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How to write descriptive text

His name is Mr. William. He is a

_________(1)in a big company in my town. He
lives at Melati street. He is ________(2)years old.
He is wearing_________(3),
dark red shirt green sweater,
blue-jeans, and a pair of____________(4)
brown shoes
He’s got a square face, _________(5)dark
dark straight hair,

eyes, thick eyebrow, broad nose, wide lips,

fair skin
and__________(6). He has moustache, beard
and ___________(7).He is thin and tall.
He is a stubborn man. Some of his friends feel
_____(8)to him
get in touch with _____(9)because he
always gets angry easily _______(10)any
without reasons
A descriptive text is a text which describes a particular
person, place, or a thing.

The writer usually uses the simple present tense.

The structure of a descriptive text

1. Identification
It identities phenomenon to be described
2. Description
It describes parts, qualities, characteristics of person or something that is described.
1. Identification
It identities phenomenon to be described

Name What is his/her name ?

Status / Job What is he / she ?

Where does she /he live ?

A Particular

When was he/she born ?

Date of birth / Age

How old is she
Age/ date of birth

His name is Mr. William.

He is a driver in a big
company in my town.
He lives at 658 Melati
street. He is 35 years old.
2. Description
It describes parts, qualities, characteristics of person
or something that is described.

1. Appearance 2. Personality

Physical Appearance
What is he/she
( How does / she look like? )
wearing ?
s on
l ar
u Handsome

Pa rtic ra nce Ugly

A ea Young
a l App lity Old
hysic Qu a
P Good looking
Sp Short
Oval Face Ch ecial fat
d ara
Roun cte
Squar Lip ris
Chub s s A mole
broad Hai Mustache
Ski Dimple


Long Sharp Thin
blond t Green Pointed Brown Thi
h c
Straig Brown Flat Black Red k
Curly dark Broad Bla
White ck
Slanted Long
Gray Fair
round small
1. friendly 1=j a) pemalu
2. honest 2=d b) sombong
3. nice 3=e c) cerdas
4. rude 4=I d) jujur
5. lazy 5=g e) menyenangkan, baik
6. cocky 6=b f) percaya diri
7. smart 7=p g) malas
8. shy 8=a h) kuat
9. strong 9=h i) kasar
10. self-confident 10=f j) Bersahabat
11. creative 11=r k) berbakat
12. talented 12=k l) lucu
13. clever 13=c m) baik hati
14. active 14=o n) cepat
15. funny 15=l o) aktif
16. sociable 16=t p) pandai
17. slow 17=q q) lambat
18. kind 18=m r) banyak ide
19. fast 19=n s) lemah
20. weak 20=s t) mudah bergaul
Give description for the personality

Mr. Rofiq is a friendly headmaster He always welcomes warmly and smiles sweetly if
he meets the teachers or students
I like Mitha. She is an honest girl
She never tell lies .
She always tells the truth
It’s great to go with my father. He is nice.
He always makes me happy
He never makes me disappointed

Anton is a naughty boy. He is also rude. If he speaks, he always makes someone

broken heart.

My mother wants me to not to be a I never do the homework

lazy girl. I always get up late
I never help my mother to do the
house works
If you are cocky. Your friend will stay away from you

You tell about yourself proudly and always underestimate your friends.
You always tell about your rich family and your success.

Rudi is a smart boy. His parents feel very proud of him

He always gets good marks in a test.

He often wins in every competition.

Shanty is a shy girl.

She often hides if she meets someone

She often feels afraid to speak or say something

Mr. Gani is a strong man. He likes He can lift the heavy thing easily.
doing sport. He has big body and energetic.

She always speaks fluently and confidently.

Shanty is a shy girl but his She never feels afraid to say something.
sister is a self-confident girl.
My brother is a creative boy. You can He can create new thing well
see his works in his room. They are so
incredible. She doesn't get angry easily.

My mother is a patient woman.

He likes to share what

My uncle is a generous person . she/he has with others.

I don’t want to meet Bono. He is He usually talks about the

a boring person. same things again and again.

You like to help others.

Please be a helpful person !
Someday you will need other’s help.
hard-working Mandiri
unpleasant Bodoh
tense Pekerja keras
lazy Ambisius
generous Bau
relaxed Suka bersaing
Suka memerintah
ambitious Licik
competitive Cerewet
bossy Egois
sneaky Tegang
stubborn Gampang marah
Selfish Keras kepala
sensitive Malas
His name is Mr. William. He is a driver in
on a big company in my town. He lives at
fica Melati street. He is 35 years old.
e nti
A He is wearing dark red shirt, green sweater,
D p blue-jeans, and a pair of brown shoes
e p
s e
c a He’s got a square face, dark straight
r r hair, dark eyes, thick eyebrow, broad
i a nose, wide lips, and fair skin. He has
p n moustache, beard and sideburns. He is
t c thin and tall.
i e
He is a stubborn man. Some of his
friends feel afraid to get in touch with
on ality him because he always gets angry
easily without any reasons
Describe the person below !
Name : Dewi Asmara
Address : Malioboro No. 134 ,Jakarta
Job : a model
Age : 21
Personality :
- Self-confident
- Smart
• What do you think?
• (Share your opinion with the class.)
• Men vs. women?
• Boys vs. girls?
• 3. Female vs. male bosses
• For example: I think women are more talkative than men.
• I think men are less talkative than women.
• louder than
• Sneakier than
• more manipulative than
• less talkative than
• more aggressive than
• less affectionate than
• more stubborn than
• less cooperative than
• shyer than
• bossier than
What is it ?
What is Thing What is its name ?
her/his People How old is it ?
Unliving What does it
thing usually do ?
Where does
she/he live ? How old is What is it ?
What does
she/he ? she/he do ? How do you get it ?

It’s my watch. My father

bought me in my twelve

It’s my cat. Its name is

Kitty. It is 6 six years
old. It is a nice play
Write a descriptive text based on the data
Name : Mr. William
Status/Job : Pensioner
Address : Broadway Street,
Age : 65
Personality : tidy and wise
Mr. William
Mr. William is an pensioner.
He is sixty five years old now. He lives at
Broadway Street, California.
He wears light purple coat, white
trousers, white shoes, and a yellow T-shirt.
He also brings a white hat.
He is thin and tall. He’s got an oval face
and bald. His skin is fair. He has dark eyes,
sharp nose, gray mustache, and beard. He
is quite old so he has wrinkles.
Mr. William is a wise man. He has a lot of
common sense and knowledge so his
friends like learning new things from him.
He is also a tidy man. He looks very neat
and well organized.

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