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Encuentro and the

Metamorphosis of the
Indio (1565-1800s)


Table of Contents
Arrival of the spaniards: Pigafetta's
01. account of magellan's voyage

Initial reaction: Friar accounts of the customs

02. of the natives
Arrival of the
spaniards: Pigafetta's
Account of Magellan's
About the Author
● Famous Italian traveler born in Vicenza in 1940 and
died in 1534.
● Eldest son of Giovanni Pigafetta to second wife
Angela Zoga.
● Studied Astronomy, geography and cartography.
● Worked in the ships owned by the Knights of Rhode
● He presented his credentials to Magellan and Casa de
la Contratacion.
● Became a part of Magellan’s crew in March 17, 1521.
About the Author

● He had written account of the expedition

“The First Voyage Around the World” in
● Pigafetta wrote all his observations in a
journal, now lost and about 4 manuscript
were produced.
● Pigafetta’s eyewitness account is the “most
detailed and only surviving account” of this
critical event in Philippine history.
About the book
● On August 10, 1519, five ships departed from
Seville for what was to become the first
circumnavigation of the earth. Which is linked
by fame to the name of its captain, Magellan.

● Antonio Pigafetta was one of the survivors who

kept a journal that became one of the main
sources about the first encounter of the
Spaniards and the Filipinos.

● This original journal of Pigafetta did not survive

in history and what was handed down to use
copies of manuscripts that never came out of
the press during his lifetime.
About the book
● Three of them were in French and 2 are kept in
Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris.
● The third one was originally owned by the
British collector Thomas Philip
● Later Beinecke bought it and is now kept in the
manuscript library of the Yale University of
● The fourth copy was written in a mix of Italian,
Spanish and Venetian languages and could be
found in the Ambrosian Library in Milan.
About the book
● His writing describe the physical appearance,
social life, religion, beliefs, and cultural practices
of the people they encountered in the islands of
Samar, Leyte, and Cebu.
● His account contains information about the
economic activities of the local folks and the
goods they offered for trade.
● He got all his information through the help of
Enrique de Malacca.
● Lastly Pigafetta gave us an eyewitness account of
the Battle of Mactan which resulted to the death
of Magellan and him getting wounded.
Historical Context
Ginger Peppercorns

● Spices were in-demand

commodities among the
Europeans during this time
● Found in Spice Islands (now
Cinnamon Mollucas)

Cloves Whole nutmeg
Historical Context
● Rivalry of Portugal and Spain
● The Treaty of Tordesillas was effective at that time.
Historical Context
Painting by: Gordon Miller
● Spanish Fleet: Armada de
● Written in one of the 5 ships of
the Magallanes-Elcano
● The issue between Islam and
Christianity was still present at
that time.
Analysis Of The Important Information
A. Important Personages


Analysis Of The Important Information
A. Important Personages


He is the rajah of Limasawa He was the ruler of Butuan when the

first mass in the Philippines was held
entered into a peace pact
and was part of the social elite of the
with Ferdinand Magellan Butwan polity

They befriended Magellan and told him about Cebu, which they described to
be a prosperous community where they could get more provisions.
Analysis Of The Important Information
A. Important Personages


Analysis Of The Important Information
B. Important Dates
● March 16, 1521 - Arrival in Zamal (now Samar)
Analysis Of The Important Information
B. Important Dates
● March 28, 1521 - They anchored near the island of Mazaua (Limasawa)
and met the native’s leader

Art by: Miranda, Nemesio R.

The Blood Compact between
Rajah of Mazaua and
Magellan (2020)
Analysis Of The Important Information
B. Important Dates
● March 31, 1521 - First mass in the Philippines
Analysis Of The Important Information
B. Important Dates
● April 7, 1521 - Arrival in Zubu (now Cebu)
● April 14, 1521 - Baptism of our ancestors in
Zubu (Cebu) and other inhabitants of the
Illustration of Magellan planting the
cross on the shores of Zubu (Cebu)

(Image from: The story of Magellan and the discovery

of the Philippines, Butterworth, Hezekiah, 1899)
Analysis Of The Important Information
B. Important Dates
● April 27, 1521 - Battle of Mactan and death of Magellan
Analysis Of The Important Information
B. Important Dates Ferdinand Magellan's ship Victoria

● November 8, 1521 - Arriving at

Tidore in the Moluccas
● September 8, 1522 - Victoria
arrives at Seville, Spain; end of
the circumnavigation
Map reproduction courtesy of the Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston
Public Library
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions

Our ancestors have this custom in which every ship that stays or enters in
their territorial ports would pay tributes, it could be goods, resources or money.
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions
● They loved to dance, sing and play musical
instruments like tongali, kudyapi and

● They used this as entertainment (like

welcoming guests and if there's important
occasions, also for doing their rituals or
praying for their gods and goddesses.
Analysis Of The Important Information

C. Customs and Traditions

They like to eat coconut, meat, fish, rice (umay) and palm wine (urraca). It was also the
similar foods the native present and gave to Pigafetta, Magellan and to their men. Which
according to them are “very familiar and friendly”.
Analysis Of The Important Information

C. Customs and Traditions

● The most popular or known god is Bathala
also known as Maykapal or Abba

● They centered their lives on appeasing and

praising their gods and maintaining
compatible and peaceful relationships
between spirits and man.
Analysis Of The Important Information

C. Customs and Traditions

The houses of our ancestors are usually built up from the ground using a huge post of wood,
it is made of local materials such as bamboo, wood and nipa grass. It is square shaped houses
with no divisions, just a door and windows. It's a simple yet comfortable and relaxing place.
Relevance and Contribution of the Book
This document is written by Pigafetta One of the most cited documents of
as his daily notes about their historians, researchers and students
expedition that he is considered as who want to study the pre-colonial era
one of the best sources to gain and understand the context of the
knowledge about Filipinos customs Magellan expedition.
and traditions in the early 16th century

It is the only known source that has Lapu Lapu’s life.

