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DEFINITION is a mode of paragraph development that answers the

What is it?
What does it mean?
What are its special features?

The word to be defined may be an object, a person, a place, a

phenomenon or a concept.

What is a Definition?
DEFINITION is important because it clarifies the meaning of a word or
a concept and it limits the scope of that particular word or concept.

How important a definition is


-words that quickly explain a term and are included within the same
sentence as the word being defined

-these definitions can be a synonym or a short phrase

-the definition will be placed in parentheses immediately following the

word being defined.

Types of Definition


‘Our company should invest in creating sinistral (left-handed) office

supplies to meet the growing market demand.'

Types of Definition

-when a few words are not enough to explain a technical term. In this
case, the definition needs to be more extensive.

-can provide the additional information needed to help increase


-an explanation of a word using one sentence. These are more formal
explanations than parenthetical definitions.

Types of Definition

Sentence definitions follow a similar form, which includes:

*the word being defined (term or definiendum)

*the class to which the word belongs (class or genus)
*the feature that distinguish the term from other words
(characteristics or differentia)

Types of Definition

For example, 'The heart is an organ that pumps blood through the body.'

Notice that the word being defined is provided first (heart - term), then
the word is put into a class or category (organ - genus), and finally,
distinguishing features are explained (pumps blood-differentia).

Types of Definition

Here are some other examples of sentence definitions:

1. A pig is an animal that rolls in the mud.

2. Scissors are an instrument that is used to cut items, such as paper.
3. A hoyden is a girl who is boisterous and bold.
4. A kickshaw is food served as an appetizer and is usually a delicacy.

Types of Definition

-are the use of a paragraph or more to expand on a word that may be difficult to

-an extended definition almost always starts with a sentence definition, but then
expands on the word by providing additional sentences about one or more of the
the function of the term
the location of the term
the physical traits of the term
the causes and effects of the term

Types of Definition
*Etymology – explaining origin of the word itself
*History – if relevant, discussing the history of the term/its
use/controversies associated with it
*Cause and Effect – discussing how the situation came
about and what effects it may have
*Description – listing and defining the component parts

Techniques of Extended Definition

*Principles of Operation – discussing how topic in question
functions, including any special materials or conditions required
*Classification - showing how the topic fits into a larger category
*Contrast/Negation – showing how the topic differs from others in
the same class
*Comparison – showing how the topic is similar to others in the class

Techniques of Extended Definition

*Analogy – explaining by comparing two dissimilar topics,
where the second is familiar to the audience
*Examples or Illustrations - representatives of all of a group or
type; a parallel or closely similar case or an instance especially
when serving as a precedent or model

Techniques of Extended Definition

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