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SCTR 19 – Religions of the Book
Prepared by Sean Hind
What is a Sacrament?
• Definitions:
• Latin: sacramentum; Greek: mysterion
• Rites/rituals performed in/by the Church, to convey God’s
“grace” to believers
• Number of Sacraments?
• Catholics & Orthodox Christians: seven
• Most Protestants: only two (Bapt. & Euch.)
• Aspects of each Sacrament:
• Effects & Ministers
• Biblical Basis
• Central Words & Actions
Types of Sacraments
• Sacraments of Initiation:
• Baptism
• Confirmation
• Eucharist
• Sacraments of Healing:
• Penance/Reconciliation
• Anointing of the Sick
• Sacraments of Vocation:
• Marriage/Matrimony
• Holy Orders
• Effects:
• Gk. baptizo = “dipped/immersed” in water.
• Becoming a member of Christ’s Church.
• Having one's sins forgiven.

• Ministers:
• Bishops
• Priests
• Deacons
• Anyone!
(in case of urgent need)
Central Words & Actions
• Words:
• "I baptize you in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
• Actions:
• Full immersion in water,
or pouring water over head
• Sprinkling or dabbing?
• Infants? or only Adults?
• Other symbols: anointing;
candles, white garment
Biblical Basis: Baptism
• Jesus’ Commands:
• Matt 28:19
• Evangelists’ Theology:
• John 3:22; 4:1-2
• Early Church Practice:
• Acts 2:38-41; 10:47-48
• Etc.
• Effects:
• Spiritually nourished by body & blood of Christ.
• United "in communion" with Christ & community.
•Gk. Eucharistia = “thanksgiving” prayer

• Ministers:
• Bishops
• Priests
Biblical Basis: Eucharist

• Jesus’ Last Supper:

• Mark 14:22-25
• Matt 26; Luke 22; 1 Cor 11
• Gospel Theology:
• John 6:48-58
• Early Xn Practice:
• Luke 24:35
• Acts 2:42; etc.
Central Words & Actions
• Words:
• Long prayer of “Thanksgiving”
• Esp. the Words of Institution:
“This is my body…”
“This is my blood…”

• Actions:
• Bread and wine blessed by minister;
received/shared by communicants.
• Effects:
• Strengthened by the Holy Spirit.
• “Confirmed” in the fullness of Christian faith.

• Ministers:
• Bishops
• Priests
(in some cases)
Biblical Basis: Confirmation

• Jesus:
• John 20:22

• Apostles:
• Acts 8:17; 19:6
• Acts 10:44-48
Central Words & Actions
• Words:
• "(Name), be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.”

• Actions:
• Bishop lays his hands on the head of the confirmed
• Effects:
• Forgiven of one's sins
• Reconciled to God
• Reconciled to others

• Ministers:
• Bishops
• Priests
Biblical Basis

• Jesus: Forgive!
• John 20:23
• Matt 16:19; 18:18
• James: Confess!
• James 5:16
Central Words & Actions

• Words:
• "I forgive you of all of your sins, in the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"
• Actions:
• confesses his sins
• expresses contrition
• proposes amendment
Anointing of the Sick
• Effects:
• Being strengthened in time of illness.
• United in prayer with the community.
• Physically/psychologically healed?

• Ministers:
• Bishops
• Priests
Biblical Basis
Anointing of the Sick

• Disciples anoint the sick:

• Mark 6:7-13
• Call elders to pray/anoint:
• James 5:14-16
Central Words & Actions
Anointing of the Sick
• Words:
• "Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy
help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees
you from sin save you and raise you up."

• Actions:
• Anointing sick person’s forehead &hands with blessed oil
• Effects:
• United in eyes of God & church.
• Legally recognized as a couple.

• Ministers:
• The couple themselves!
• Clergy are merely witnesses!
Biblical Basis

• God creates M & F:

• Gen 2:24
• Jesus vs. Divorce:
• Mark 10:2-12; Matt 19:1-9
• Paul on spousal unity:
• Eph 5:22-33; 1Cor 7:10-16
Central Words & Actions
• Words:
• "I, (name), take you, (name), to be my husband/wife.
I promise to be true to you…”
• Actions:
• Husband & wife publicly
promise fidelity & love.
• Optional: exchange of rings,
lighting of candles, etc.
Holy Orders
• Effects:
• Becoming "ordained" clergy, in leadership “orders”:
• Bishops
• Priests
• Deacons

• Ministers:
• only Bishops
Biblical Basis
Holy Orders

• Jesus chooses Apostles:

• Mark 3:13-19; etc.

• Laying on of Hands:
• Acts 6:6
• 1 Tim 4:14; 5:22
• 2 Tim 1:6
Central Words & Actions
Holy Orders

• Words:
• "Prayer of Consecration”

• Actions:
• Laying hands on ordinand’s head
• Anointing hands with holy oil
• Several other symbolic gestures
• Seven Sacraments (Cath.):
• Baptism
• Eucharist
• Confirmation
• Penance/Reconciliation
• Anointing of the Sick
• Matrimony/Marriage
• Holy Orders
• Two Sacraments (Prot.):
• Baptism
• Eucharist

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