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Community Nutrition

Pan American Health Organization

Damani Roberts
• Community nutrition describes the wide range of
Community programmes and delivery settings for disseminating
Nutrition nutrition related information, education, and health related
services. Community nutrition combines the study of diet
with the effort to promote healthy eating and to give the
community resources to learn about nutrients and access
healthy meals. The primary goal of community nutrition
efforts is to reduce the instances of nutrition-related
illnesses in the target population, the target group could be
a neighbourhood, city, state, or an entire country.
• Community nutrition combines the study of diet with the
Importance of effort to promote healthy eating and to give the community
Community resources to learn about nutrients and access healthy meals.

• Activities include growth monitoring, micronutrient
activities that are supplementation, take-home supplementary feeding for the
involved in undernourished, referral of severe cases for therapeutic
feeding and intensive care
Community Nutrition
• The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) is an
When was PAHO example of an organization involved in community
formed nutrition, founded in 1902,
• The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Overview of is the specialized international health agency for
PAHO the Americas. It works with countries throughout
the region to improve and protect people's health.
• The Organization's essential mission is to strengthen
Role PAHO plays in national and local health systems and improve the health of
community nutrition the peoples of the Americas, in collaboration with
Ministries of Health.
• PAHO promotes universal health coverage and universal
access to health and strengthening of health systems based
on primary health care strategies.
• It assists countries in fighting infectious diseases well as
the region's growing epidemic of noncommunicable
• PAHO also promotes the use of research evidence to
inform health care decisions and policymaking through the
implementation of knowledge translation strategies.
• In its efforts to improve health, PAHO targets the most
vulnerable group or vulnerable groups including mothers and children,
groups that PAHO workers, the poor, the elderly, and refugees and displaced
persons. It focuses on issues related to equity for those
provide assist to who lack access to health, and on a Pan American
approach, encouraging countries to work together on
common issues and build lasting capacities.
• This final assessment contains evidence-based conclusions
Assessment with the outcomes of the use of the technology supporting
Activities the decision-making process of health policymakers.
Health technologies include pharmaceuticals, equipment,
and machines, as well as procedures and physical
techniques for health prevention and promotion
• PAHO headquarters is 525 23rd Street NW, Washington,
Contact DC 20037
• Tel.: +1 (202) 974-3000
Fax: +1 (202) 974-3663
• PAHO has an office in Jamaica at 8 Gibraltar Way,
University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston 7,
Jamaica, W.I, Ran by Dr Bernadette Theodore-Gandhi
• Telephones: 970-0016 SW
• Fax: 977-1393

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