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Lectured by:
Mrs. Nita Yuanita, S.Pd., M.Si.
Mrs. Lusiana Lesari, S.S., M.M.

Prodi S1 Keperawatan, Tk. 3/ Sem. VI
STIKes Karsa Husada Garut, Tahun Akademik 2019/ 2020
It is now common practice for nurses to
communicate with patients as much as possible
when they are doing routine nursing task.

If nurses talk, the patients become involved in

their treatment.

As a nurse take the patient’s vital signs, it will

be better a nurse says what she/ he is going to
do, explains why she/ he is doing it and give the
patient feedback.
Explaining the procedures
 It’s time for me…
 I just want…
 I would like…
 I am going…
to measure your blood pressure
to count your pulse
to check your respiration
to measure your temperature
to put this cuff (around your upper arm)
to put this (thermometer) into your armpit
 Instruction and expression during
the implementation
 Would you…
 Would you mind…(verb –ing)
 Please,…
 Now, I want you to…
lie down on the couch
lie flat on the bed
roll your sleeve up
give me your right/ left hand
slip off your top things (buka baju)
unbutton your shirt (buka kancing baju)
roll yourself into side lying position
take a deep breath
breathe in… breathe out…
to put this (thermometer) into our mouth
 Nurse Response
OK, Fine. That’s it
Fine/ good
All is done
 Patient’s Response
Yes, please
Okay nurse
No problem
 Pulse rate : jumlah denyutan
 Patient’ chart : lembar (penilaian) pasien
 Rhythm or regularity : irama denyutan/ cepat-
 Normal pulse rhythm : irama denyutan normal
 Tension or compressibility : ketegangan
 Beats per minute : denyutan per menit
 Expiration-breathing out : hembuskan nafas
 Inspiration-breathing in : tarik nafas
Translate into communicative English!
1) Pak, sekarang saya mau mengukur tekanan darah
2) Silahkan berbaring di tempat tidur itu.
3) Sekarang saya mau masukkan thermometer ini ke
ketiak ibu, tolong angkat tangan ibu.
4) Silahkan buka bajunya, saya ingin mengecek
pernafasan anda..tarik nafas dalam-dalam, lepaskan
nafas…tarik nafas…lepaskan…
5) Tolong ulurkan lengan kiri Anda, saya akan
menghitung denyut nadi.
Situation: A nurse comes to Mr. Jack’s room to take his vital signs
Nurse : Good morning Mr. Jack
Mr. Jack : Good morning too, nurse
Nurse : How are you doing now, Sir?
Mr. Jack : I am feeling terrible
Nurse : Terrible! What’s going on with you?
Mr. Jack : I have pain on my head
Nurse : I see, do you have any else complaint, Sir?
Mr. Jack : And a little stiff on my leg
Nurse : Okay Mr. Jack, let me check your blood
pressure and your temperature first?
Mr. Jack : Yes, please
Nurse : Would you mind lying down on the bed please?
Mr. Jack : No problem
Nurse : Can I have your arm, Mr. Jack?
Mr. Jack : Here it is.
Nurse : Good… will you roll your sleeve up, please?
Mr. Jack : Yes
Nurse : Good, now, I want to put this cuff around your
upper arm then I’ll search your pulse (brachialis
artery) on your inner of lower arm
Mr. Jack : Okay
Nurse : Now, I am going to pump this bulb to inflate the
cuff, maybe you will have tingling on your finger
for a while but its okay
Mr. Jack : I see
After the nurse pump the bulb to inflate the cuff then she puts stethoscope over
brachialis artery and listens the sound of artery from beginning to ending, after she
gets the result of B/P, she release the cuff then puts it back onto trolley

Nurse : Well Mr. Jack, I am going to check your

temperature now?
Mr. Jack : Okay
Nurse : Could you raise your arm because I’ll put this
thermometer on your armpit?
Mr. Jack : Like this nurse?
Nurse : Yes, thanks (then the nurse puts it at his armpit)
and now place your left hand on your shoulder for
a moment?
Mr. Jack : With my pleasure.
Nurse : Very good

After 5 minutes, she takes thermometer back from

Mr. Jack’s armpit.
Nurse : Well Mr. Jack, your blood pressure is
high enough; it’s about 160/90 mmHg and
temperature 37.5 0C, pulse 88 bpm, Rr:
20x/m, I will report to Dr. Frank about
your complaints. I’ll be back in a few
Mr. Jack : Thank you very much nurse
Nurse : You’re welcome
Now Read This:
 The normal temperature of a healthy adult ranges
from 370C to 37,20C
 A temperature of 360C is below normal
 A temperature of 380C is above normal
 The normal pulse rate of an adult at rest ranges from
72 to 80 beats per minute
 72 beats per minute is the maximum normal pulse
 80 beats per minute is the maximum normal pulse
Now complete these sentences:
1) the most suitable temperature for a patient’s
room … 200C to 23,30C
2) A … of 370C is normal
3) A pulse rate of 100 beats per minute for an
adult at rest is …
4) … blood pressure in a young adult is about
120/80 mm/Hg
5) A pulse rate of 65 beats per minute is …
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