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Name: Vincent F.

Catindig________________ Date: November 5 2021________________

Year and Section: BSBAMM 1-2___________________

Essay: Reflection on Your Studies of Physical Education in Senior High School

Directions: Reflect on your Junior and Senior High School Education of Physical Education. What was your experience in studying It? How
effective was your study of the said subject? Place your essay on the blank spaces provided below.

My experience in studying Physical Education was fun because it allowed me and my classmate to engage in dancing, sports, warming up, and other
physical activities. It taught us the essence of teamwork and synergy because some of our activities required a partner example in warm ups, and
also in dancing. I also learned the importance of cooperation of each other because if one did not cooperate, it will affect the overall performance.
Physical Education also was different in other subjects because it lets us interact with each other, have fun while also learning. Teamwork in P.E was
really the thing that I learned the most because take for example in Basketball, they play as a team to score and win, individual play(shaking and
baking) is fun to watch but team play is beautiful basketball. Physical Education also created competitive atmosphere in our school because back
then in Junior High, all sections were really giving all their best to be the first place for the grades. Overall my experience in studying Physical
Education on Junior High was fun, I'd say it was my best time as a student while on Senior High is not much because our teacher was only
discussing the subject but there was no application at all throughout the year. Studying P.E on Junior High was effective while on Senior High was
not as effective as the Junior High.

3- Full Accomplishment – Students recalled their study of Physical Education during their Junior and
Senior High School education in a clear and consistent manner.

2- Substantial Accomplishment - Students recalled their study of Physical Education during their Junior
and Senior High School education and do so in a somewhat consistent

1 – Little Accomplishment – Student have difficulty recalling their study of Physical Education during their
Junior and Senior High School education consistently.
Form: Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire and You

Vincent F. Catindig
November 5 2021

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