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Neltza Sister Siregar

“Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs” (film)
A beautiful but orphaned princess, Snow White, live with her
stepmother, the wicked Queen, who previously relegated her to
servitude. The Queen is jealous because she wants to be known as
"the fairest in the land" when Snow White's beauty surpasses her
own. The Queen's huntsman is ordered to take Snow White into
the forest and kill her, but he cannot bring himself to do so because
of her innocence and beauty, and instead begs Snow White to run
away into the forest and never return to the castle. The forest
animals befriend Snow White and take her to a cottage, where
seven dwarfs live. The dwarfs grow to love their unexpected
visitor, who cleans their house and cooks their meals.
But one day while the dwarfs are away at their diamond mine, the Queen
arrives at the cottage disguised as an old peddler woman and persuades
Snow White to take a bite of a poisoned apple, promising her it will make
all her dreams come true. Snow White wishes for a reunion with the
Prince, takes a bite, falls into a deep sleep, and the peddler woman
declares she's now the fairest in the land. The dwarfs, warned by the
forest animals, rush home to chase the witch away and she falls to her
death, but they are too late to save Snow White. Thinking Snow White is
dead, the dwarfs place her in a glass and gold coffin in the woods and
mourn for her. A Prince, who had fallen in love with Snow White earlier
because of her lovely singing voice, happens by and awakens her from the
deep sleep with love's first kiss.
Little Snow White
Once in the middle of winter, snowflakes fell like
feathers from heaven, a beautiful queen sat sewing by
her window, and she thought, "I wish I had a child as
white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as this
frame." Soon after that he had a little princess who was
as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as ebony,
and so they called her Little Snow White. As snow white
grew, the queen became jealous of her daughter's beauty.
So he did everything he could to kill his son. When his
son died, the prince came to the place of the dwarves to
bring Snow White to the kingdom. There the prince and
snow white were married. And they met the queen and
killed her.
Psychoanalysis is a type of therapy that aims to release
pent-up or repressed emotions and memories in or to
lead the client to catharsis, or healing.

In other words, the goal of psychoanalysis is bringing what

is exists to the unconscious or subconscious level up to
Three Structure Systems of Personality

operates at an
unconscious level and person’s sense to
focuses solely on control the pulse or
instinctual drives and desire.


part of person’s mind

that encouraging to
act in socially and
morally acceptable

In the story and film, Queen did everything possible to kill Snow
White because she was jealous
In the story :
• I'm the old peddler woman with good wares for sale." "Bodice
laces, dear child," said the old woman, It was braided from
yellow, red, and blue silk. and bargained for the bodice laces.
"You are not laced up properly," said the old woman. "Come
here, I'll do it better." Snow-White stood before her, and she
took hold of the laces and pulled them so tight that Snow-
White could not breathe, and she fell down as if she were dead.
Then the old woman was satisfied, and she went away.
• She made a poisoned comb, disguised herself differently, and
went out again. Then she pulled out the comb, and bought the
comb from her. "Come, let me comb your hair," said the
peddler woman. She had barely stuck the comb into Snow-
White's hair, before the girl fell down and was dead.
Proof :
in the story and film
and she made a poisoned, poisoned apple. Then
she disguised herself as a peasant woman, went to
the dwarfs' house and knocked on the door. "I am
selling these apples, and I will give you one to

In the story and film, Arriving in the forest, when the hunter
took out a knife to stab Snow White, the hunter felt sorry for
Snow White's innocence and beauty, and wanted to save
Snow White's life by telling Snow White to run into the forest
and never come back. 

Proof :
in the film and story, the worker cried, trembled and said to
snow white: run and hide in the forest! Do not ever come back!

The dwarf did everything he could to save Snow White who

was already lying on the floor and not breathing

Proof :
In the story
Snow White was lying on the floor, and she was dead. They
loosened the rope and searched his hair for anything
poisonous, but nothing helped.

In the film
When the animals saw the strange behavior of the old
granny, they immediately picked up the dwarf. Then,
together they thought and immediately chased the old granny
to the top of the hill
Three Parts of Mind


where someone puts his /

her current thoughts,
feelings, and


the home of everything part of anything that

we can recall or retrieve considered unnecessary.
from our memory.

He knows and realizes that he has been tricked by the laborers

chosen by the Queen to kill Snow White. and he also
immediately knew that it was the dwarves who saved snow
white on the seven mountains

Proof :
in the story and film
The mirror answered once again:

You, my queen, are fair; It is true.

But Little Snow White outside the seven mountains
A thousand times more beautiful than you.

Julia Kristeva is a
literary critic,
feminist, and
1. Comparing

a. Similarities

1. The main character both of this story is snow white

2. The antagonist character is the queen
3. Queen wants Snow White dead because she is jealous of
her beauty
4. Mirror says snow white fairer than queen
5. The male lead of the story and the film is a prince
b. Differences

1. In the film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, Queen

is stepmother. In the story “Little snow white”, Queen is
biological mother
2. In the film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, Putri
Salju masuk ke rumah kurcaci dan menemukan semuanya
kecil, kotor dan berantakan. While In the story “Little
snow white”, ketika Putri Salju masuk ke rumah kurcaci
dan menemukan semuanya kecil, rapi dan bersih.
3. In the story “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, ketika
snow white lelah, dia tidur di tempat tidur sneezy, happy,
and dopey. While In the story “Little snow white”, ketika
Putri Salju lelah, dia memlih dan mencoba satu demi satu
tempat tidur kurcaci , tetapi tidak ada yang merasa benar
sampai dia tiba di tempat tidur ketujuh
4. In the film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, Snow
White is revived by a kiss from the prince. In the story
“Little snow white”, Snow White is revived when servant
hits her back
2. Hypogram
A text is influenced by other text

a. Expansion
The story extends from the original text

=> "little snow white" has extended, queen died

because she was tortured like putting a pair of iron
shoes into a fire until it glowed and then wearing it
while dancing, it couldn't stop. so that it burned his
feet greatly, and died. while in the original story the
queen died of a lightning strike while she was at the
top of the hill
b. Conversion
Turn over from the original story

=>'little snow white' the house of the dwarves is

clean and tidy, when tired, snow white chooses a
suitable bed for him to sleep in, then when he is
hungry, snow white eats the leftovers in the
dwarves' dining table bag, while in the original
story , the dwarf's house was dirty and messy, so
he was able to tidy up, when he was tired, he
didn't choose and went straight to bed,
c. Modification
The element of this story is modified

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs & Little Snow White

1. snow white savior

prince modified into servantin

2. a waybeing
kissed modified into hitting Snow White's back with the
maid's hand, which resulted in the snow white biting apple
coming out of the mouth
3. Interpreting

Opposition or continuity between one and another text.


1. the black hair itself, in all variations of the story

symbolizes death
2. the apple itself, in all variations of the story symbolizes
embedded lies
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