Pressure Control Valves: Controlling The Pressure Level

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The force of a cylinder is proportional to the pressure in a system

and the area over which the pressure is applied. Controlling the pressure
level in a circuit will therefore allow us to control the output force of a
cylinder pressure control valves control the max pressure level and also
protect the circuit from excessive pressure, which could damage
components and possibly cause serious injury. Some types of pressure
control valves simply react to pressure changes rather than control the

Pressure relief valves limit the max pressure in a hydraulic circuit by providing an alternate
path for fluid flow when the pressure reaches a preset level.
The basic types are

1 Direct acting pressure relief valve

2 Pilot operated pressure relief valve


All relief valves have a pressure port that is connected to the pump line and a tank port that is connected to the tank
This type of relief valve is called direct acting because the ball is directly exposed to pump pressure.

The arrow through the spring signifies that it is adjustable, allowing adjustment of the pressure level at which the relief
valve opens.

The Figure A, B shows the pilot operated pressure relief valve, rather than a direct acting relief valve, is used to
control the maximum pressure. A pilot operated relief valve consists of a small pilot relief valve and a main relief
valve. It operates in a two-stage process. First the pilot relief valve opens when a preset maximum pressure is reached,
which then causes the main relief valve to open.

B - Pilot Operated Pressure Relief Valve- Open

A - Pilot Operated Pressure Relief Valve –
The symbol for the pilot operated relief valve is the same as that used for the direct acting relief valve. The
advantages are usually smaller than a direct acting type for the same flow and pressure ratings. They also
generally have a wider range for the maximum pressure setting. Another advantage is that they can be
operated remotely.

The advantage of this type of

arrangement is that the on board
pilot can be set to the absolute
maximum pressure that the
circuit is designed for, while the
remote can be set for a lower
pressure dictated by the
current operating parameters

C - Pilot Operated Pressure Relief Valve with

Remote Control
In th e c a s e o f p re s s u re re lie f v a lv e , th e p u m p d e liv e rs fu ll p u m p flo w a t th e p re s s u re re lie f
v a lv e s e ttin g a n d th u s o p e ra te s a t m a x im u m h o rs e p o w e r c o n d itio n s .

U n lo a d in g V a lv e

T h e ‘ In ’ p o r t o f th e u n lo a d in g v a lv e is c o n n e c te d to th e lin e w h ic h is to b e u n lo a d e d . T h e p ilo t p o r t is
c o n n e c te d to th e lin e w h ic h is s u p p o s e d to s e n d th e p re s s u re im p u ls e fo r u n lo a d in g th e v a lv e . A s s o o n a s
th e s y s te m p re s s u re re a c h e s th e s e ttin g p re s s u r e w h ic h is a v a ila b le a t th e p ilo t p o rt, it lifts th e s p o o l
a g a in s t th e s p r in g fo r c e . T h e v a lv e is h e ld o p e n b y p ilo t p r e s s u r e a n d th e d e liv e r y fr o m th e p u m p
sta r ts g o in g in to th e r e s e r v o ir .
T h e u n lo a d in g v a lv e is u s e fu l to c o n tr o l th e a m o u n t o f flo w a t a n y g iv e n tim e in s y s te m s
h a v in g m o r e th a n o n e fix e d d e liv e r y p u m p .
T h e s y m b o l f o r e a c h i s s h o w n i n 'F i g u r e A ' f o r c o m p a r i s o n . B o t h s e n d f l o w b a c k t o t h e
ta n k w h e n a p r e s e t p re s s u re is re a c h e d . H o w e v e r , a n u n lo a d in g v a lv e re a d s th e p re s s u re in a n
e x t e r n a l l i n e , r a t h e r t h a n i n i t s o w n l i n e , a s i n d i c a t e d b y t h e d a s h e d p i l o t l i n e s . 'F i g u r e B ' s h o w s t h e
a p p lic a tio n fo r a n u n lo a d in g v a lv e . T h is c irc u it c a n b e u s e d in a n a p p lic a tio n in w h ic h h ig h flo w
(s p e e d ) a n d lo w

A - S y m b o l C o m p a r is o n
prevents the flow
isolates the high flow the high flow
pump from the system pump from
pressure while it is flowing into the
being unloaded low flow pump

B - Unloading Valve Circuit

example a metal stamping machine. In this machine it may be desirable for the cylinder to move into position
very quickly, and then slow down when it reaches the work piece. The first part of the cycle requires only minimal
pressure because the only resistance is the flow resistance of the components and the friction of the cylinder. The
second part of the cycle requires high pressure because the cylinder is deforming the metal.
This type of valve is used to maintain reduced pressure in specified locations of hydraulic systems. It is
normally an open valve. It is actuated by downstream pressure and tends to close as this pressure reaches the
valve setting.

