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Hadaka Matsuri

A Hadaka Matsuri  or “nude festival” . Celebrate over 1265

years. Holiday purpose-attract good luck. The most famous is
Сайдай-дзи Эйо. A Hadaka Matsuri , where did this festival
come about.
Thousands of young men participate in the
celebrate. A crowd of spectators from 10 to
30 thousand is going. They are usually
dressed in fundosi and shod in tabs.
At the beginning of the
ceremony, participants warm
up sake (it is served for free).

Then a purification ritual is

performed in the cold waters of
the river. After they conduct
races around the temple and
fight one with one.
At midnight at the temple, priests throw into the crowd a shingi, a
sacred wand, amulet,. Anyone who catches and, most importantly,
manages to keep her will be unusually lucky the whole next year.
Having caught the amulet, the participant becomes the protagonist of
the holiday - a “naked man” who is trying to escape and save the
trophy. The whole event takes place under the beat of Taiko.
Thank you

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