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Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description of the Project

INTRODUCTION The introduction should set the stage for the project by providing a brief overview of the
topic or project under investigation. It should include a Statement of the problem near the
beginning of the Introduction. The intent is to reveal to the reader the purpose of the

PURPOSE OF THE Statement of the purpose of the project

STATEMENT OF THE This section should elaborate on the problem presented in the introduction. Thoroughly
PROBLEM describe the nature of the problem; including the rationale for believing the problem exists.
Describe how the project will address the problem, and clearly state the goals and scope of
the project. These goals must align with the literature review and the methodology
LIMITATIONS OF THE This section focuses on the impact of the findings from your research. This section also
STUDY describes the boundaries that you have set for the study.

SIGNIFICANCE OF Indicate how project will contribute to the further development of your professional
PROJECT FOR discipline.

DEFINITION OF TERMS Provide the theoretical and operational definition of each concept indicated in statement of
Chapter 2- Review of Literature
LITERATURE REVIEW The body of the capstone project should contain the literature review. The
investigator will have to add all relevant research materials that have been read
that are relevant to your paper.

INTRODUCTION Provide introductory paragraph that addresses the purpose of the project,
databases used to conduct the comprehensive review of the literature, and
identifies the main topics to be addressed. It should both summarize and
synthesize the relevant literature.

SUMMARY Summarize each major topic so that the reader will understand how these articles
have influenced your project or how you will improve upon them in your project.
Chapter 3- Methodology
DATA GATHERING Identification of objectives of the program, presentation, etc. and method of
delivery. Description of the project should detail what you did.

SAMPLE SIZE Description of sample and sample size should include the parameters of your study
population, relevant participant information and demographics, etc. Provide
introductory paragraph that addresses the purpose of the project, databases used
to conduct the comprehensive review of the literature, and identifies the main
topics to be addressed. It should both summarize and synthesize the relevant
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Analysis and results. Provide a succinct summary of the findings of your
project.Summarize each major topic so that the reader will understand how these
articles have influenced your project or how you will improve upon them in your
Chapter 4 – Recommendation
December 16 December 17 December 18
G2 - A G2 - B G2 - C
8:00 – 9:00 G2 A – group 1a G2 B – group 1a G2 C– group 1a
9:00 – 10:00 G2A – group 1b G2 B– group 1b G2 C– group 1b
10:00 – 11:00 G2A – group 2a G2 B– group 2a G2 C– group 2a
11:00 – 12:00 G2A – group 2b G2 B– group 2b G2 C– group 2b

12:00 – 1:00 G2A – group 3a G2 B – group 3a G2 C – group 3a

1:00 – 2: 00 G2A – group 3b G2 B– group 3b G2 C– group 3b
2:00 – 3:00 G2A – group 4a G2 B– group 4a G2 C– group 4a
3:00 – 4:00 G2A – group 4b G2 B– group 4b G2 C– group 4b

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