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• A Balanced diet is one which provides all the nutrients in required
amounts and proper proportion.

• The quantities of food meets the nutrients requirements with respect to

age, gender, physiological status and physical activity.
• Balanced diet- 1. Meets nutritional requirement
2.Provides phytochemicals
3.Prevents degenerative disease
4.Improves longevity
5.Prolongs productive life
6.Improves immunity
7.Increases endurance level
8.Developes optimum cognitive ability
9. Helps in coping up stress
thus balanced diet enhance quality of life.
• Energy rich foods – Carbohydrate and Fats eg. Whole grains ,Cereals ,Millets,
Vegetables, Ghee ,Nuts, Oil Seeds ,Sugar.
• Body bulding foods- (Protiens)- Pulses, Nuts, and Oil seeds,Milk and Milk
products, Meats, Fish, Poultry.
• Protective foods- ( vitamins and minirals)- Green leafy vegetables, fruits
eggs flesh food.
• Nutrients in diet –

 Macronutrients – Carbohydrate , fats , Protein

Micronutrients – vitamins and minerales
• A Balance Diet Should be Provide –

 Carbohydrates – 50-60% of total calories (225 -325 gm /day)

 Fat – 20-30% (44-77gm/day)

Protein – 10-15%
(56 gm /day for the average sedentary man. )

( 46 gm/day for the average sedentary women.)

(carbohyfrate fats protein form the main bulk of food thus they known as macronutrients or
proximate principles.)

Cereals- Rice, Wheat, Bajara , Maize, Raagi etc.

Pulses- Lentil, chick pea, pigeon pea, green gram.

Vegetables- Custer beans, brinjal, cabbage, cauliflower, bhindi etc.

Roots and tubers- Potato, carrot, onion etc.

Green leafy vegetables - Spinach etc.

Fruits- Orange ,Banana, Apple, Tomato etc.

Animal fats- Ghee, butter ,milk, eggs and fat of meat and fish, cod-liver and
sardine oil .
Vegetables fat- Some plant store fat in their seeds, eg. Groundnut, Seseame,
Other sources- Small quantities of fat (invisible fat) eg. Cereals pulses, nuts
vegetables for eg.
Rice - 3% of fat
Wheat- 3% of fat
Jowar - 4% of fat
Bajara - 6.5 % of fat
• Proteins rich food -
food Protien (g.per100g.of food)

Animal food :
- milk 3.2-4.3
-meat 18.0-26.0
-egg 13.0
-fish 15.0-23.0

plant food:
- cereals 6.0-13.0
-pulses 21.0-28.0
-vegetables 1-4
-fruits 1-3
-nuts 4.5-20.0
- soya bean 43.2

-oils and fats Nil
sugar and jaggery Nil
Recommended daily energy and protein intake-
Group Particular Energy (kcal//d) Protien (g/d)

Adult male Sedentary worker 2320 60

Moderate worker 2730 60
Heavy worker 3490 60

Adult Female Sedentary worker 1900 55

Moderate worker 2230 55
Heavy worker 2850 55
Pregnancy +350 +23
Lactation( 0-6m) +600 +19
Lactation (6-12 m) +520 +13

Infantes 0-6 M 92/kg 1.16/kg

6-12M 80/kg 1.69/kg
• Vitamins (micronutrients) :
vitamin source Daily requirement

Vit-A Liver, egg, butter, chees, whole milk, papaya, mango, pumpkin etc. 600mg

Vit-D Sunlight liver, eggs, yolk, fish liver oil etc. .100IU (2.5mcg calciferol)

Vit- E Cotton seed oil, vegetables oil , sunflower etc. .8mg of essential fatty acid

Vit-K Banana, curly kale, spinach, collard, black mustard seed ,broccoli, .30mg/kg
cabbage etc.
Vit-B1 meat fish, vegetables, nuts ,fruits, brown rice, whole grain, almonds, .5mg/1000 k cal
sunflower seed, etc.
Vit-B2 Cereals ,meat, milk, egg, vegetables etc. .5mg/1000 k cal

Vit-B3 yeast, meats, poultry, red fish,(eg. Tuna,salmon), cereals, legumes 6.6/1000kcal
and seeds, milk, greenleafy vegetables, coffee and tea also
vitamins sources Daily requirement

Vit- B5 Liver and kidney, yeast, egg 10mg

Mushrooms, sweet potato etc.