Gave us an opportunity to understand the way our ancestors lived.

Relevance and Contribution of the Book
● It emphasizes our ancestors' generosity and hospitality
when the voyager landed in our country. It is also proof of
how wise and ready Lapu lapu and his men fought against
the voyagers.
● Brought us an idea of our ancestors' beliefs and faith in the
pre-colonial era which is worshiping nature (and
● It is also proof that they (voyagers) introduced the
Christianity / Catholicism to us.
● Evidence that the world is round.
● It opened opportunities for the growth of the Philippine
Initial Reactions:
Friar Accounts of the
Customs of the
About the Author
Miguel Juan de Plasencia

● Spanish friar of the Fransiscan Order.

● Born in 1520 at Extremadura, Spain.
● One of the 7 children of Pedro Portocarrero, a captain
of a Spanish schooner.
● Believed to have arrived to the Philippines in 1578
and joined forces with another missionary Fray Diego
de Oroposa and both started preaching around
Laguna de Bay Tayabas, Quezon, in Quezon
About the Author
Miguel Juan de Plasencia

● Known to be a defender of the native population,

looking after the poor, ill or neglected.
● Put up to educational centers for Filipinos, not only
to learn Christian doctrine , but also reading and
writing and some arts and crafts to be useful
● One of the first batch of Fransiscan (orde)
missionaries who came in the Philippines on July
About the book
● Customs of the Tagalogs was written on
1589 during the Spanish colonial period

● It is part of longer monographs written by

the chroniclers of Spanish expeditions to
the Philippines in the 16th and 17th
● Appeared initially in Blair and Robertson
55 volumes, The Philippine Islands (1903)
and in the Philippine Journal of Sciences
About the book
● Written as fulfillment of the task given to
Fray Juan by the king of Spain to document
the customs and traditions of the natives
based on his own observations and

● Similar to any other colonial texts written

during the Spanish colonial period

● Intentionally made to provide an exotic

description of the Tagalog natives bases on
the earliest dictionaries of the Tagalog
Historical Context

● Discovery of the archipelago by Magellan Expedition

● Naming of Las Islas Pilipinas by the Villalobos
● The establishment of the first permanent settlement in
the country by the Legaspi Expedition
● Spain sent the Spanish missionaries to the Philippines
Analysis Of The Important Information
A. Important Personages

Analysis Of The Important Information
A. Important Personages


Analysis Of The Important Information
B. Important Events in the document.
There is a proclamation of feast and offering to the devil of what they had to

Adoration is done in front of an idol, which they anoint with fragrant oil from
musk, civet, or gum and aromatic woods.

Determined time through land cultivation by phases of the moon, season of

fruits, flowers, and leaves they are yielding.

Laws, sentences, and punishment for individuals at-fault within the barangay
were also presented and between two barangays, like in birth or marriage.
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions

• Investigations made and sentences passed by the dato must take place in the presence
of those of his barangay.

• In terms of Loans, the debtor is condemned to a life of toil; and thus borrowers become
slaves, and after the death of the father the children pay the debt.

• They had laws by which they condemned to death a man of low birth who insulted the
daughter or wife of a chief; likewise witches, and others of the same class.
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions
• Dowry - The money, goods, or estate that is given to a woman at the time of her

• As for inheritances, the legitimate children of a father and mother inherited equally.
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions
• Simbahan - A temple or place of adoration.

• They do festivals of pandot or worship

which they called "nagaanitos"
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions

• They worship many Gods and Goddesses

, Bathala as their supreme God

• Bathala - "maker of all things".

Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions

• Divination - It is the practice of seeking knowledge

of the future or the unknown by supernatural means
or future-telling.
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions

• Ancient Filipino believed in Animism (A belief that the world

is inhabited by spirits and supernatural entities).

• Ancient people have no established division of years,

months and days. They use soil, moon and trees to make up a
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions
● The manner of offering sacrifices
● Women's monthly courses
● Burying the dead
○ Maca - another life of rest or as we say, "paradise"
○ Casanaan - a place of punishment, grief, and
○ Sitan - demons
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions
4. Mancocolam
● The twelve disciples of darkness
1. Catolonan 2. Mangangauay
3. Manyisalat
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions
5. Hocloban 6. Silagan 7. Magtatangal
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions

8. Osuang 12. Bayoguin

9. Mangangayoma
10. Sonat
11. Pangatahojan
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions

• Barangay - The unit of government

• Houses - Made of wood, bamboo
and nipa palms
• Sibi - A temporary shed on each
side of the house, with a roof
Analysis Of The Important Information
C. Customs and Traditions
● Mode of dressing
○ Male - Putong (Headgear),
Kanggan (Upper) and Bahag (Lower)
○ Female - Baro or Camisa (Upper)
and Saya (Lower)
● Ornaments - embellishments and
Relevance and Contribution of the Book

It proves that Filipinos have their

own identity even before the arrival
of the Spaniards

It gives descriptions of how life

was, descriptions of the Tagalog

Some beliefs and practices found

in the source still exist
Bibliographic References
● Ferdinand Magellan - Accomplishments, Route & Facts - Biography
Bibliographic References
Bibliographic References

● Customs of the Tagalogs - PDFCOFFEE.COM
Thank you for
Elizan, Leslie Shayne
Lozada, Patricia Abby
CREDITS: This presentation template was
created Magno, Charllot
by Slidesgo, includingMae
icons by
Pablo, Rovick
Flaticon, infographics Mae
& images by Freepik
Poyaoan, Sean Elmo
Zapata, Marion Russel

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