Memory Fault Types

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Fault Types
• Stuck at Fault
• Transition Fault
• Coupling Fault
• Neighbor hood pattern Sensitive Fault
Stuck-at Fault Model

• Here single cell stuck at “0/” or a word

Coupling Fault
• Memory fails , if Write operation in one cell
influence the value in the other cell .
Types of Coupling :
1) Inverse coupling
2) Idempotent coupling
3) Bridge Coupling
4) State coupling
Inverse Coupling Fault

 Inverse coupling occurs when one cell

transition causes inversion of other cell
 Eg : 01 transition in cell_n will effect
the cell_m to change to “1” if the previous
value is “0” .
Idempotent Coupling Fault

 Idempotent coupling occurs when one

cell transition forces particular value in to
other cell .
 Eg : 01 transition in cell_n will effect
the cell_m to change to “1” if the previous
value is “0” .
Bridge Coupling Fault

Bridge coupling occurs when a short or

Bridge , exists between two cells
Particular value triggers a faults behavior
rather then proper transition .
Types of bridging
• AND Bridging fault
• OR Bridging fault

AND Bridging fault : Both i/ps cells are “1”

o/p will be “1’ in the other cell .

OR Bridging fault : Any i/p cell is “1” , other

cell will be “1”

 Contents of cell will be influenced by contents

of some other memory cell.
Base cell -- cell under test
• Active : Base cell is forced to certain value
(0/1) due to appearance of certain patterns is
deleted from neighbour hood.

• Passive : Certain Neighbour hood prevents

from base cell changing .
• Active : Base cell is forced to certain value
(0/1) due to appearance of certain patterns is
deleted from neighbour hood.
• Passive : Base cell cannot change its state
from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1 due to appearance of
pattern in the neighbour cells .
Transition Fault
• It is a special case of stuck-at fault, in
• which a cell fails to make a 0 -> 1, or
• 1-> 0 transition
Up transition fault:
• – Denoted as: < 1 / 0 >
Down transition fault:
• – Denoted as: < 0 / 1 >
• Write 0s (to initialize)
• Read 0s , write1s , Read 1s
• Read1s , write 0s ,Read 0s
Read 0s , Write 1s ,Read 1s
Read 1s ,write 0s ,Read 0s
Read 0s

14 Cycles of operation
Write 0101 to all locations starting at address 0 up to
address 3

ADDRESS 0 : 0101
ADDRESS 1 : 0101
ADREESS 2 : 0101
ADDRESS 3 : 0101
Checker Board Algorithm
• Algorithm Steps:
• up - write checker board
• up - read checker board
• up - write inverse checker board
• up - read inverse checker
• Divides in to two groups ( cell 1 and cell
• Every Neighbor in its different group .
• Algorithm writes in to “0” in cell_1 grp
and “1” in to cell_2 grp .
Retention CB
• Algorithm Steps:
• 1 up - write checker board
• 2 up - read checker board
• 3 up - write inverse checker board
• 4 up - read inverse checker board
• Retention testing checks if memory can
retain their initial contents for a certain period
of time .
• Waiting time period (10 ms to 80 ms) depends
on manufacturing process.
ROM Algorithm
• Reads the value from the addresss in the
increasing order .
• Reads the value from address in the
decreasing order .
• Then again read in the increasing order to
Check the previous read has damaged .

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