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1 Function

The pancreas is a gland that serves important functions

related to digestion and the production of certain
.And endocrine system of vertebrates

it is located in the abdomen behind the stomach ,and
surrounding spleen and liver

the structure
Is a long, flat organ as pear In adults, it is about 12–15
.centimeters (4.7–5.9 in) long
pancreas composed of two parts or lobes. The right lobe is
located near the descending part of the duodenum, which is
the first segment of the small bowel (intestine). The left lobe of
the pancreas lies next to the stomach

A – Endocrine role, relating to the secretion of insulin and other substances

within pancreatic islets that help control blood sugar levels and metabolism
within the body
When blood glucose levels are low, alpha cells secrete glucagon, which
increases blood glucose levels

When blood glucose levels are high beta cells secrete insulin to decrease .
.glucose in blood
Delta cells in the islet also secrete somatostatin which decreases the release of
insulin and glucagon
B - Exocrine role, relating to the secretion of enzymes involved in digesting
.substances in the digestive tract
Enzymes that break down proteins begin with activation of trypsinogen to◾
chymotrypsinogen to its active form chymotrypsin

Enzymes that digestion of fats include lipase, phospholipase◾

8 A2 , lysophospholipase, and cholesterol esterase

.Enzymes that break down starch and other carbohydrates include amylase◾
:The Maine functions of pancreas are
The hormonal functions which including -1
A-production of insulin which responsible for carbohydrate metabolism
B-production of glucagon which have its activity confied to liver glycogen

the excrocine function which responsible for production of digestive-2

10 enzymes (Pancreatic juice ) such as amylase, trypsin and lipase,
Pancreatic juice responsible for digest proteins, carbohydrates, and
.especially fats

Common Diseases of the Pancreas:

: Pancreatitis
One of the most important, and potentially dangerous, diseases is
inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis often arises when foods high in
fat content are eaten. It usually causes loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal
pain and depression. In severe cases, the condition can be fatal
:Pancreatic cancer
shown here, most commonly occurs as an adenocarcinoma in the head of
the pancreas. Because symptoms (such as skin yellowing, pain, or itch) do
not occur until later in the disease, it often presents at a later stage and has
limited treatment options

:Diabetes mellitus
A serious disease of the pancreas is diabetes mellitus or sugar diabetes. This
common disorder of dogs represents an underproduction or excessively low
secretion of insulin. Inadequate production of insulin causes the blood sugar to
become too high. Although the circulating level of glucose is high in the blood,
.many cells cannot use it for energy, and serious side effects develop

:Pancreatic cysts and abscesses
These are less common diseases of the pancreas. Pancreatic abscesses are
small pockets of infection that may develop as a complication of

:Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
A condition represents a deficiency in digestive pancreatic enzymes and
.leads to an inability to digest food properly

:Pancreatic function tests include
Microscopic examination of feces for detection of fat, undigested protein-1
or starch.
2-Examination of feces for presences of trypsin
3-Serum lipase determination
4-Serum amylase determination
5-Blood glucose and glucose tolerance determination
.6-Absorption test
Examination of feces:
1-Detection of fat :Fat appear in feces in the form of neutral fat
globules( orange or red color ) which can be detected microscopically by stain
the diluted fecal sample with Sudan III

Detection of fatty acids :Fatty acids can be detected by heating a mixture of-2
fecal smear with 4 drops of 36% acetic acid

Detection of undigested starch : starch can be detected by staining the fecal-3
smear with 2% Tincture iodine ,undigested starch will appear blue color

Detection of protein: under microscopic examination muscle fibers appear-4

light yellow
Examination of feces for presence of trypsin
1-Gelatin tube test…
Technique ..
1-add 9 mL of water to few feces.
2-warm 2 mL of 7.5%gelatin solution to 37C.
3-add 1 mL of 5% sod. bicarbonate and 1 mL of the fecal dilution and mix.
4- prepare a blank by placing 2mLof gelatin and 1 mL of 5% sod.
bicarbonate & 1mL of D.W in a second tube.
18 3-Incubate both tubes at 37C for one hour.
4-refrigerate the tubes for 20 mints and read the results
Failure of sample to solidify gelatin indicate pretense of trypsin
.…Film test

add few feces to 9mL of 5% sod. Bicarbonate. -1

2-place a drop of dilute feces on apiece of x-ray film or place a strip of film
in the diluted feces.
3- incubate at room temperature for 2.30 h or at 37c for 1 h.
4-Rinse off both pieces of film.
5- clearing of the test film where it has been soaked with the fecal mixture
19 .indicates the presence of trypsin and functional pancreas
Serum lipase determination( Sperctrophometer )

Interpretation …
Elevated levels occur in ..
Acute pancreatitis
Glucocorticoid therapy
Glucocorticoid administration
Renal failure
20 Other pancreatic pathology (neoplasia and , abs cessation)
Hepatic disease
Pancreas Removal
is possible for a person to live without a pancreas, provided that the
person takes insulin for proper regulation of blood glucose concentration
and pancreatic enzyme supplements to aid digestion.

Pancreas Removal may be in case Pancreatic cancer

Group works
Reena ahmed al- buraihi
Khawlah al- osami
Boshra ali al- khdhami
Shaima’a ali dahoma
Amal al- hakamy
Amat al- hakeem
Samar al- hajry
Amani saleh al- mothefery

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