Genre Feedback

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Trailer Feedback

By Ronan Ludlow
Why did I pick this trailer?
• I picked this trailer because I liked the way they portrayed the
monster and the genre as a whole and I like how it had a lot of
enigma codes like what the monster was where it came from why did
it attack. I also picked it because it peeked my interest and was
mysterious and it pulled me in to figure out what's going on and what
the monster is. It also had loads of jump scares and killing, and it was
tense and creepy.
What did the say about the trailer?
What genre What were your What genre What did you How could you What is the
code and initial reactions expectations do not like about make this trailer products USP?
conventions did to the trailer? you have for the trailer? better?
you spot in the this film after
trailer? seeing the
Horror, thriller, Psychological Tense, creepy A little Give it some Horror,
psychological, thriller very jumps small predictable unique points mysterious
creepy shadows atmospheric scale monster quite generic more monster what is
monster jump jumps murder demonic kid. dialogue. atmospheric the antler.
scares weird kid mystery. music.
dead body.
How can this help me when it comes to my
• The audience expects more uniqueness and better music this was
because the music was quite stereotypical and boring it didn’t help
the trailer be interesting and stand out more. The trailer could be
more you unique by not making the same as almost every other
movie of its type it could be more unique by changing the way they
portray the monster by showing it quicker and making it less gory and
murder intent. Make it scarier by making it less shown so the
protagonists feel more hunted and terrified and more boxed in by
making the monster less shown you add more mystery to the trailer.
• This reinforces the work I have done for my investigation because all
the points and feedback I have referenced in my trailer some of the
points are the codes and conventions of horror such as the color red
which symbolizes danger.
Survey feedback

My target audience is 13- to 18-years-old

which was 63.6% based off the feed back
I was given.
Mostly males watched it which was
about 63.6% which means mostly males
are the target audience.
Most people liked the horror genre which
was also 63.6% so to sum it up more then
half liked horror was male and were aged
between 13- to 18-years old.
Why they liked it… Or didn’t
They liked it for a variety of reasons (listed to the
right.) these are varied results including both positive
and negative points this means that the results are
balanced, and that people liked it but also means
that it had parts of it that weren’t that appealing and
weren’t interested in it.

Some of them said that it was good because it had

the codes and conventions of a typical horror such as
monsters and jump scares and and how it plays on
their fears and makes them more emotionally

Some of them said it wasn’t good because it was

predictable and not that unique which made them
enjoy it less and not want to see it, they also said
that don’t like being scared which means they might
not enjoy it anyway.
What is the products USP
• The unique selling
point for my trailer
was the monster like
what it is, where’d it
come from, why is it
here, what did it look
like this is an enigma
code and builds more
mystery and makes us
ask ourselves

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