By Prof. Santos Kumar Das: Data Communication Networks (Ec 6501) Chapter 3: Data Communications

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Chapter 3: Data Communications

Lecture 2.11

Prof. Santos Kumar Das

12/11/2021 1
 Optical Networking Connection (ONC) Quality
 Research Direction: Connection Quality Estimation
 Fiber material based estimation of quality of an OVPN/ONC
 OVPN: Optical Virtual Private Network
 ON: Optical Network

12/11/2021 Prof. Santos Kumar Das 2

Why delay of a connection is of a major concern in OVPN/ONC selection?

 The delay in fiber optics communication for OVPN/ON can be

neglected due to high speed data transmission.
 However, it can be used for the selection of fiber materials as
well as for the computation of accurate connection quality.
 It matters when there is a need of guaranteed quality to the end
 Hence, delay can be considered for the analysis of fiber
characteristic in order to opt a better fiber quality.
 This also can help to compute accurate OVPNC/ONC quality
in order achieve guaranteed QoS.

12/11/2021 Prof. Santos Kumar Das 3

OVPN/ON System Model

PER: Provider Edge Router

OCR: Optical Core Router

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OVPN/ON Layering Structure

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Physical Topology

Ci: Client i
S: Source
D: Destination
OVPNCM: Optical Virtual
Private Network Control

12/11/2021 Prof. Santos Kumar Das 6

Computation of Q-Factor (QFc)
 Q-Factor represents the quality of a connection.
 We have defined it as the ratio of TDR to ETED of
 TDR: Total Data Rate, ETED: End to End Delay,
ONC: Optical Network Connection, k: kth
Connection, i: Node i, j: Node j, m: Client m, n:
Client n, s: Source, d: Destination

12/11/2021 Prof. Santos Kumar Das 7

Computation of Q-Factor


: Pulse Broadening factor
: Polarization Mode Dispersion
L: Length of ling (i, j)

: lth Wavelength

: Delay due to different fiber

a, b, c: Fiber dependent constants

12/11/2021 Prof. Santos Kumar Das 8

Highest Q-Factor (QFh)

12/11/2021 Prof. Santos Kumar Das 9

OVPN/ON Control Manager

N e t w o r k L a y e r M o d u le
P h y s ic a l L a y e r M o d u le
C o m p u te A ll
P o s s i b l e /S h o r t e s t /D i s j o i n t O V P N E s tim a te O V P N C Q u a lity
C o n n e ctio n s

C o m p u ta tio n o f C o m p u ta tio n o f
E n d - t o - E n d D e l a y /E y e
T r a n s m is s io n D a ta R a te
a n d N o is e P e n a lty

E s tim a te Q -F a c to r

12/11/2021 Prof. Santos Kumar Das 10

Prof. Santos Kumar Das

Flowchart for Fiber Material

Simulation Topology

Bench Mark NSFNet Topology, the number represents the number

of spans, one span is 70km, 10 node, 16 links

12/11/2021 Prof. Santos Kumar Das 12

Simulation Topology

Bench Mark NSFNet Topology, the number represents the number

of spans, one span is 70km, 10 node, 16 links

12/11/2021 Prof. Santos Kumar Das 13

Network Topology

 The benchmark NSF topology has limitation of 10 node and 16

links. It can be used for larger network, where more number of
routes can be computed.
 In larger networks, the number of links for a source-destination
pair can be very large.
 Under such circumstance, the computation of Quality
parameters can be limited to 7 hops only.
 It is expected that other routes will provide lower performance.
 The simulation results were taken for a single source-
destination pair. However, it also can be analyzed for any
source-destination pair.
 The computational result was done using MATLAB coding.

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(Computed Delay vs. OVPNCRN (Source:1, Destination:8).)

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Q-Factor vs. OVPNCRN (Source: 1, Destination: 8).

12/11/2021 Prof. Santos Kumar Das 16

BP vs. No. of OVPNC Requests (Multiple Fiber,
Source: 1, Destination: 8, with respect to Number of Wavelength).

12/11/2021 Prof. Santos Kumar Das 17

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