If downstream pressure is below the

valve pressure, fluid will flow freely
from the inlet to the out let. When the
outlet pressure increases the valve setting,
the spool moves to partially block the
outlet port. If the valve is closed
completely by the spool, it could cause the
downstream pressure to build above the
valve setting. To avoid this, a drain line is Pressure Reducing Valve
provided to drain the fluid to the tank.
Symbol Comparison

The reducing valve reads the pressure downstream while the relief valve reads the
pressure upstream. The reducing valve has an external drain line, while a relief valve does
an application for a pressure reducing valve. Here, two
cylinders are connected in parallel. The circuit is designed to
operate at a maximum pressure of 1500 bar, which is
determined by the relief valve setting. This is the maximum
pressure that cylinder will see. For a reason determined by the
function of the machine, cylinder 2 is limited to a maximum
pressure of 1000 bar. This is accomplished by placing a
pressure reducing valve in the circuit in the location as shown.
If the pressure in the circuit rises above 1000 bar, the pressure
reducing valve will close partially to create a pressure drop across
the valve. The valve then maintains the pressure drop so that
outlet pressure is not allowed to rise above 1500 bar setting.
a pressure reducing valve The disadvantage of this method of pressure control is that
the pressure drop across the reducing valve represents lost
energy that is converted to heat. If the pressure setting of
Pressure Reducing Valve Application the reducing valve is set very low relative to the pressure in
the rest of the system, the pressure drop will be very high,
resulting in excessive heating of the fluid. When the
hydraulic fluid becomes too hot, its viscosity reduces,

When the operation of two hydraulic cylinders is required to be performed in sequence by using a single

direction valve, known as the sequence valve.

Instead of sending flow
back to the tank, however, a
sequence valve allows flow
to a branch circuit when a
preset pr . The check valve
allows the sequence valve
to be by passed in the
reverse direction pessure is

circuit of tube bending machines uses

sequence valve for clamping and bending
tubes in sequence. As per the required
sequence first the work piece has to be clamped,
then bend to required shape, bending cylinder
retract and clamping cylinder retract to unclamp
the work piece. In this circuit, the bending.
cylinder will extend only after the clamp
cylinder is fully extended and the clamp
cylinder will retract only after the bending
cylinder is fully retracted Sequence Valve For Tube Bending Machine
A c o u n te r b a la n c e v a lv e is u s e d to m a in ta in b a c k p re s s u re o n a v e rtic a l c y lin d e r to p r e v e n t it fro m
fa llin g d u e to g r a v ity .
T h is v a lv e o p e ra te s o n th e p rin c ip le th a t th e lin e o f flo w fro m th e b o tto m o f th e v e rtic a l c y lin d e r
in to th e v a lv e re m a in s c lo s e d till a p ilo t
p re s s u re is a c h ie v e d . A s s o o n a s th e
p re s s u re is d e v e lo p e d , it o v e r c o m e s th e
s p rin g fo rc e a n d th e lin e o f flo w fin d s a
fre e p a ss a g e b e tw e e n p rim a ry p o rt a n d
se co n d ary p o rt. W h e n th e D C V is
s h ifte d to e x te n d th e c y lin d e r, th e w e ig h t
m a y c a u s e th e c y lin d e r to a c c e le ra te to o
q u ic k ly . W h e n th is o c c u rs , th e lo a d is
d riv in g th e c y lin d e r, a s a p p o s e d to th e
When the DCV is shifted to lower the
weight, the cylinder will not extend until a
preset pressure is reached in the rod end.
This provides a back pressure against the
rod end of the piston, which acts to
stabilize the downward movement of the
cylinder. The check valve allows the
counter balance valve to be passed when
the cylinder is retracted. A counter balance
valve has an internal drain, unlike the
sequence valve, which has an external Counterbalance Circuit

Brake valves, like counter balance valves, are used to prevent loads from accelerating uncontrollably. Counter
balance valves are used with cylinders, brake valves are used with hydraulic motors. Brake valves are most commonly
used in circuits in which the motor must lower a large weight, such as in a winch application. A simple winch circuit is
shown in Figure.

