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General Psychology

Midterm Exam Review

Midterm Exam Review

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True or False?
Cognitive psychologists study
changes that occur in human
beings across the lifespan.

Developmental psychologists
study changes that occur in
human beings across the lifespan.
In a study on “how expectations influence
positive and negative emotions,” the
subjects expectations were the
____________ variable and the subjects
rating of their emotions was the
____________ variable.

In a study on “how expectations influence
positive and negative emotions,” the
subjects expectations were the
independent variable and the subjects
rating of their emotions was the
dependent variable.
True or False?
William James established the
first laboratory for psychological

Wilhelm Wundt established the
first laboratory for psychological
When a choice must be made
between two unattractive goals, we
are said to be experiencing a(n)
_____________ conflict.

When a choice must be made
between two unattractive goals, we
are said to be experiencing an
avoidance-avoidance conflict.
What are the three phases in
prenatal development?

Three phases in prenatal development:
• Germinal (from conception to 2 weeks)
• Embryonic (from 2 weeks to 2 months)
• Fetal (from 2 months to birth)
In Erikson's theory, the
psychosocial crisis during
adolescence is _____________.

In Erikson's theory, the
psychosocial crisis during
adolescence is Identity
versus Role Confusion.
What are the sleep stages?

Non-REM Stage 1
Light sleep, Theta waves
Non-REM Stage 2
Clearly asleep, Sleep spindles
Non-REM Stages 3 & 4
Slow-wave sleep (SWS), Delta waves
REM (Rapid-Eye-Movement) Sleep
Dreaming occurs
A(n) ____________ is a research
method in which the researcher
manipulates a variable under
carefully controlled conditions and
measures whether any changes
occur in a second variable.

An experiment is a research method
in which the researcher manipulates a
variable under carefully controlled
conditions and measures whether any
changes occur in a second variable.
A researcher engages in careful
observation of behavior in a natural
setting without intervening directly
with the subjects when conducting

A researcher engages in careful
observation of behavior in a natural
setting without intervening directly
with the subjects when conducting
naturalistic observation.
If a researcher is interested in an in-
depth study concerning the long-term
consequences that depression have on
an adolescent, the researcher would be
MOST likely to use the ____________.

If a researcher is interested in an in-
depth study concerning the long-term
consequences that depression have on
an adolescent, the researcher would be
MOST likely to use the Case Study.
Among the three kinds of
conflict, the __________ type
tends to be the least stressful.

Among the three kinds of
conflict, the approach-
approach type tends to be the
least stressful.
The tendency to give socially
approved answers to questions
about oneself is known as
_________ bias.

The tendency to give socially
approved answers to questions
about oneself is known as social
desirability bias.
______________ records activity in the
cortex with a series of brain-wave
tracings that vary in amplitude and

Brain wave activity is divided into four

different bands: _________________.

Electroencephalograph (EEG) records
activity in the cortex with a series of brain-
wave tracings that vary in amplitude and
____________ mind contains mostly
unacceptable thoughts, wishes,
feelings and memories that are
beyond awareness;
____________ mind contains things
that aren’t currently in consciousness,
but can be accessed.

Unconscious mind contains mostly
unacceptable thoughts, wishes,
feelings and memories that are
beyond awareness;
Preconscious mind contains things
that aren’t currently in consciousness,
but can be accessed.
What is the difference between
Assimilation and

What is the difference between
reliability and validity?

Reliability - degree to which a
measurement can be successfully
repeated (a.k.a. consistency)
Validity – are we measuring what we
want to measure? (a.k.a., truth)
When individuals in a research study
experience some changes even
though they received an ineffectual
treatment, they are displaying
___________ effects.

When individuals in a research study
experience some changes even
though they received an ineffectual
treatment, they are displaying
placebo effects.
What are the characteristics
of the Type A personality?

Type A personality
Strong competitiveness
Impatience and time urgency
Anger and hostility
What is the difference between
Structuralism and Functionalism?

– Structuralism – based on the notion that
the task of psychology is to analyze
consciousness into its basic elements and
how these elements are related
• Introspection – Systematic observation of one’s
own conscious experience
– Functionalism – based on belief that
psychology should investigate the function or
purpose of consciousness rather than
In ____________ moral reasoning
level, acts are considered wrong or
right based on whether or not they
are punished and rewarded for them.

In preconventional moral reasoning level, acts
are considered wrong or right based on
whether or not they are punished and
rewarded for them.
Katie is happy to play quietly alongside
her mother, becomes visibly upset when
the mom leaves but is quickly calmed by
her return. According to Mary Ainsworth,
Katie shows __________ attachment.

Katie is happy to play quietly alongside
her mother, becomes visibly upset when
the mom leaves but is quickly calmed by
her return. According to Mary Ainsworth,
Katie shows secure attachment.
What is the basic premise for
Psychoanalytic perspective?
What is the basic premise for
Humanistic perspective?

What are the three stages
in Selye's general
adaptation syndrome?

General Adaptation Syndrome includes
What are the four stages in
Piaget’s Stage Theory?


Egocentrism Conservation Adolescence

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