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Do Now

Write at least two things that

you know about
religions/belief systems or

• Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion (4,000 years)

• God revealed himself to prophets
• Abraham – founder of Judaism
• His descendants were the chosen people
• His grandson named Jacob took on the name of Israel which is the reason why
Jews are known as Israelites
• 1,000 years after Abraham, the Prophet (divine being) God chose Moses to lead
Israelites out Egypt to escape enslavement
• Got gave the Ten Commandments to Moses at Mount Sinai- These are the laws that
guide Israelites today
“Do not have any other Gods.”

”Do not make or worship idols.”

“Do not disrespect or misuse God’s name.”

“ Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.”

Ten “Honor your mother and father.”

Commandments “Do not commit murder.”

“Do not commit adultery.”

“Do not steal.”

“Do not tell lies”

“Do not be envious of others.”

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

Beliefs and Practices

1. There is only one God

2. God is the single creator of the world
3. God communicates to believers through prophets
4. When people follows God rule’s they will be rewarded, when they don’t,
they will be punished
5. Most Jews believe that their Messiah has not arrived yet
6. Jews worship in Synagogues
Sacred Text- Tanakh
or the Hebrew Bible
• It includes the same books that are in
the Old Testament- Christian Bible
• The Torah includes the rules that Jew
should follow
• The origin of Judaism is described in the

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

Persecution of Jews

1. 1066 Granada Massacre- Muslim mob killed more than 1,000 Jews in Granada
2. The First Crusades- Medieval holy wars Christians ended up killing thousands of Jews and
making them convert to Christianity
3.The Spanish Expulsion 1492: Spanish rulers declared that if Jews did not convert to
Christianity they would be expelled from the country (removed)
a. 200,000 Jews had to leave
b. Tens of Thousands Jews died
4. Holocaust: The Nazis ended up killing more than 6 million Jews
• Passover- Last 7 or 8 days and celebrates the
Jews being freed from slavery in Egypt
• Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)- Celebrate
the birth of the universe
• Yom Kippur- “Day of Atonement”, the holiest
day of the year, day is spent fasting and praying
• High Holy Days- 10 days beginning with Rosh
Hashanah and ends on Yom Kippur, these days
are of repentance
• Hanukkah (Festival of the Lights): Last 8 days
• Purim: Celebrates when Jewish people in Persia
were saved from genocide
• "Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge
against anyone among your people but
love your neighbor as yourself. I am the
LORD." - Leviticus (Wayiqra) 19:18.
Key Words:
Exit Ticket

Under the section “Exit Ticket”

on your worksheet: List at least
three things you learned from the
Things that you found interesting

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