‡ Charlie the Unicorn ± April the 30th 2006





it all started off in 18,000BC when the Historians drew Cave paintings on walls. For
thousands of years these people have been trying to show movement in their art. They
believed that these images were made to look like they were moving by the flickering
shadows cast on them from the fires. it was in 7,000BC when in China shadows of
puppets were projected onto parchment paper. This effect of the puppet shadows
projected onto parchment paper has developed into an art form in eastern countries,
mostly in india.

This is
a caveshows
what puppets
of a horse,
like has
when been
draw to
onto parchment
like it is
Animation officially started off in the early 1830s with the phenakistiscope, which was
a spinning wheel with slots in and the Zoetrope which was a cylinder with slits cut
vertically in the sides and a band of individual frames from video/ film on images
beneath the slits. This was an early animation device that used the persistence of
vision to create an illusion of motion.

This is a phenakistiscope This is a Zoetrope

Next was the flip book which was created in the 1860s The first flip book was produced
in this year. The flip book relies on persistence of vision to create a continuous motion
illusion. The flip book contains a series of images, that when flipping the book they
appear to be moving, when really they are not moving, it is just an illusion.

This here is what flip books look like.

in 1895 a man named William Harbutt invented plasticine. Plasticine is used for a lot
of model animation nowadays. Plasticine is appealing to its animators because it is
very easy to create a character. it is flexible enough to allow the character you are
making to move in many ways, it is also very dense, so it can retain its shape easily.
One of plastiticines main users is Nick Park who works with µAardman Animation's'.
He uses plasticine to model he characters in his short films, such as Wallace and
Gromit. Wallace and Gromit is a very famous animation. Wallace and Gromit are the
main characters in a series of short animated films made by Nick Park who works
with Aardman Animations. All the characters that are made for these short films are
molded with Plasticine.

This is William Harbutt

Gertie the Dinosaur is an American animated short, silent film , which was released
September the 14th 1914, it was directed by Winsor McCay. Key Frame animation
was used a lot in Gertie the Dinosaur . Key frame animation is a drawing that defines
the starting and ending points of any smooth transitions, these are called frames
because their positions in time is measure in frame on a strip of a film. Key frame
sequences show movement, which is what the viewer will see, whereas the position
of the key frames on the animation define the timing of the movement. This
animation used key frames, Rather than drawing each frame in sequence, Winsor
Mccay would start by drawing Gertie's key poses, then later on he would go back and
fill in the frames between. Winsor McCay was very concerned with accurate timings
and motions. What he did was he would time his own breathing to determine how to
animate Gertie's breathing. Limited animation was also used a lot in this short
animated film. Winsor Mccay used the Limited Animation process of making
animated cartoons that do not redraw entire frames but variably reuses common
parts between frames so it would be easier to draw/ move Gerti the dinosaur.
it was in 1928 when animation started to become much more popular. Walt Disney's
Mickey Mouse made his first appearance as a character on an animated cartoon
programme called 'Steamboat Willie', which was released November the 18th 1928.
This was the first cartoon with synchronized sound. Synchronized sound is where the
sound in the film is in time with what we see on the screen. Before we had
synchronized sound, cartoons were either silent or just had a music as the sound
(often with live musicians playing). This was the first successful animated film by the
Disney Film Company. µSteamboat Willie¶ Used sound
On February the 4th 1938 the first Colour animated film 'Snow Whiteµ was produced
by Walt Disney. it became the first full-length animated feature film in colour. Snow
white has become a very successful film, it is one of the most seen Walt Disney films.
On November the 14th 1989, Walt Disney µLittle Mermaid¶ was released. Cell
animation was used a lot in the little mermaid. Cell animation is images painted on
transparent sheets of plastic (these are the "cells"). We use this because for example
you could have one character that would be animated, while the background /other
characters are left non-moving , without needing to repaint anything but the moving
parts of the image. This type of animation is more time-saving because the animators
don¶t have to re-draw/paint much of there animation.
On November the 22nd 1995 , Walt Disney Released Toy Story 1. it was Pixar¶s first
feature film as well as the first ever full length all computer generated animated film
(CGi). CGi stands for computer generated image. Toy Story was a very successful
Walt Disney Pixar film. it is one of the most watched Pixar Films in the world, also 2
more Toy Story¶s have been made carrying on from the last story line
Top cat was developed by Disney and Hanna Barbera Company, it was released
on September the 27th 1961.
Limited Animation was used for topcat. Limited Animation is when you have a
process of cartoon images and you repeat the artwork by using different cycles,
these are the cyclic repeat and an oscillate cycle. The cyclic reapt artwork is
used in the order 1,2,3,4, it is then followed by the exact order again 1,2,3,4. A
oscillate artwork order is 1,2,3,4 but then the order reverses 4,3,2,1. Limited
animation means a process of making animated cartoons that do not redraw
entire frames but reuse common parts between frames. Some more examples
of limited animation are , the old version of Scooby doo and Yogi bear, These
Limited animations were first developed by Disney and Hanna Barbera
company, the limited animations are used because they save time and money
then any other animation. is an online video site, for people to upload videos of them self doing
anything, or for people to upload videos of there work such as them singing there
own original song, or an animation they have made and much, much more. Many un-
famous animators use YouTube to upload there work for the world to see. Such as
the creator of µCharlie the unicorn¶ Jason Steele. This animation µCharlie the unicorn¶
has become very successful, and more and more people are watching it everyday.
When Jason uploaded this video no one had heard or seen any of his work, but now
he is a famous YouTube animator, who has also made many other animations that
are on YouTube. YouTube opens are opportunities for animators because, when
people start to view your animation and you start getting lots of good comments, lots
of subscribers and stars you start to make more, and more and more people start to
watch them and you become like a µFamous star¶ on YouTube.

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