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Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS)

What do you think about it?

What is PHBS ?
Clean and health life behavior is a healthy behavior that done as
consciously on individual in family and society, which make
someone or family can help their own self in the health field and
active in participate in healthy activities in their environment

Vocabulary :
Clean : bersih Health : Sehat Healthy : kesehatan
Own self : diri sendiri Fild : bidang society : masyarakat
Environment : lingkungan Public : masyarakat behavior : perilaku
Consciously : sadar
Unconsciously : tidak sadar
Example of PHBS
10 National PHBS Indicator

• Childbirth help by healthy practioner

• Giving the baby Exclusive breastfeeding
• Measuring baby weight every month
• Using clean water
• Washing hand with clean water and soap
• Using clean toilet
• Combating flick at home
• Consuming vegetables and fruits everyday
• Doing physical activity everyday
• not smoking at home
Please give the promotion about PHBS

1. What is it
2. How to stop / do?
3. Why it is important : advantages,
disadvantages ?
Dont using drugs
As originally drugs is a kind of medicine that has
high doses and is used by doctor to treat the
patient. But because of the development of era,
some people use it in wrong way. They use it to
make themself calm and fly.
bad effect when people use the drugs.
1. they will addict on the drugs
2. their health will get disorder
As originally drugs is a kind of medicine that has high
doses and is used by doctor to treat the patient. But
because of the development of era, some people use it in
wrong way. They use it to make themself calm and fly.
bad effect when people use the drugs.
1. they will addict on the drugs
2. their health will get disorder
how to stop when you are drugs addict. There are several
ways that you can do, mainly;
1. do the pray and closer to Allah
2. exercising
3. do your hobby, such as fishing etc
4. find the positive envirionment

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