When the weight is lowered, it may tend to drive the

motor, instead of the motor lowering the weight. This is
known as an over running load. In this situation, the load
will probably accelerate too quickly. The motor is being
driven by the load and is basically acting as a pump.

When this occurs, the pressure at the outlet will

be higher than the pressure at the inlet. The
brake valve senses the pressure in both the inlet
and outlet lines of the motor, just as it is with a
pump. Brake Valve In Winch Application
Whenever the pressure at the outlet is lower than the pressure at the inlet, the motor is
functioning normally and the brake valve allows nearly unrestricted flow out of the motor.
When the pressure at the outlet is higher than at the inlet, however, the brake valve closes
partially to provide enough of a back pressure on the outlet of the motor to keep the load in
control. The check valve allows the valve to be by passed when the weight is being raised.

Flow control valves control the flow rate of fluid in a circuit. They accomplish this by incorporating a
variable orifice into the circuit that acts like a faucet; closing the flow control valve orifice reduces the
flow rate and opening the orifice increases the flow rate. The speed of an actuator depends directly upon
the flow rate in the system. Controlling the flow rate therefore allows us to control the speed of actuators.
A variable displacement pump’s flow output can be varied, even while it is being driven at a constant
speed. This will also control the actuator’s speed. In spite of this, flow control valves are commonly used
because they are much less expensive and easier to control than variable pumps.
1. N e e d l e f l o w c o n t r o l v a l v e
2. P r e s s u r e c o m p e n s a t e d f l o w c o n t r o l v a l v e
T h e s im p le s t ty p e o f flo w c o n tro l v a lv e is n e e d le v a lv e a s s h o w n in F ig u r e .

unrestricted flow

N e e d le V a lv e
T h is v a lv e is b a s ic a lly ju s t a n a d ju s ta b le o rific e th a n c a n b e c lo s e d to r e d u c e th e flo w ra te in a c ir c u it. T h e
o rific e s iz e is a d ju s tm e n t b y tu rn in g th e a d ju s tm e n t k n o b , w h ic h ra is e s o r lo w e rs th e v a lv e s te m a n d n e e d le .
Note The flow rate from A to B. From B to A, the flow is uncontrolled because the restriction is by passed through the check.
The flow control valves blocks the flow in term there is a pressure drop across the valve. This pressure drop affects the
motion of the actuators and also increases the temperature of the fluid. To eliminate the above problems pressure
compensated flow control valve is designed

This type of flow control valves

automatically adjusts the size of
the orifice in response to changes
in system pressure. It accomplishes
this through the use of a spring
loaded compensator spool that
reduces the size of the orifice when
the upstream pressure increases
relative to the downstream
pressure. Once the valve is set, the
pressure compensator will act to
keep the pressure drop across the
valve nearly constant.
A c y lin d e r w ith m e te r -in flo w c o n tro l o f th e e x te n d s tro k e is s h o w n is b e lo w F ig u re .

