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3 …e5  Czech Benoni

3 …e6  Modern Benoni
3 …b5  Volga / BENKO Gambit
Czech Benoni
Similar to King indian& Old indian blocked center. D5 will ve remain unchallenged for a long time.
Fight will be on the flanks. B D B is bad bishop, due to locked dark pawns in the center.


- f2-f4/ g2-g4 can play. However should be careful after e5xf4, B can post Knight on e5.
- Avoid B D B exchanges
- Simply develop minor pieces and push g&h pawns to open line for the rooks.


- Prepared for queenside assault like a2-a3, b2-b4
- Pressure on c5 like Be3, Nd3( Nf3, e1,d3)
- Superiority of the majör pieces on b file
- When ready to enter enemy camp b4xc5
- Prevent enemy f7-f5, prolong it ASAP. Either f2-f3 or f2-f4 ( IF black has no good control on e5)

BLACK has 2 choice for Dark Bishop ( Bg7, Be7 ( next page)
- Bg7 for long term even now e5 locked.
- Qd2, O-O-O avoid Bg7-h6
- Support g2 g4  f2-f3 or *** Nh3, Nf2
5. ..Be7 6. Bd3, o-o
- Prevent Exchange dark bishops Stop Bg5 via Nf3
- Stop f7-f5 so h2-h3  g2-g4

- Pay attention to Black f7-f5 / b7-b5 breakthgroughs
- King is safe in the mid, so dont hurry to castle
- In case g7-g6 played for Ng7, then use h6/f6 weak dark squares around
the King
- prepare b2-b4 b4xc5 and create a pass pawn on d5
- When Nd7 away, f2-f4 can be pushed (only when e5xf4 is good, in case
black can not install a piece to e5
Modern Benoni
- Black direct attack d5, If dxe6 by White, then fxe6 lead to a strong pawn mass in the center for BLACK
- Black would like to open e file and create pressure on e-file via Re8.
- Black main plan in Benoni is b7-b5 / f7-f5 pawn pushes to gain space and active play on queenside.

- Black has control on dark squares via d6-d5 & Bg7, however via c5-c4, Nd7-Nc5, f7-f5
- g3-Bg2 is good against Benoni with White because: White control f4 & h4
- Bg2 control e4, d5 squares after e4, e5 can be pushed. Since Black pushed c5, then h1-a8 diagonal

- Block b7-b5 via a4, a5 as long as possible

- Pressure d6 via, Nb5, Ne4,Bf4, Nc4
- Prepare e4-e5, get free d5 pawn, e4 can be free for Nc3
- After d5 pawn opened, a1-h8 digonal dangerous.
- Nb8-d7 left d6 unprotected. So Trade Bg7
- If Black attak our bishop@f4, then escape it to the d2 to protect c3 as well.
- Prevent e5 to install Ng4-e5 via h3 ** e5 control is important, because it
blocks e5 as well.
- After push b2-b4 via Rb1, then escape c5 pawn, then Nd4-c6, Night can
install c6 square.
BENKO(VOLGA) GAMBIT(Benoni) Best Gambit
(Except QG)
- Black sacrifices b5 pawn( + and a6.) to open2 files for the majör pieces. d5 pawn undermined
- 3...b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.Nc3 Bxa6 7.Nf3 d6 8.g3 Bg7 9.Bg2 Nbd7 10.0-0 0 -0 11.Qc2 Qa5 Diagram 2

- Classic benko gambit position, - White has to play on center, via e4-e5
where black has 2 open files, - After d6xe5 Black collapse, Because
- g7 fioncetti, a6-f1 diaogonal - White has the open e-file, where attack back
- compact pawn structure e7 pawn
- Whitehas lots of weak squares, - If White get e5, then Nf3, e5, c6 to attack
a4, b4, c4,d4 queenside
- d5 become free pawn and d5-d6 push possible
- After d6xe5, c5 become target
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.Qc2
White doesn’t accept the pawn sacrifice to gain time and focus on e4 push
Bf4, Re1 and Nd2-c4 to support e5

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