Plane Waves in Nonconducting Media: With 0, Then Equation of Waves

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Plane waves in nonconducting media

With =0, then Equation of waves:

 2

    2  0

In one dimension, it become:

 2
  2
z 2
with the solution is in the form
  i  kz t    i  kz t 
E  E0 e and B  B0 e
Substituting it into Maxwell Eqs., yield
 
kzˆ  E  0 kzˆ  B  0
   2 
kzˆ  E  B kzˆ  B   2 E
Hence, it could be concluded that
  
k EB
Since Ez and Bz are both zero (or constant),
then it means that EM waves are transverse
Poynting Vector
Gives the direction of energy flow which
is formulated as
 1  
S  EH
Total energy flow:
1 1  A  2 2
CV    E d

2 2 d 

 E Ad

Impedance of dielectric to EM
Consider the solution:
E x  E0 sin  vt  z 

H y  H 0 sin  vt  z 

Since   E    H , then

 vH y   E x   H y   E x
Ex  E0
  Impedance
Hy  H0
It can also be written
E x2 
  E 2
x  H 2
Hy 

both has unit of energy density

Then, the total energy for EM waves is
written as the sum of both fields:
1 2 1
E x  H y

2 2
Plane waves in conducting
Considering that 0, the wave eq:
 2   2
    2  0
z 2
t t
Assuming the solution is in the form of
=(z,t), yields
k     i
2 2

If we assume that wave vector has the

k      i 
So that
1/ 2
  1  
   1  2  1 with Q
2  Q  2
1/ 2
  1 
   1  2  1
2  Q 
Then the wave form is
 z i  z t 
   0e e

The waves are damped since there is

negative exponential term
Skin depth
The EM can only penetrate conductor t
only very small distance
1/ 2
 2  E0
     Ex  Skin depth
   e
EM wave velocity in Conductor
The phase velocity in conductor
1/ 2
   2 
v        fc
k   / 2 1/ 2
  
When  is small, v is small and refractive
index c/v of conductor can be very large
Consider that
c2 
  r r
v 2
 0 0
For dielectric r  1, then
 rv  c
2 2
And then  2 v
r   r
 v 
For r/ positive, then the medium is
anomalously dispersive
Since in dielectric r=n, then behaviour of
relative permittivity is also refractive
index . r is constant at low freq which is
called dielectric constant
When Conductor / Dielectric
Consider the medium is represented as
•Current divide into
two branches :
Conductance and

•When  large, then conductance is

dominant become conductor
•When 1/ small then reactance is small
then become dielectric
J 
  100
D / t 
the conduction current is dominate, then it
become conductor
However, if

J 
  100
D / t 
the displacement currents dominate, then
the medium becomes dielectric
Why EM wave not propagate in
Consider simple RC circuit, the voltage
eqq dq q
 IR  0    q  q0 e t / RC
C dt RC

Electric field in the condenser will exist

only for t  RC, and will disappear when
the charge is distributed uniformly in the
Analogy, for the  /medium
 slab,
t / 
q  q0 e  q0 e
Impedance of Conducting Medium
Consider the EM wave in conductor
E x  E0 eit e z
H y  H 0 eit e z
where   1  i   / 21/ 2
Then using

 H
  E  
we get  E  iH
x y
1/ 2
Ex i    i
Z     e
H y 1  i   / 2  1/ 2
  

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