When the cylinder is extending, the flow

coming from the pump cannot pass through the
check valve and is forced to go through the
metering orifice (part A). When the cylinder is
retracting, the needle valve is being by passed
through the check (part B). The net result is that
the flow control valve is controlling the extend
speed, while the retract speed of the cylinder is
uncontrolled. It is common to control only the
working stroke of a cylinder, while allowing the
return stroke move at full speed.
C y lin d e r s w it h M e t e r -I n F lo w C o n tr o l
T h e F ig u re s h o w s a c y lin d e r w ith m e te r -o u t flo w c o n tro l o f th e e x te n d s tro k e .
The flow control valve in this circuit is
placed in the rod end line. When the
cylinder is extending, the flow coming
from the cylinder cannot pass through
the check and is forced to go through the
metering orifice (part A). When the
cylinder is retracting, the metering
orifice is being by passed through the
check (part B). The net result is the same
as with the previous circuit. The extend
speed is controlled, while the retract
speed is uncontrolled. However in this
circuit we control the flow rate act of
the cylinder, while in the previous
circuit we controlled the flow rate into
the cylinder
C y lin d e r s w ith M e te r -O u t F lo w C o n tr o l
In this type of flow control, an additional
In addition to meter-in and meter-out flow control,
line is run through a flow control back to the
there is a less commonly used flow control configuration
known as bleed-off. tank. To slow down the actuator, some of the
flow is bled off through this line, thereby
reducing the flow to the actuator 'Figure A'
shows bleed off control of the extend stroke,
'Figure B' shows control of the retract stroke.
Note that the operation of a bleed-off flow
control valve is opposite to a meter-in or meter-
out flow control valve. Opening a bleed-off
flow control valve slows down an actuator,
while opening a meter-in or meter-out flow
control valve increases actuator speed.
Flow dividers divide the flow from a pump into two or more streams of equal flow rates. They maintain equal
flow rates in the branch circuits even if the pressures in the branches are not equal. Without flow divider, the flow
from the pump would follow the path of least resistance.
There are two commonly used flow divider designs balanced spool and rotary

Accumulators are devices that store hydraulic fluid under pressure , hence
storing energy for later use. Perhaps the most common application for an
accumulator is supplementing the pump flow in a hydraulic system in which a high
flow rate is required for a brief period of time.

1. Weight loaded accumulator
2. Spring loaded accumulator
3. Gas charged accumulator
4. Piston type
5. Bladder type
6. Diaphragm type
A hydraulic accumulator is a device that stores the potential energy of an incompressible
fluid held under pressure by an external source against some dynamic force. The
dynamic force can come three different sources : Gravity, Mechanical Springs, and
Compressed gases. The stored potential energy in the accumulator is a quick secondary
source of fluid power capable of doing useful work as required by the system.
There are three basic types of accumulator used in hydraulic system. They are:
1. Weight – Loaded, or gravity, type
2. Spring -Loaded type
3. Gas – Loaded type
1. Weight – Loaded Accumulator : This type consists of a vertical, heavy- wall steel
cylinder, which incorporates a piston with packing to pressure leakage ( Fig 5.24)
. A dead weight is attached to the top of the piston. The force of gravity of the dead weight
provides the potential energy in the accumulator. This type of accumulator creates a constant
fluid pressure throughout the full volume output of the unit regardless of the rate and quantity
of output. The main disadvantage of this type of accumulator is extremely large size and
heavy weight which makes it unsuitable for mobile equipment.
2. Spring – Loaded Accumulator : A spring loaded accumulator is similar to the weight –
loaded type except that the piston is preloaded with a spring as shown in fig 5.25. The spring is
the source of energy that acts against the piston, forcing the fluid into the hydraulic system. The
pressure generated by this type of accumulator depends on the size and pre-loading of the spring.
In addition, the pressure exerted on the fluid is not a constant. The spring- loaded accumulator
typically delivers a relatively small volume of oil at low pressures. Thus, they tend to be heavy
and large for high- pressure, large – volume systems. This type of accumulator should not be used
for applications requiring high cycle rates because the spring will fatigue and lose its elasticity. The
result is an inoperative accumulator.
a. Non separator- Type Accumulator: The
non separator type of accumulator (fig
5.26)consists of a fully enclosed shell
containing an oil port on the bottom and a
gas charging valve on the top. The gas is
confined in the top and the oil at the
bottom of the shell. There is no physical
separator between the gas and oil and thus
the gas pushes directly on oil. The main
advantage of this type is its ability to
handle large volume of oil. The main
disadvantage is absorption of gas in the oil
due to the lack of a separator. Absorption
of gas in the oil also makes the oil
compressible, resulting in spongy
operation of the hydraulic actuators. This
type must be installed vertically to keep the
gas confined at the top of the shell.
b. Separator – Type Accumulator : The commonly accepted design of gas loaded accumulators is the
separator type. In this type there is a physical barrier between the gas and the oil. The three major type
of separator accumulator are
i) Piston type: The piston type of accumulator consists of a cylinder containing freely floating piston
with proper seals. The piston serves as a barrier between the gas and oil.(fig5.27). The main
disadvantage of the piston types of accumulator are that they are expensive to manufacture and have
practical size limitation. The principal advantage of the piston accumulator is its ability to handle
very high or low temperature system fluids through the utilization to compatible O- ring seals.
diaphragm, secured in the shell, which serves as an elastic barrier between the oil and gas(fig5.28). A
shut off button, which is secured at the base of the diaphragm, covers the inlet of the line
connection when the diaphragm is fully stretched. The primary advantage of this type of
accumulator is its small weight- to–volume ratio, which makes it suitable almost exclusively for
mobile applications. The restriction is on the deflection of the diaphragm
iii) Bladder type Accumulator : A bladder type- accumulator contains an elastic barrier( bladder)
between the oil and gas( fig5.29). The bladder is fitted in the accumulator by means of a vulcanized gas-
valve element and can be installed or removed through the shell opening at the poppet valve. The
poppet valve closes the inlet when the accumulator bladder is fully expanded. This prevents the bladder
from being pressed into the opening. The greatest advantage of this type of accumulator is the positive
sealing between the gas and oil chambers. Most widely used type of accumulator.
Accumulators are used as
 Leakage compensator
 Auxiliary power source
 Emergency power source
 Hydraulic shock absorber
 Fluid make-up device
Accumulator Circuits :
1. Accumulator as
a auxiliary power source :

