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So…that – Such… that

• It was such a great show that I will never forget

• His collection is so amazing that I couldn’t stop admiring it
• But, I know that he is also such a talented movie actor that I never miss his acting
• He is such a good designer that many well- known Indonesian are proud to wear
his designer
• He is so popular that he appears almost everyday on TV
• I think that Jakarta’s art and creative scene is so slim that a proposal to UNESCO
excluded Jakarta from its list of creative cities
• I was so surprised that I could not speak a word
• I read such an interesting article.
• I am so busy that I can’t take a break nowadays
• She is so beautiful and elegant that guest took photos with her
• https://
• https://
• https://
Choose the correct italic word and give the effect sentence.
1. There’s so/such little crime now that_____________________________________________
2. They have got so/such poor hospitals that_________________________________________
3. Fuel prices are hiking so/such quickly that________________________________________
4. Our situation sometimes looks so/such bleak that___________________________________
5. So/such few women are having babies theses days that_______________________________
6. The incumbent local governor was allegedly involved in so/such a big corruption
7. The government has lied so/such many times that__________________________________
8. The earthquake caused so/such widespread damage that____________________________
9. The Aceh tsunami in 2004 left so/such an unforgettable memory that_______________________
10.So/such many children are forced to work that___________________________
Complete the sentences by adding the correct adverbs
1. So______ people bothered to vote that the election result are almost meaningless
2. There is so_______ poverty in the world that surely tacking that has to be our
main goal
3. So_____new jobs have been created that there are actually a lot of posts which
are in filled
4. So____ research has been done into the problem that it’s hard to say what
causing it
5. So_____ people turned up to vote in the election that there were long queues at
the polls.
Add so or such to the following sentences.
1. It was____ a hot day that cancelled our basketball game.
2. The test was ____ easy that everyone got a high score
3. The movie was____ bad that we left early
4. It was____ a bad movie that we left early
5. Professor Setiawan is____ a stern taskmaster that lazy students won’t take his class
6. The restaurant patron at the table near us was____ belligerent that we all felt embarrassed, especially when
he swept everything off the table and demanded his money back.
7. The intricate metal lacework on the Eiffel Tower in Paris was____ complicated that the structure took more
than two and a half years to complete
8. Akbar and Anjar are____ hard-working carpenters that I’m sure they’ll make a success of their new
9. The children had____ much fun at the carnival that they begged to go to again
10.I feel like I have___ little energy that I wonder if I’m getting sick
Find and correct seven mistakes in sentences.
1. The factory closing caused so lasting damage to the local economy.
2. Such few young people vote nowadays, they are thinking of making it compulsory.
3. The demonstration passed off so peacefully, there were no arrests
4. There are so little green spaces, it’s hard to find somewhere to sit and relax.
5. The parade was such great success that the city decided to hold one every year
6. So many high-rise blocks have built in the city, it’s now unrecognizable.
7. Air pollution has risen so high that people are finding it hard to breath
8. There are so a lot of positive things that he’s done for the city

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