Unit 6 Reading

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Name some famous

places in Vietnam


a. Built in 1049, in the shape of a
b. Picturesque site, wonder of the

world, 165 kilometres from Hanoi

2 c. Mountain resort (altitude:
1,500m) with some wonderful
places to visit: Xuan Huong Lake,
pine forests, waterfalls...
d. On the left bank of the Huong
River,6 kilometres from Hue City.

If you are going on a trip,
which one in these 4
places do you want to
The way to Huong Pagoda
I/ Vocabulary
1 Campfire
2 Rock
--> rock formation
3 cave
4 Persuade (v)--> persuasive (adj)
4 Day off (n)
--> have a day off
5 Permission(n)
--> permit (v)
6 excursion (n)
- day off -> have a day off : (n) ngày nghỉ
- cave /keɪv/(n): hang động
- rock/rɒk/(n)-> rock formation : đá
-campfire /ˈkæmp.faɪər/ (n): lửa trại
-permission /pəˈmɪʃ.ən/ (n) sự cho phép
-> permit (v)permit sb to do sth
- persuade /pəˈsweɪd/ (v): thuyết phục
--> persuasive /pəˈsweɪ.sɪv/ (adj)
- excursion /ɪkˈskɜː.ʃən/ (n)
II/ Reading letter
Dear Minh,
I’m writing to tell you a piece of news. The first term is coming to an end soon
and my school is going to have some days off. On this occasion, my class is
visiting some caves near Hanoi as we have recently studied rock formations.
Besides, many of us have never been inside a cave, so I suppose the trip will
be very interesting.
At first, we wanted to travel to Thay Pagoda because it is only 20 kilometers
away, and we could go on a day excursion.
However, only today have we learnt that the caves near Thay Pagoda are
closed until after Tet. So we are visiting the ones near Huong Pagoda instead. A
night campfire on a two-day trip will be a great event in our schooldays! To
make the trip cheap, we are bringing our own food and sharing buses with
some other classes.
It is much warmer now. I believe we’re going to enjoy good weather with lots of
The only problem I seem to have is getting my parents’ permission. They may
not want to let me stay the night away from home. I’ll try to persuade them.
That’s all for now. Give my love to your parents and sister.
Task 1: Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D
to complete each of the sentences.

1. Lan wrote the letter to __________________.

A.inform Minh of her days off

=> inform sb of sth: báo tin cho ai về việc gì
B. complain about her parents
=> complain about sb/ sth: phàn nàn về ai/ điều gì
C. tell Minh about the plan for her class trip
D. talk about what she and her classmates will do at
Huong Pagoda
2. The students decided to go on an excursion
because they wanted to _____________

=> decide to do sth: quyết định làm gì

A. understand their geography lessons better
B. relax after work
C. have a campfire
D. A & B
3. The students have changed their destination
as______________Thay Pagoda.

A. it is impossible to visit the caves near

=> It is possible/ impossible to do sth: có thể/ không
thể làm điều gì
B. it costs them a lot to visit
C. they prefer Huong Pagoda to
=> Prefer sth1 to sth2: thích cái gì hơn cái gì
D. many of them have been to
Task 2: Answer the questions

1. When are Lan and her classmates going on a trip?

2. Why are they visiting some caves?

3. How far is Thay Pagoda from their school?

4. What are the students’ plans for their trip to Huong


5. What is Lan anxious about? Why?

Dear Minh,
I’m writing to tell you a piece of news. The first term is coming to an
end soon and my school is going to have some days off. On this
occasion, my class is visiting some caves near Hanoi as we have
recently studied rock formation. Besides, many of us have never
been inside a cave, so I suppose the trip will be very interesting .

1.When are Lan and her classmates going on a trip?

They are going on a trip when they have

some days off after the first term.
Dear Minh,
I’m writing to tell you a piece of news. The first term is coming to an
end soon and my school is going to have some days off. On this
occasion, my class is visiting some caves near Hanoi as we have
recently studied rock formation. Besides, many of us have never
been inside a cave, so I suppose the trip will be very interesting .

2.Why are they visiting some caves?

Because they want to understand their

geography lesson better and many of them
have never been inside a cave.
At first, we wanted to travel to Thay Pagoda because it is only over
20 kilometers away, and we could go on a day excursion.

3.How far is Thay Pagoda from their school?

It’s only over 20 km

4. What are the students’ plans for their trip to
Huong Pagoda?

However, only today have we learnt that the caves near Thay Pagoda
are closed until after Tet. So we are visitting the ones near Huong
Pagoda instead. A night campfire on a two-day trip will be a great
event in our schooldays! To make the trip cheap, we are bringing our
own food and sharing buses with some other classes.

They are going to make a two-day trip and have a night

campfire. They are bringing their own food and sharing
buses with some other classes to make the trip cheap.
5. What is Lan anxious about? Why?

Lan is anxious about her parents’ permission.

They may not want to let her stay the night
away from home.

The only problem I seem to have is getting my parents’ permission.

They may not want to let me stay the night away from home. I’ll try
to persuade them.
Task 3:Fill each blank in the summary of the
letter with a suitable group of words from the
box below.
her classmates want to see their trip is going to go on
have learnt to persuade some caves only problem
Lan’s class (1)______ V- (ph) a two-day excursion to visit

N- (ph) Huong Pagoda.
V- (ph)
with their own eyes what they in their
V- (ph)
geography lessons recently and relax after their hard
work, as well. They have(5)_______planned
N- (ph)
carefully. ForN-Lan, the is getting her
(6)______ (ph)
parents’ permission. V- (ph) She will try
(7)______ them so
that she willN-be
(ph)able to join on the
Checking your answer

is going to go on a two-day excursion

Lan’s class (1)______________
to visit (2)____________
some caves near Huong Pagoda. They
want to see
(3)_______________ with their own eyes what they
have learnt in their geography lessons recently
and relax after their hard work, as well. They have
their trip
planned (5)_____________ carefully. For Lan, the
only problem is getting her parents’ permission.
She will try (7)_______________
to persuade them so that she will be
able to join (8)_____________
her classmates on the excursion.
Homework :
Talk about your plan for an

What are
Who do
When are Where are you going
you want
you going you going to prepare
to go
on a trip? to visit? for
your trip?

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