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Six Sigma Project Charter

Business Case: Durable plastic ltd
Easy Ice Cream maker productivity improvement & HR cost reduce

Project Scope
Reduce manufacture & HR cost of Easy Ice cream maker

Productivity improve : 39%
HR cost reduce : 60%
Need tooling in mold to release product easily & auto dropping. Productivity improvement-39%
Reduce HR cost-60%
Champion: Mr.Sharif Uddin Subject Matter Experts
Date:04/06/2021 Mr. Mosarrof Hossain-SM-Mold Maintenance.

Team Leader: Mr.Sayem

Date: 04/06/2021  
Team Member: Mr. Mosarrof  
Date: 04/06/2021  
Six Sigma Director: Mr.Rahat Hossain Roni  
Date: 04/06/2021  
Problem Statement
At previous we engage five nos manpower for injection & packaging, As well as productivity were low.
Expected Benefits Target Stretch
 Productivity improvement. 39% 40%
 Defect Reduce 0.18% 0.20%
 Inventory (WIP) 0% 0% 
HR cost reduce 60% 60%
 Motion reduce No extra motion No extra motion
Total Savings TK-143600 TK-145000
Cost & benefits analysis
Cost Benefits-TK/Month Benefits Ratio
TK-330 TK-143600 99.77
Milestones Start Date- Plan Actual
Start Time 04/06/2021 04/06/2021
End Time 16/06/2021 15/06/2021
Using Tools  
6M,Cellular Manufacturing process.
Champion Mr.Sharif Uddin  
Team Leader Mr.Sayem,  
Master Black Belt    
Team Members Role Percent of Time
Mr. Mosarrof Subject mater expert  
VOC: Voice of Customer
Customer VOC Impact

Operation Need to increase productity to meet the 1. On time not delivery

market demand

party Not get product on-time 1. Customer demotivation

Quality Product is being defect due to bend &scratch 1. Defect percentage high (0.20%)
Process Analysis:

DPL (Store) Raw-Materials: Mixing Process Mixture Injection

Mixer Room Mixture injection Semi FG product Packaging

Injection Semi FG product Packaging FG product Distribution

Distribution Finish Goods Transport Process Loading vehicle Depot

Depot Finish Goods Vehicle unloading Storing in dealer ware Client/Party

Previous Condition
stick setting in
conveyer by 2nd,
3rd &4th men
releasing in
conveyer by
first man


Transfer to
Injection area
Easy Ice Cream Maker Measure (Before Improvement)
Defect Opportunity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
% of Defect Mean UCL LCL

Date Item name Production Qty Defect QTY % of Defect Remarks

Mean STD Deviation UCL LCL
Easy Ice Cream Maker 4000 10 0.25% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%  
Easy Ice Cream Maker 4100 8 0.20% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%  
Easy Ice Cream Maker 4114 10 0.24% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%  
Easy Ice Cream Maker 4050 6 0.15% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%  
Easy Ice Cream Maker 4080 8 0.20% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%  
Easy Ice Cream Maker 4000 6 0.15% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%  
Easy Ice Cream Maker 4000 10 0.25% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%  
Total>>>   28344 58 0.20%          
Defect Opportunity
Measure (Before Improvement) 1-Scratch.
2-Shape Deformation.

Total Number Of Defects Found In a Sample

DPMO=( X 1000000
Sample size x Defect Opportunities
Production Defect % of STD
Date Item name
Qty QTY Defect Mean Deviation UCL LCL
Easy Ice Cream 4000 10
05/06/2021 Maker 0.25% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%
Easy Ice Cream 58
4100 8 = X 1000000
06/06/2021 0.20% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%
28344 X2
Easy Ice Cream
4114 10
07/06/2021 Maker 0.24% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%
Easy Ice Cream
4050 6
08/06/2021 Maker 0.15% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07% =1023
Easy Ice Cream
Maker 4080 8
09/06/2021 0.20% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%
Easy Ice Cream
4000 6 Sigma Level=4.6
10/06/2021 Maker 0.15% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%
Easy Ice Cream
4000 10
11/06/2021 Maker 0.25% 0.19% 0.045% 0.34% 0.07%
Total>>>   28344 58 0.20%        
DOWNTIME Analysis (Before improvement)

8 Deadly Wastage Description

D Defects Product is being defect-0.20% by scratch & bend due to inventory.
O Over Production Production & packaging does not align that’s why some times create over production 0.25% almost.
After finish in hand stock packaging guys passing some idle times due to product were not available in
W Waiting packaging area right time.

N Non Utilize Talent We engaged 5 no's operator ( one for injection and four for packaging).

