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The definition of an obligation something that

someone is required to do.
An example of obligation is for a students
to turn in his homework to time everyday.
 1. An obligating or being obligated
 2. A binding contract,promise,moral responsibility,etc
 3.A duty impossed legally or socially. Thing that one to
do by contract,promise,moral responsibility,etc
 4. The binding power of a contract,promise,etc
 5. a. The condition or fact of being indebted to another
for a favor or service received
b. A favor or service
1. A social moral legal requirment such as
a duty,contract,or promise that compels
one to follow or avoid a particular course
of action: Are you able to meet your
obligations? I have an obligation to attend
their wedding.
2. The state,fact or feeling of being
indebted to another or special service or
favor received: If they invite us aren’t we
under obligations to invite them in return?
 1.Theact binding oneself by social,legal,or moral tie to
 2.A social,legal or moral requirement,duty,contract,or
promise that compels someone to follow avoid or
particular course of action
 3.A course of action impossed by society law or
conscience by which someone is bound or restricted
 4.A legal aggrement stipulating a specified payment or
action;the document containing such agreement

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