Bahasa Inggris Iii: 6. Giving Injection

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Lectured by:
Mrs. Nita Yuanita, S.Pd., M.Si.
Mrs. Lusiana Lesari, S.S., M.M.

Prodi S1 Keperawatan, Tk. 3/ Sem. VI
STIKes Karsa Husada Garut, Tahun Akademik 2019/ 2020
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a safe
injection to be one that does not harm the recipient, does
not harm the health care worker and does not harm the
community. Needles, syringes and other skin-piercing
medical devices can harm:
The patient
when unsterile devices are reused and transmit disease
The health care worker
when they suffer needle-sticks can cause disease
The community
when the public can pick up and reuse syringes or when
unsafe burning causes harmful emissions
What medical instrument is used to
give an injection?

It’s a syringe

There are 3 parts of a syringe:

1. The Needle: it goes into your skin.
2. The Barrel: it holds the medicine and has
markings on it like a ruler. The markings are for
milliliters (ml).
3. The Plunger: it’s used to get medicine into and
out of the syringe.
1. Intramuscular Injection (IM)
An intramuscular (IM)
injection is a shot of medicine
given into a muscle.
Medicines that must be given
into a muscle include
medicines that need to take
effect quickly and medicines
that cannot be taken in other
ways, such as swallowed by
mouth, injected into a blood
vessel, or absorbed through
the skin.
2. Subcutaneous Injection (SC)
“Subcutaneous” means under the
skin. A subcutaneous injection
(SC) is a shot given into the fat
layer between the skin and
muscle. Some medications cannot
be given by mouth because acid
and enzymes in the stomach
would destroy them. For small
amounts and certain kinds of
medicine, subcutaneous injection
can be a useful, safe and
convenient method of getting a
medication into your body.
3. Intradermal Injection (ID)
An intradermal (ID)
injection is the injection
of a small amount of fluid
into the dermal layer of
the skin. This layer,
underneath the epidermis
(the upper skin layer and
only a few mm thick), is
highly vascularized and
contains a large amount of
immune cells.
4. Intravenous Injection (IV)
Intravenous is a term that means “into the vein”. Intravenous
medication administration occurs when a needle is inserted into a vein.
There are two kinds of intravenous (IV) medication administration; an
IV “push”, a one-time rapid injection of medication into the
bloodstream and IV infusion, a slow “drip” of medication into the vein
over a set period of time, to deliver a constant amount of therapy.

An injection can involve one or more single doses of a substance

administered through a needle. The needle is usually placed in a vein
near the elbow, the wrist, or on the back of the hand. Different sites can
be used if necessary. Sometimes, an IV medication is given as a push or
bolus dose (large quantity of a particular medication increases the
concentration of a drug in the blood stream so the drug can start
working quickly) More often, an IV “line” or peripheral venous catheter
(PVC)/ IV catheter is inserted for quick and safe access over time
Before any IV medications are administered, a health care
professional must follow the six “rights” of medication
administration, even now there are claimed that more than six right
medication administration, Those are:
1) the right patient;
2) with the right medication;
3) at the right dose;
4) by the right route;
5) at the right time &
6) the right preparation &
7) right education and information
8) right to refuse
9) right history & assessment
10) right drug interaction and
Explaining the Procedures
 It’s time for me to…  
 I just want to… into your buttock
 I am going to… give an injection into your (upper) arm
 I would like to… into your vein
 I need to…

Giving Instruction and Expression during the Implementation

 Would you …, please? give me your right/ left hand
 Would you mind…V-ing, lie face down
please? roll up your sleeve
 Now, I want you to… lower your pants down
 Please…
Cautionary Expression
 This will give a little pain
 You may feel a (little) bit uncomfortable
 You will feel a jab

• Don’t worry. It just gives a little pain

• Don’t move while I am doing the injection
• Don’t be stiff. Flex your buttock please


#Arrange these jumbled words into a good sentence!
1. (injection- nurse- This- scares- me!)
2. (arm- have- I- injection- my- got- never- in- before)
3. (to- allergic- I’m- nurse- penicillin)
4. (feel- getting- in- sore- injection- my- I- buttock-
5. (won’t- be- painful- injection- This)
#Translate these sentences into communicative
1. Pak, sekarang saya mau menyuntik bapak
2. Telungkup di tempat tidur itu
3. Buka sedikit celananya
4. Sedikit sakit ya pak
5. Bagus, sudah selesai
Instrument for Intramuscular Injection
∞ Syringe ∞ Kidney dish
∞ Alcohol swab ∞ Disposable gloves
∞ Pain killer injection ∞ Medication administration record

Situation: Nurse Rosalyn comes to Mr. Black room. She wants to give
pain killer injection to him
Nurse Rosalyn : Good evening Mr. Black, how are you feeling now?
Mr. Black : I am feeling bad nurse. I still have pain on my leg. I
can’t stand it anymore
Nurse Rosalyn : Yes, I understand it, I come here to give you pain
killer injection
Mr. Black : Really! Oh… you’re very good nurse
Nurse Rosalyn : Okay, I am going to prepare the instruments and
wash my hands first
Mr. Black : Please
#Then she withdraws 2 ml of Pethidine into syringe and
come back to Mr. Black room
Nurse Rosalyn : Now, would you lie onto your tummy, please?
Mr. Black : No problem
Nurse Rosalyn : Very good, and now would you mind lowering your pant
down, please?
Mr. Black : No, I don’t mind
Nurse Rosalyn : Thanks, now I am going to put on this glove
Mr. Black : Good
Nurse Rosalyn : Firstly, I will clean the site of injection using this alcohol
swab, please don’t move while I am injecting this medicine
okay, Sir!
Mr. Black : Yes
Nurse Rosalyn : And now I’ll inject this needle quickly and firmly with
900 angles and then pull back on plunger to aspirate
medication, if no blood in syringe, I will inject medication
slowly. After that withdraw it then applying alcohol gently
over site and massage site slightly.
Mr. Black : Is it finish nurse? Mr. Black : Thanks a lot
Nurse Rosalyn : Yes, Sir. Nurse Rosalyn : You’re welcome
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