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Training is a collection of actions, which enables the
organization to achieve its goals.

Training needs can be identified by deducting the existing

skills from the job requirements.

Evolution of training – pre-historic times.

Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an

employee for doing a specified job.

It can be viewed as a systematic planning process which has

its organizational purpose to impart and provide learning.
This is done in with a view to bring about improvement in
employee and thus enabling him to make his contribution
in greater measure in meeting the goals and objectives of
the organization.

Training is also an organized procedure for increasing the

knowledge and skill of the people for a specific purpose.

It helps trainee to acquire new skills , technical knowledge,

problem- solving ability etc.

It gives awareness of rules and procedure as well.

Training refers to the teaching and learning activities
carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of
an organization acquire and apply the knowledge, skills,
abilities, and attitudes needed by a particular job and
Training is a continuous , systematic development among all
levels of employees of that knowledge and those skills and
attitude which contribute to their welfare and that of the
‘The process of aiding employees to gain effectiveness in
their present and future work”.
Broadly, it is a act of increasing the knowledge and skill of
an employee for doing specified job.

The scope of training depends upon the categories of

employees to be trained.

It is a key tool for enhancing job-related performance and

organizational effectiveness, its value is being increasingly
acknowledged in engendering behavioral changes and
developing life skills, leading to personal growth.

It equips an individual with competencies that help him/her

to cope with day- to- day problems of living and manage
interpersonal relations.
The objective of training is to develop specific and useful
knowledge, skills and techniques. It is intended to prepare
people to carry out predetermined tasks in well-defined job
contexts. Training is basically a task-oriented activity aimed at
improving performance in current or future jobs.
a) Articulate the goal of the training.
b) Communicate intent to learner.
c) Provides means of evaluation.
d) Assist in selection of materials, content , methods.
There are three elements of training objectives :-
a) Outcomes of training program.
b) Conditions of the training program
c) Standards of the training program.
Increasing productivity
Improves quality
Help a company fulfill its future needs
Improve organizational climate
Improve health and safety
Obsolescence prevention
Personal growth.

Training and Development – Organization
 In this competitive world, where nothing is static, every day an innovation
comes into the market. This made the organization to be dynamic in their
business process and keep on implementing the changes so that they will be
competitive in the market. But how can you be competitive and win in the
 It’s the employees, who will help the companies to be competitive in the
market. The HR manager must needs be active and look out for the various
strategies which help the organization to grow in the future. Large
organizations generally provide training to their employees for better
utilization of their skills.
 Also, they know the importance of training and development impact on the
organization. While in case of SME’s they don’t feel much benefit because
they concentrate on every single amount spend on the business.
 Training and development is one of the lowest things on the priority list
of most companies.

 When it's organized, it is often at the persistence of the human resources

department. There is, however, enormous value in organizing proper
training and development sessions for employees.

 Training allows employees to acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones,

perform better, increase productivity and be better leaders. Since a
company is the sum total of what employees achieve individually,
organizations should do everything in their power to ensure that
employees perform at their peak.
It’s part of performance management system in the
workplace. Which is carried out when the technology
changes in the market or new strategies are implemented or
change in resources or manpower or when new software or
hardware are used in the projects in these cases the employer
must need to provide the training to the employees so that
they can learn and implement the same in the projects.

This improves the individual skills and increases the

performance level of an organization.
Training and development refers to educational activities within a
company created to enhance the knowledge and skills of employees
while providing information and instruction on how to better
perform specific tasks.

In training, the initiative is taken by the management with the

objective of meeting the present need of an employee. In
development, initiative is taken by the individual with the objective
to meet the future need of an employee.

Training is a reactive process whereas development is a proactive

process. Development is a future oriented training is focused on the
personal growth of employee.
T&D Distinctions
Learning Dimensions Training Development
Who ? Non- managerial Managerial Personnel

What ? Technical and Mechanical Theoretical , Conceptual

Operations ideas

Why ? Specific Job- Related General Knowledge


When ? Short - Term Long - Term

Purpose – T&D (Organizations)

Lower Attrition
Prepares for upcoming challenges - Training can be a pre-
emptive step to train employees for expected/unexpected
changes in the industry. In times like ours when trends
change constantly under the influence of online evolution,
keeping our teams prepared just makes good sense.
Fosters Leadership: There is no better way to create future
leaders than to train the best bunch. This will also lead to a
clear career path for employees preventing attrition and
Growth of the company
Training and Development - It is a learning process in
which employees get an opportunity to develop a skill,
competency and knowledge as per the job requirement. It can
be referred to as job focused.

Learning and Development - It is a broader term in which

the employee gains more knowledge through other learning
methods than just training (which is one dimensional and is
focused on job requirement). It focuses on career and is a
motivational factor.
Systematic Approach
The Systematic Approach to Training infers that training is
done in a planned, systematic way, and that it is directed
towards improving job performance.
Effective training begins well before a trainer delivers an
individual training session and continues after that training
session is complete. Training can be viewed as a process
comprised of five related stages or activities:
1. Assessment,
2. Motivation,
3. Design,
4. Delivery, and
5. Evaluation.
1. Assess
Assessing training needs and the resources available to meet
those needs forms the first step in developing and delivering
effective training. Strategies and methods in this section
address factors related to learners and their organizations,
trainers and facilitators, and the environment that may impact
training efforts.

​Motivation to participate in training is key to the success of
training efforts. Motivation is not limited to the learners who
attend training. Trainers must also be motivated to deliver
high-quality training, and learners’ supervisors must be
motivated to support the learners in their training activities.
Well-designed training is planned, appropriate to the target
audience, and able to be delivered within the resources
available. Strategies and methods in this section address
planning for training, developing the materials used in
providing training, and crafting a strategy for evaluating
The preparation for training described in the sections on
assessment, motivation, and design culminates in the
delivery of training. Strategies and methods in this section
address interacting with learners effectively to increase the
likelihood that the knowledge and skills gained through
training will be retained and applied.
Evaluation considers the success of training and is necessary for
identifying elements of training processes and training programs that
were beneficial and areas for improvement. The most effective
evaluation is not initiated following the end of a training session,
but rather occurs throughout the training process. A plan for
evaluation should be built into the plan for training from the
beginning, and the results of evaluation should be communicated in
order to inform future efforts.
It is important to determine up front the type(s) of evaluation that
will be conducted. Within this section, two types of evaluation are
highlighted: process evaluation and outcome evaluation. Process
evaluation focuses on how well the elements of the training were
conducted, while outcome evaluation focuses on whether the training
elicited the desired results.When performing evaluation, it is also
important to acknowledge both the potential and the limitations of

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