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Valid Categorical Syllogism

Let’s have some intros first before going to the next rules…

Anatomy of a categorical proposition:

• Quality – is whether the proposition is affirmative or negative. It is affirmative when the proposition
“affirms an idea.” It is negative the proposition denies something (this is when the proposition uses the
words “no, not, nothing”)

Ex. of affirmative quality

All humans are mortals.
Some Filipinos are family-oriented.
Most Filipino nurses are patient-centered professionals.
Some diseases are contagious.
Ex of negative quality

Nobody is immortal.
Some Filipinos are not family-oriented.
Most Filipino nurses are not patient-centered.
Some diseases are not contagious.
• Quantity – refers to the extension of the term. Simply, it is the “how
many” of the application of the idea/term.
a. universal – when it refers to the inclusion of everything or
everybody. It uses “all, every, any, each, none, nothing, or no” as signifiers.
b. particular – when it refers only to a portion of the whole, like the
use of the words some, few, most, or the article “a, or an.”
c. singular – when it refers to a definite idea, or anything that is
readily identifiable for being so specific, like proper nouns, or specific
places and persons.
• Symbol – is the summary of the quality and quantity of the
A is used to symbolize affirmative quality and universal or singular
E is used to symbolize negative quality and universal or singular
I is used to symbolize affirmative quality and particular quantity.
O is used to symbolize negative quality and particular quantity.
Quantity of the proposition versus quantity of the predicate term

Quantity of the predicate term refers only to the predicate; while

quantity of the proposition refers to the entire proposition.

When the symbol is “E or O”, the quantity of the predicate term is

When the symbol is “A or I”, the quantity of the predicate term is


When the symbol is

A – the quantity of the entire proposition is universal (or singular), but the
predicate term is particular.
E – both the proposition and the predicate term are universal.
I – both the entire proposition and the predicate term are particular.
O- the entire proposition is particular but the predicate term is universal.
All humans are mortals.

Quality : Quality: Affirmative

Quantity of the proposition: Quantity of the proposition: Universal
Symbol: Symbol: A
Quantity of the predicate term: Quantity of the predicate term: Particular
Nobody is immortal.

Quality: Quality: Negative

Quantity of the proposition: Quantity of the proposition: Universal
Symbol: Symbol: E
Quantity of the predicate term: Quantity of the predicate term: Universal
Some Filipinos are family-oriented.

Quality: Quality: Affirmative

Quantity of the proposition: Particular
Quantity of the proposition:
Symbol: I
Symbol: Quantity of the predicate term: Particular
Quantity of the predicate term:
Some Filipinos are not Family-oriented.

Quality: Quality: Negative

Quantity of the proposition: Quantity of the proposition: Particular
Symbol: Symbol: O
Quantity of the predicate term: Quantity of the predicate term: Particular
Rule 2
When the major term is universal in the conclusion, the major term in the
major premise must also be universal. This, means that when the major
term in the conclusion is particular, this rule does not apply. Violation of
this rule results to the fallacy called illicit major.

All hospitals are institutions dedicated to solving health issues.
No institution dedicated to solving health issues are agencies free from
corruption problems.
Ergo, No agencies free from corruption problems are hospitals.
Rule 3
When the minor term is universal in the conclusion, the minor term in the minor premise
must also be universal. This, means that when the minor term in the conclusion is particular,
this rule does not apply. Violation of this rule results to the fallacy called illicit minor.

All hospitals are institutions dedicated to solving health issues.
No institution dedicated to solving health issues are agencies free from corruption problems.
Ergo, No agencies free from corruption problems are hospitals.

minor term
The middle term must be universal at least once. Violation of this rule results to fallacy
of undistributed middle.

All hospitals are institutions dedicated to solving health issues.
No institution dedicated to solving health issues are agencies free from corruption
Ergo, No agencies free from corruption problems are hospitals.

Middle term
Universal in minor premise
All hospitals are institutions dedicated to solving health issues.
No institution dedicated to solving health issues are agencies free from corruption
Ergo, All agencies free from corruption problems are hospitals.

Minor term – is it universal in conclusion? YES

Predicate of E – universal
May illicit ba minor term? None
No problem minor term & major term
All hospitals are institutions dedicated to solving health issues.
Some institutions dedicated to solving health issues are agencies free
from corruption problems.
Ergo, No agencies free from corruption problems are hospitals.

Middle term – Particular

Both parti & Minor term has problem

All hospitals are institutions dedicated to solving health issues.

No institution dedicated to solving health issues are agencies free from
corruption problems.
Ergo, No agencies free from corruption problems are hospitals.

= No problem
symbol Quality Quantity of the subject Quantity of the predicate
term of the proposition term of the proposition

A /M - P
A / S - M (Minor term) (middle term)
A / S – P (major term)

Particular in conclusion = No problem in major term

No problem minor term
Middle term –univ in major premise = no problem
A/ P – M
I/ S - M (minor)
O/ S- P (major term)

Universal in conclusion – Major premise = no illness

Minor term = no problem
Middle term is undistributed = problem
I / P-M
A /M -S
O / S- P

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