Transportation were high after injection we kept product beside of machine one operator keep on basket &
T Transportation
carry product to packaging area.
I Inventory Due to injection & packaging does not align that’s why create over inventory minimum for 2 days

Below types motion is creating

M Motion 1.After injection product kept beside on machine.
2.One operator make basket & carry product to packaging area.
3.After storing again send product for packaging .

E Extra processing Need to clean dust product those comes from injection area
Fishbone analysis

Machine/Mold Man
Lack of stick setting
Materials Lack of formal
Does not set std parameter
Training Lack of product keeping
Foreign Materials
Product not release from Poor Handling
Does not used mold
right grade
materials Productivity
Poor & HR
Had no stick cost High
setting Temperature high
procedure/instrum Lack of planning
ent beside of
power interruption

Method Ambient heat

Measurement Mother Nature

6m analysis:
Particular Possible Cause Investigation Real Cause improvement
Lack of formal Training Not found abnormalities No NA

Lack of stick setting knowledge Not found abnormalities No NA

Man We found that product were We found lack of product
Lack of product keeping knowledge We train the people
keeping not right way. keeping procedure
Poor Handling Not found abnormalities No NA
Does not set std parameter Not found abnormalities No NA
Machine/Mold Product not release from We tooled on mold to
Product not release from mold Yes, Has founded product not mold due to runner size release easily & for auto
release from mold.
were big & rough dropping
Foreign Materials Not found abnormalities No NA
Does not used right grade materials Not found abnormalities No NA
We found that did not Had no align stick setting &
Measurement Lack of planning measure process during keeping procedure. We train the people
Had no stick setting procedure/instrument
Method Not found abnormalities No NA
beside of machine
Ambient Heat Not found abnormalities No NA
Mother nature Power interuption Not found abnormalities No NA
Tempareture Not found abnormalities No NA
After Cellular manufacturing
process implementation


Injection &
stick setting
Measure (After Improvement)
Easy Ice Cream Maker
0.25% Defect Opportunity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

% of Defect Mean UCL LCL

Date Item name Production Qty Defect QTY % of Defect Remarks

Mean STD Deviation UCL LCL
13/06/2021 Easy Ice Cream Maker 5600 2 0.04% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07%
14/06/2021 Easy Ice Cream Maker 5550 2 0.04% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07%
15/06/2021 Easy Ice Cream Maker 5600 2 0.04% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07%
16/06/2021 Easy Ice Cream Maker 5760 1 0.02% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07%
17/06/2021 Easy Ice Cream Maker 5700 4 0.07% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07%
18/06/2021 Easy Ice Cream Maker 5620 1 0.02% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07%
19/06/2021 Easy Ice Cream Maker 5600 2 0.04% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07%
Total>>>   39430 14 0.04%          
Measure (After Improvement) Defect Opportunity

Total Number Of Defects Found In a Sample X

DPMO=( )
Sample size x Defect Opportunities

Date Item name Production Defect % of STD

Qty QTY Defect Mean Deviation UCL LCL
Easy Ice Cream Maker 5600 2
13/06/2021 0.04% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07% 14
= X 1000000
Easy Ice Cream Maker 5550 2
14/06/2021 0.04% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07% 39430 X2
Easy Ice Cream Maker 5600 2
15/06/2021 0.04% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07%
Easy Ice Cream Maker 5760 1 =178
16/06/2021 0.02% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07%
Easy Ice Cream Maker 5700 4
17/06/2021 0.07% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07%
Sigma Level=5.1
Easy Ice Cream Maker 5620 1
18/06/2021 0.02% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07%
Easy Ice Cream Maker 5600 2
19/06/2021 0.04% 0.19% 0.04% 0.338% 0.07%
Total>>>   39430 14 0.04%        
DOWNTIME Analysis (After improvement)

8 Deadly Wastage Impact after improvement

D Defects At now defect is reduce-0.16% present defect -0.04% while existing defect were -0.20%

O Over Production Doesn’t create over production because of Injection & packaging inline
W Waiting Waiting time zero
N Non Utilize Talent Now no need additional manpower for packaging as well as two guy can Injection &
packaging while previous needed five no’s
T Transportation Transportation effect zero
I Inventory No need inventory as it’s online process
M Motion Don’t’ have extra motion.
E Extra processing Don’t have extra processing.
Control System

Here has set up Poka-Yoke procedure because of We solve the product auto dropping
system by mold tooling
Project Overview

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Project implementers

Rahat Hossain Roni

Champion Expert
Sharif Uddin M-QA Mr. Mosarrof
Mr. Sayem AM-Prod
SM-Tool Room

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