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Lesson 2:

Drug Education
(How do People take Illegal Drugs?)
How do People take Illegal Drugs?

 Swallowing tablets or drinking liquids – The drugs

are absorbed by the body via the stomach lining
 Breathing them into the lungs - The drugs are
absorbed in the system through the lining of the
 Snorting into the nose – The drugs are absorbed
through the thin nasal lining
How do People take Illegal Drugs?

 Injecting - The drug substance enters the body via

the blood stream
 Through the skin – The drugs are slowly absorbed
into the body via a topical application like a cream or
body patch
 Rectally or vaginally as a suppository - The drugs
are absorbed to the bowels via the vaginal lining or
the anal lining
Lesson 2:
Drug Education
(Ill Effects of Drugs)
Ill Effects of Drugs

 Physiological
Any drugs are deemed dangerous when taken beyond the right dosage and
beyond the right intention. Drugs that can be harmful and dangerous when taken in
combinations; or it becomes harmful to a person who has contraindications such as
an allergy to the substance, even if it is in small or typical doses. Aside from the
short and long-term effects cited in the previous pages, using illegal drugs can put a
person at risk of transmissible diseases such as Hepatitis, and viruses like th e
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which can then result in Acquired
Immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Ill Effects of Drugs

 Social
Drugs’ consciousness-altering effects can severely
aggravate the mood of the person taking it. People
frequently using drugs will more often than not, engage in
aggressive and violent behaviors like fighting, stealing, riots,
and ot her forms of criminality; and will even develop an
anti-social personality (Pozzi, 2018; and Johnson and Raine,
Ill Effects of Drugs

 Legal
Dealing or just using illegal drugs can lead to
imprisonment. People who are convicted often faced social
stigma from people around which in some cases resulted in
social rejection. Another legal consequence of drug abuse
can lead to difficulty in applying a job as many employers
conducts background investigation to know if their new
hires are free from legal encumbrances and liabilities.
Ill Effects of Drugs

 Economic
Pozzi adds that “economic aftershock” that illegal drug use may cause comes
often from loss of potential manpower; low productivity; money laundering
(because the illegal drug trade is profitable in the black market black market);
and the lack of security and safety in the community makes it an unfavorable
environment for investors to trust that their businesses will thrive. Additionally,
governments spend quite an amount of ta xpayer’s money to boost security
against insurgency and criminality caused by the drug menace; when instead it
could go towards providing the basic needs of its citizens
Ill Effects of Drugs

 Political

The illegal drug trade corrupts the government system as

well when drug syndicates and politicians become involved,
mostly due to access to money and power. (Kawugana &
Faruna, 2018; Pozzi, 2018; and Ciocchini, 2019).

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