Tense Revision 4 - Past Continuous I Past Perfect Simple

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Past Continuous
Past Perfect Simple
Domaći – tačna rešenja: Present Simple, Present
Continuous, Present Perfect Simple or Present
Perfect Continuous?
1. The River Nile flows into the Mediterranean. It is flowing very
fast today, much faster than usual.
2. You’re out of breath. Have you been running?
3. How are you? I haven’t seen you for over a month.
4. Half a million people pass through the station daily.
5. A: I’ll bring in the rubbish. B: No, it’s ok, I have done that already.
6. I have never read an English newspaper.
7. The ground is wet. It has been raining.
8. It’s too late. Nothing matters now.
9. Usually we have two weeks’ holiday but this year we are having
10. Ann has been learning English for 3 years. (She is still learning
Domaći – tačna rešenja: Present Simple, Present
Continuous, Present Perfect Simple or Present
Perfect Continuous?
1. My sister loves historical novels.
2. It rains a lot in this part of the country.
3. Peter is attending/has attended all my classes this term.
4. I am sorry. I haven’t finished my homework yet.
5. John and Mary have been writing to us regularly for five
6. Will the person who is tapping his foot please stop?
7. Now I see what you mean.
8. They have been waiting for you since four o’clock.
9. When spring comes, the swallows will return.
10. My boyfriend is growing a beard now.
I Potvrdni oblik? PLAY vs. WRITE
II Upitni oblik?

III Negacija?

IV Priloške odredbe?

V Upotreba?
I Potvrdni oblik: Simple Past glagola ‘to be’ (WAS ili WERE)
+ glagol + -ing
 I was playing, you were playing, he/she/it was playing, we
were playing, you were playing, they were playing
II Pitanja: inverzija
 Was I playing, were you playing, was he/she/it playing, were
we playing, were you playing, were they playing
III Odričan oblik: WASN’T or WEREN’T + glagol + -ing
 I wasn’t playing, you weren’t playing, he/she/it wasn’t
playing, we weren’t playing, you weren’t playing, they
weren’t playing
IV Speling: hating; hitting; admitting; playing; carrying
Označava radnju koja je bila u toku u
određeno vreme u prošlosti i implicira
njeno trajanje ili nezavršenost
I was reading a book last night.
(nezavršenost, trajanje) vs. I read a
book last night. (završeno)
2 duže radnje sa while:
She was singing while he was playing
the piano.
Privremene navike u prošlosti
At the time she was having singing
Past Continuous – pozadina radnje: The sun was
shining. ; The student was listening.
Past Simple – kratke radnje: He dropped the vase.
I Potvrdni oblik: Simple Past od ‘to have’= HAD + past
participle (pravilni glagoli:+ed, nepravilni glagoli: 3.
 I had played, you had played, he/she/it had played,
we had played, you had played, they had played
II Upitni oblik: Inverzija
 Had I played, had you played, had he/she/it played,
had we played, had you played, had they played
III Odrični oblik: HAD NOT (hadn’t) + past participle
 I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they HADN’T PLAYED
Odnosi se na radnju koja se
desila PRE druge prošle

They had moved into the

house before the baby was
The baby was born after they
had moved into the house.
When we arrived,
she was making
some coffee.
 When we
arrived, she made
some coffee.
When we arrived,
she had made
some coffee.
Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect?
1. World War I broke out (break out) in 1914.
2. Pavlova’s most successful performances were(be) in “Giselle” and “Swan
3. Peter forgot (forget) to wind the clock last night.
4. What were you doing (do) yesterday at this time?
5. When he first came (come) to my café, I had been(be) the owner for
6. I was watching (watch) the news on television when there was(be) a
loud explosion in the street.
7. While Mary was lighting (light) the fire, John was making(make) coffee.
8. I noticed(notice) him as he was coming(come) in.
9. Their spacecraft transmitted (transmit) pictures of Mars at about ten
o’clock last night.
10. When we arrived(arrive) in London it was raining(rain).
Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect?
11. Before he went(go) to bed, he had locked (lock) the door.
12. The plane crashed(crash) only half an hour ago.
13. I started (start) to paint after I had mixed(mix) my colors.
14. Suddenly a woman came (come) round the corner and walked
(walk) right up to me.
15. We were going (go) down in the lift when suddenly it stopped
16. He had not paid (not pay) the electricity bill, so there was (be) no
electricity when he got (get) home.
17. I was not feeling/did not feel (not feel) very well last night, so I
stayed (stay) in.
18. Where were you going (you, go) when I passed (pass) you
yesterday morning?
19. When I arrived (arrive) back at the car park, my car was not (not
be) there.
Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect?
20. Jane was (be) late for school yesterday. When she got
(get) to the classroom, the lesson had started(start).
21. He was chewing(chew) gum so, of course, he couldn’t
speak properly.
22. After I had done (do) all my work I went (go) home.
23. He reached (reach) the Irish coast at nine o’clock
24. My father spent(spend) his childhood on a farm in
25. He had failed(fail) the exam three times before he
finally passed (pass) it.
Dodatne vežbe: Skripta “Gramatika niži
Str. 5 pdf “Describing meaningful events”, 1. zadatak
Str. 6 pdf “Thinking about the past”
Str. 14 pdf “Places”, 1. zadatak
Str. 20 pdf “Fond memories”
2. deo: Lekcija “Safety precautions” (Skripta
“Engineering”, str. 23 u pdf-u)
Nove reči:
Precaution – mera predostrožnosti
Accident – nezgoda
Injury – povreda
Shock – (strujni) udar
Gloves – rukavice
Goggles – naočare
Liquid – tečnost
Superior – nadređeni
Prohibited – zabranjeno
Fire extinguisher – aparat za gašenje požara
Spray (glagol) – prskati
Burn (imenica) – opekotina
Wound – rana
First aid – prva pomoć
2. deo: Lekcija “Safety precautions”
(Skripta “Engineering”, str. 23 i 24 u pdf-u)
Zadaci: Reading 2, p. 23
Vocabulary 3, p. 23
Vocabulary 4, p. 24
Listening 7, p. 24
Listening 6, p. 24
Speaking 8, p. 24
Okvirni plan rada u narednom periodu
9.4. Expressing Future
23.4. Conditionals
30.4. Ponavljanje i vežba za kolokvijum
Kolokvijum: 16 & 17, 23 & 24, 30 & 31.5.? – odlučite o
datumu do narednog predavanja kao smer
Domaći zadatak: Odgovorite punim
rečenicama na sledeća pitanja.
1. Did you watch a film last week? Which film did you watch?
2. Did you listen to music yesterday? Which singer/band did you
listen to?
3. Did you visit a friend last month? Who did you visit?
4. Did you travel during your winter holidays? Where did you go?
5. Did you talk to your parents last week? What did you talk about?
6. Did you surf the Internet the day before yesterday? Which sites did
you visit?
7. What were you doing in March?
8. What were you doing yesterday afternoon?
9. What were you doing on December 31st , 2019?
10. What important things had you achieved before you finished high
school? Example: I had already bought a car... I had already visited
3 countries...
Domaći zadatak - uputstva
Domaći se radi na papiru, potpišete se hemijskom s

brojem indeksa i šaljete sliku na jelzivlak@gmail.com.

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