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IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies


Farid Mutohhari
The Main Subject
Definition of IT Infrastructure and its
01 Evolutionary Stages and drivers

02 Components of IT infrastructure

Latest trends in computer hardware

03 platforms

Latest trends in computer software

04 platforms

Challenges in managing IT
05 infrastructure and management
1. IT infrastructure is a shared technology
resource that provides a platform for a
company with specific information
system applications.
2. IT infrastructure includes investment in
hardware, software, and services such as
consulting, education, and training that
are held throughout the company or
across business units within the
3. Platforms is a term that is often used in
the IT world, which means a series of
continuous processes between hardware
and software applications that contain
an operating system.
Existing Services in IT

The calculation of
the platform that Telecommunicatio
will be used as a n services that
service provide data, Physical facility
calculation. voice and video services.

Data management Software IT management

services application services and
services, others related to
including online supporting
software services. company

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Cloud computing
Personal   Client / server company Bandwidth and
Computer Era internet power are
Mainframe & integrating the growing so rapidly
minicomputer Desktop client different networks that it encourages
computing  Personal Computers network to server, and applications used clients / servers to
appeared in the with split work across the company innovate in data
1970s, which were processes between into the corporate storage
The introduction of only machines whose client and server infrastructure
the IBM 1401 and market content was
7090 were mainframe limited to computer
transistor machines in enthusiasts.

1959 1981 1983 1992 2000

Technology Drivers of The Evolution of Infrastructure

Moore's Law and

microprocessing power Network Standards
and Effects
Digital Mass Storage
Laws Reduction of Communication
and Internet Costs

Metcalfe's Law and

Network Economics

1. Double microprocessor The second technological The value or strength of a changing IT Technology Standards
power every 18 months; driver changing IT network grows infrastructure to be more are guidelines or
2. Double computing infrastructure is the Law of exponentially as a function cost efficient, reduced benchmarks for
power every 18 months; Mass Storage or the Law of of the number of members costs make specifications that
3. Computing prices fall in Large Digital Storage. of the network. communication costs determine product and
half every 18 months cheaper network compatibility
The exploding power of computer hardware
and networking technology has dramatically
changed how businesses organize their
computing power, putting more of this power
on networks and mobile handheld devices and
obtaining more of their computing capabilities
in the form of services. We look at eight
hardware trends: the mobile digital platform,
consumerization of IT and BYOD, quantum
computing, virtualization, cloud computing,
edge computing, green computing, and high-
performance/power-saving processors.
The Mobile Digital Consumerization Quantum Computing Virtualization
Platform of IT and BYOD

The mobil digital platform have The popularity, ease of use, is a computer that uses the is a process that presents a
taken on many functions of and rich array of useful principles of quantum physics. collection of computational
PCs, including transmitting applications for smartphones the immense power through this resources (such as
data, surfing the web, and tablet computers have capability can be exercised in computational power or
transmitting e-mail and instant created a groundswell of many circumstances at once, storage data) so that they can
messages, displaying digital interest in allowing employees enabling it to solve multiple be accessed in a way that
content, and exchanging data to use their personal mobile scientific and business cannot manage physical or
with internal corporate systems. devices in the workplace. problems millions more rapidly geographic location.
Cloud Computing Edge Computing Green Computing HPPSP
Refers to practices and
technologies for designing,
Cloud computing is a model of Edge computing is a method An integrated circuit that two
manufacturing, using, and
computing in which computer of optimizing cloud or more processor cores have
disposing of computers,
processing, storage, software, computing systems by been installed to increase
servers, and associated devices
and other services are provided performing some data performance, reduce power
such as monitors, printers,
as a shared pool of virtualized processing on a set of linked consumption, and more
storage devices, and networking
resources over a network, servers at the edge of the efficiently process multiple
and communications systems to
primarily the Internet. network, near the source of the multaneous tasks
minimize impact on the

Java and Ajak

Linux and Open Source
Java is an operating system
Open-source software is independent, processor-

software that is produced by a independent, object-oriented
community of programmers,

language that has become the
free and accessible to users. leading interactive environment for
This software is based on the the Web. Meanwhile, Ajax
Linux or Unix operating (Asynchronous JavaScript and
system. XML) is another Web development

3 technique for creating interactive

Web applications which prevent all

Web services and service-

oriented architecture
4 these inconveniences.
Software Outsourcing and Cloud Service
software packages from commercial software
Web services tax a loosely coupled set vendors (most ERP systems), outsourcing of
of software components that exchange custom application development to external
information with each using universal vendors (which may or may not be offshore), and
Web communication standards and cloud-based software services and tools (SaaS). /
languages. PaaS).

Creating and managing a coherent IT

infrastructure poses many challenges,

1. dealing with changing platforms and

technology (including cloud and mobile

2. management and governance, and

3. making prudent infrastructure

Dealing with Platform and Infrastucture Change

1. Firms using mobile computing and cloud computing

platforms will require new policies, procedures, and tools
for managing these platforms.
2. Firms using cloud computing and SaaS will need to fashion
new contractual arrangements with remote vendors to make
sure that the hardware and software for critical applications
are always available when needed and that they meet
corporate standards for information security.
Management and Governance

A long-standing issue among information system managers and

CEOs has been the question of who will control and manage the
firm’s IT infrastructure. Other important questions about IT
governance are: Should departments and divisions have the
responsibility of making their own information technology
decisions, or should IT infrastructure be centrally controlled and
managed? What is the relationship between central information
systems management and business unit information systems
management? How will infrastructure costs be allocated among
business units? Each organization will need to arrive at answers
based on its own needs.
Making Wise Infrastructure Investment

IT infrastructure is a major investment for the firm. If too much

is spent on infrastructure, it lies idle and constitutes a drag on
the firm’s financial performance.
Cloud computing is a low-cost way to increase scalability and
flexibility, but firms should evaluate this option carefully in
light of security requirements and impact on business processes
and workflows. In some instances, the cost of renting software
adds up to more than purchasing and maintaining an application
in-house, or firms can overspend on cloud services

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