Vit –B6 Grains, legumes, vegetables 2mg

Vit-B7 Walnut, peanuts, cereals, milk, eggs, yolk, pork, mushrooms. etc 35mg

Vit –B9 Cereals, leafy green vegetables, egg, beets, citurs fruits, broccoli, legumes etc. 100mg

Bit B12 Fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, milk, products, yeast product etc. 2.4mcg male
2.4mcg female
2.6 pregnancy
2.6 lactation

Vit-C Amla , guava, lime, citrus fruits, tomato, germinated pulses, Bengal gram. Etc. 40mg /day
• Five food group system ( ICMR ) -

Food group Main nutrients

1.Cereals, Grain and products : Rice ,wheat, raagi , bajra, Energy, protein , invisible fat . Vit –B2,folic acid , Iron, fiber.
maize, jowar, barley, rice flakes, wheat flour.

2.Pulses and legumes: Bengal gram, black gram, green gram, Energy. Protein, invisible fat ,vit B1,vit B2,folic acid ,calcium,
red gram ,lentil (whole as well as dals ) cowpea, peas, rajmaha , iron, fiber.
soyabeans , beans

3.Milk and meat product : milk, curd skimmed milk, cheese Protein, fat, vit B12,calcium,
Meat- chicken, liver, fish, egg, meat
Protein, fat, vit-B2

4. Fruits and vegetables : Carbohydrate, vit –C, fiber

Fruits : Mango ,Guava, tomato ripe , papaya, orange, sweet
lime, watermelon.

Green vegetables (green leafy): spinach, drumstick leaves, Invisible fats, carotenoids, vit-B2,folic acid, calcium, iron fiber.
coriander leaves , mustered leaves , fenugreek leaves.
Others vegetables: carrot, brinjal, ladies finger Carotenoids, folic acid, calcium, fiber
beans capsicum, onion , drumstick cauliflower
5. Oils, Fats and Nuts : Energy, fat, essential fatty acid,
Fats: butter, ghee, groundnut mustard ,

Sugar: jaggery and cane sugar Energy

Almonds , walnuts , and gingelly seeds Protein , ω -3 fatty acids

Portion size for the menu plan -
Food group Portion(g) Energy(kcal) Protein (g) Carbohydrate(g) Fat(g)

Cereals and millets 30gm 100 3.0 20 0.8

pulses 30 100 6.0 15 0.7

egg 50 85 7.0 - 7.0

Meat, chicken, or fish 50 100 9 - 7.0

Milk and milk product 100 70 3.0 5 3.0

Roots and tubers 100 80 1.3 19 -

Green leafy vegetables 100 45 3.6 - 0.4

Other vegetables 100 30 1.7 - 0.2

fruits 100 40 - 10 -

sugar 5 20 - 5 -

Fats and oils 5 45 - - 5

ADOLSCENTS ( Number of Portions)
Food Portion(g) Infants 1-3 y 4-6 7 -9 year 10- Year 13-18 13-18 Y 16-18 Y
group (6-12 m) Y Y 12 10-12 Y girls boys

girls boys girls boys

Cereals 30 0.5 2 4 6 8 10 11 14 11 15
and millets
pulses 30 0.25 1 1.0 2 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 3
Milk and 100 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Roots and 100 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 2 2
Green 100 0.25 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Others 100 0.25 0.5 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
fruits 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
sugar 5 2 3 4 4 6 6 5 4 5 6
Fates/oils 5 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 7 10
ACTIVITY (number of portion)
Food group Portion(g) Type Of Worker

