History of Pakistan: Dr. Saleem Raza Qureshi, PHD

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Dr. Saleem Raza Qureshi, PhD

Extraordinary Difficulties
• After long struggle by the Muslims of the Sub-
continent, Pakistan emerged as an independent
country on the globe on 14th August 1947.
• There was great loss of lives and property.
Millions of people were killed and millions of
women and children migrated to get shelter in the
new state.
• All that sacrifice was done for independent state
where Muslims can worship freely and live
according to their own culture and civilization.
• In the beginning Pakistan government faced the
following problems:
1. Administrative Problem
• Indian government delayed to handover official
record and transfer of government servants.
• The main problem was shortage of competent
and experienced personnel in Central and
Provincial governments.
• There was not even furniture and stationary for
administrative purpose.
2. Economic Problem
• Most of the areas of Pakistan was underdeveloped and
economically backward. The agriculture system was
• There were no major industries in the area of Pakistan.
• Hindu had monopoly in trade and business. Banks and
other financial institutions were located in Indian area.
• Besides technical experts and laborers working in the
industries were all Hindus because Muslims were not
educated and sound in financial capabilities.
• Therefore the government had to face economic problem.
3. Influx of Muslim Refugees
• Soon after the announcement of division of Punjab, riots
started throughout the province.
• Extremists of Hindu religion started to attack on Muslims.
• Many Muslims were murdered, their houses and shops
were looted. Women were insulted. Sikhs attacked on
trains which were bringing Muslims to Pakistan.
• Trains were derailed and Muslims were killed. It was also
problem for the government to settle Muhajirs in various
parts of the country.
• The government had to face boarding and lodging
problems of such people who came with empty hands.
4. Army Asset Problem
• There was immediate need of security and
safeguards of the boundaries of Pakistan.
• It was decided that Muslims soldiers would go for
• But there was military assets problems.
• There were 16 ordinance factories in United India
but Indian government did not allow to shift any
one factory to Pakistan.
• Arms and weapons given to Pakistan were in bad
5. Division of States
• All the states where there was majority of Hindus
but the ruler was Muslim, who wanted to join
• India opposed and such states were merged in
India. On the other hand Kashmir, where there
was majority of Muslims but ruler was Hindu, was
forcely merged with India.
• This was serious issue and Pakistan took firm
stand on the issue. Still this issue is not solved
according to the will of Kashmir people.
6.Kashmir Issue
• It is a core issue from the very inception. Majority of the Muslims
wanted to join Pakistan but Maharaja Hari Singh was reluctant to
join Pakistan.
• He got the help from India and signed for joining with India. On
the request of Raja, India sent her army and Mujahedeen of
Muslims started to face with Indian army.
• Some territory of Kashmir came under control of the Muslims.
India was in defense position therefore it brought this issue in
U.N.O in January 1948. Security Council ordered for cease fire
and it was decided that matter would be decided according to the
aspirations of the people of Kashmir.
• But India is not ready to accept such decision. There have been
two wars on this issue. Still tension prevails on the borders of
both the countries.
7.Indus Water Dispute
• Most of the rivers are flowing having their origin in
• On August, 1948 India cut off the supply of water
of two heads. Pakistan negotiated with India
about the share of water.
• It took lot of time. At least this issue was settled
in 1960 by International Bank for Reconstruction
and development.
8. Linguistic Riots
• After the emergence of Pakistan some elements
created language problem.
• First it was decided that Urdu will be the National
Language but Bengali students started agitation for
their language.
• Later on it was decided that Bengali will also be
national Language but there was great loss of lives
during protest.
• This issue was solved and in the constitution of 1956
both languages were declared as national languages
of Pakistan.
9. Constitutional Problem
• Pakistan government started to administer the country
under India Act 1935 with some amendments.
• But there was need of constitutions to be framed by
the elected members of the country. But it was
unfortunate that during first eight years constitution
could not get any form due to political instability.
• Later on in 1956 the constitution was passed by the
assembly and was enforced with effect from 23rd
March 1956.

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