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Types of Technology & Its

Life cycle
What are various types of technologies?
Disruptive & Sustaining Technologies
• Disruptive Technology – A disruptive technology or disruptive
innovation is an innovation that helps create a new market and value
network, and eventually goes on to disrupt an existing market and
value network (over a few years or decades), displacing an earlier
Disruptive technology is an innovation that significantly alters the way
that consumers, industries, or businesses operate. A disruptive
technology sweeps away the systems or habits it replaces because it
has attributes that are recognizably superior.
• Disruptive innovation refers to innovations and technologies that make
expensive or sophisticated products and services accessible and more
affordable to a broader market. ... Amazon, launched as an online
bookstore in the mid-1990s, is an example of disruptive innovation.
• Netflix is a classic example of disruptive innovation that used a new
business model and technology to disrupt an existing market. It initially
offered a DVD-by-mail rental service and later launched its online,
subscription-based movie streaming service.
Disruptive technology provides opportunities for startup companies to
gain a significant foothold in existing industries.
• A sustaining innovation does not create new markets or value
networks but rather only evolves existing ones with better value,
allowing the firms within to compete against each other's sustaining
Using as many recycled products as possible. Using Environmentally
Preferable Products .
• In-store supermarket herb gardens significantly reduce plastic
packaging needs for fresh herbs. Dutch supermarket chain Albert
Heijn started using them in 2017.
•  Customers can cut their own herbs in the store and only buy as much
as they need. Many types of sustainable plastics are being introduced.
• Waste to Energy Recycling.
• Water Treatment.
• Crop rotation
• Disruptive technologies rarely wipe older technologies off the face of
the earth, or out of the business world altogether. But they do often
wipe out particular firms.
• Example - Disruptive Technology Digital Technology Chemical
Early digital cameras suffered from low picture quality and resolution
and long shutter lag. Quality , shutter lag and resolution are no longer
any issue.
Shutter lag is the time between pressing the shutter button and the
recording of the image
The convenience of small memory cards and portable hard drives that
hold hundreds or thousands of pictures, as well as the lack of the need
to develop these pictures, has led to replacement of chemical
photographic camera by digital.
• Task: what is the difference between chemical photography and
digital photography
• Disruptive technology
What is technology portfolio?
Products or manufacturing processes are generally not based on single
A number of technologies are embodied / encapsulated in most of
products and manufacturing processes.
Thus an organization is generally required to manage a portfolio of
The technologies in the technology portfolio are inter-related and
influence each other.
Portfolio may keep on changing.
Both nation & firm are required to maintain an appropriate technology
Technology portfolio decides the competitiveness and long term
economic future of both nation and the firm.
a. Technology Portfolio for Manufacture of Passenger Car
b. A nation is also required to manage a portfolio of technologies. National
technology policy aim at managing national technology portfolio / technology
base with following objectives:
• The national technology portfolio should lead to sustainable technological
progress / advancement
• The national technology portfolio should provide to long-term technological
competitiveness, more efficiency, more productivity, more value generation
and should lead to improvement in living standards of masses
• Focus is to seek development, acquisition, absorption and diffusion of
appropriate technologies
• The cost of technological change / improvement to the nation should be
manageable and optimal.
• Dependence on inappropriate and older technologies should be reduced.
• There should be increased role and contribution of renewable energy
• National technology portfolio should help in better disaster management.
• National technology portfolio should facilitate better law & order, internal
• It should help in conservation of resources, facilitate recycling, and help in
strengthening of resources
• It should help in better environment management; and protection
and growth of flora and fuana.
• National technology portfolio should help in creating right and
supportive economic environment and infrastructure
What is Technology Life Cycle?
• The biological concept of a life Cycle (i.e. Birth, Growth, Maturity &
Death) can also be applied to a technology and the product, service or
process associated with it.
• The technology life-cycle (TLC) describes the commercial gain of a product
through the expense of research and development phase, and the financial
return during its "vital life" .
• The TLC associated with a product or technological service is different from
product life-cycle (PLC) dealt with in product life-cycle management. PLC is
concerned with the life of a product in the marketplace in respect of timing
of introduction, marketing measures and business costs.
• The technology life cycle is concerned with the time and cost of developing
the technology, the timeline of recovering cost and modes of making the
technology yield a profit proportionate to the costs and risks involved.
• The TLC may, further, be protected during its cycle with patents and
trademark seeking to lengthen the cycle and to maximize the profit
from it.
• The development of a competitive product or process can have a
major effect on the lifespan of the technology, making it shorter.
• Some technologies, such as steel, paper or cement manufacturing,
have a long lifespan (with minor variations in technology incorporated
with time) whilst in other cases, such as electronic or pharmaceutical
products, the lifespan may be quite short.
• The technology life cycle can be broken down into following distinct
stages / phases

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