Sedentary Moderate Hard

male female Male female Male female

Cereals and millets 30 12.5 9 15 11 20 16

pulses 30 2.5 2 3 2.5 4 3

Milk and milk product 100 3 3 3 3 3 3

Roots and tubers 100 2 2 2 2 2 2

Green leafy vegetables 100 1 1 1 1 1 1

Other vegetables 100 2 2 2 2 2 2

fruits 100 1 1 1 1 1 1

sugar 5 4 4 6 6 11 9

Fats and oils 5 5 4 6 5 8 6




Cereals 35gm 118 60gm 203

Pulses 15g. 52 30gm 105

Milk 100gm 83 100gm 83

Fat - - 10gm 90

Sugar 10gm 40 10gm 40

Total 293 521

• Rich source of important nutrients-

Iron Green vegetables , whole grains, cereals , dry fruit ,nuts,meat ,jaggary

Calcium Milk and milk products, sesame seed, almond, egg etc.

Vitamins Orange and dark green vegetables, citrus fruits, apple, tomato, amla , vegetables,
meat fish, eggs, sunlight, milk,

Protein Paneer, milk, and other milk products, combined grains, seed nuts meat ,poultry

Fats Butter , ghee , oils , nuts

• Some suggested foods during pregnancy:
foods Reason

Dairy products like milk, curd, khoya, yogurt and cheese, To meet the requirements of protein, calcium and vit-D to
paneer , banana , green leafy vegetables prevent cramps .

Whole grain cereals. Natural laxatives and prevent constipation.

Fruit salad Appetizing and provide many nutrients and also fiber

Omlette , boiled egg, scrambled egg, liver curry Good quality protein and iron

Rice flakes ,upma, puffed rice ball good source of iron and easy to digest.

Green gram dal, carrot halwa Nutrients dense foods to be given to meat increased

Pickles , sour foods These food may gives relief from nausea and to help to absorb
folic acid and iron.
• Balance diet for healthy old age person :

Carbohydrate – whole grain cereals and pulses.

 fruits and vegetables- apple orange bananas spinach, cabbage, carrots, sweet
potato's, broccoli, cauliflower,
Protein -food help to make new cells and keep your muscles healthy eg. Poultry
fish ,beans, eggs nuts.
Eat variety of nutrients.
Match food physical activity.
Eat food in many divided portion in a day.
Avoid fried, salty and spicy food.
Choose heart healthy fats.
Consume adequate water to avoid dehydration.
Iodine is required for formation of thyroid hormones.
• Dietary guidelines :

Balanced calories.
Enjoy your food but eat less.
Avoid over size protein.
Foods to eat more often are vegetables, fruits , whole grains fat free or 1% milk
and dairy products ,compare sodium in food .
Make half your whole grains .
foods to eat less often are solid fats ,added sugar and salt.
Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
Balanced diet in Ayurveda –
• Shadrasatmaka Ahara. (Ch. Su. 26)
Quantity of diet –
• Depends on power of digestion.
• One portion of space for solid food , 1 for liquid and one for doshas .
• Depend on Guru and Lghu Ahara also.
• Matrayukta, kalayukta, Kriyayukta, Bhumiyukta, Dehayukta, Various stages of
Dosha. (Cha. Su. 25/46 - pathya and apthya)
Prakriti, Karana, Samyoga , RASHI ( sarvaghra - parighraha), Desha, Kala,
Upyoga, Upyogasanstha. ( 1/21 )
• AHARVIDHIVIDHAN- Matrayukta (Ch.Vi.1/24)
• Chakrapani –

Aahar vastu Prachina matra

Anna 1 Kudava

Mansa 2 pal

Soup (daal) 1 pal

Sneha 1 pal

Lavana ½ Pal
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