to control the
combined pressure
of pump and the
One of the most common application of accumulator is as an auxiliary power source. The
purpose of the accumulator in this application is to store oil delivered by the pump during a
portion of the work cycle. The accumulator then releases this stored oil on demand to
complete the cycle, thereby serving as a secondary power source to assist the pump. In such a
system where intermittent operations are performed, the use of an accumulator results in
being able to use a smaller size pump.
Figure 5.30 shows such a application in which a four way valve is used in conjunction with an
accumulator. When the four way valve is manually actuated, oil flows from the accumulator to
the blank end of the cylinder. This extends the piston until it reaches the end of its stroke.
While the desired operation is occurring ( the cylinder is fully extended position ), the
accumulator is being charged by the pump. The four way is then deactivated for the retraction
of the cylinder. Oil from both the pump and accumulator is used to retract the cylinder rapidly.
The check valve prevents the back flow of oil from the accumulator when the pump is not
working. The control signal for the relief valve is obtained after the check valve, to control the
combined pressure of pump and the accumulator.
2. Accumulator as an emergency power source: In some hydraulic system, safety dictates that
a cylinder be retracted even though
the normal supply of oil pressure is lost due
to a pump or electrical power failure. Such
an application requires the use of an
accumulator as an emergency power source.
Figure 5.31 shows such a application in
which a solenoid actuated three way valve is
used in conjunction with an accumulator.
When the three way valve is energized, oil
flows to the blank end of the cylinder and
also through the check valve into the
accumulator and rod end of the cylinder. The
accumulator charges as the cylinder extends.
If the pump fails due to an electrical failure,
the solenoid will deenergize, shifting the
valve to the spring -offset position. Then the
oil stored under pressure is forced from the
accumulator to the rod end of the cylinder.
This retracts the cylinder to the starting
position. In normal working, when the
solenoid is deenergized, the valve shifts to the
spring offset position. In this position the
accumulator will retract the Cylinder.
3. Accumulator as a hydraulic shock absorber :

One of the most important industrial

application of accumulator is the elimination
or reduction of high pressure pulsation or
hydraulic shock Hydraulic shock is caused by
the sudden stoppage, sudden impact load, or
reversal with heavy loads. Hydraulic
shockload may be reduced considerably if the
deceleration time of the flowing fluid mass
can be reduced. The accumulator ( Fig 5.32)
should be installed as close to the shock
source as possible. Here 2 accumulators are
installed near the entry to the cylinder. The oil
from the pump flow to the accumulator first
and when accumulator is filled, the oil moves
to the cylinder and piston starts moving.
The accumulator installed near the shut-
off point in order to be more effective in
quickly absorbing the shock wave. When
the system demands to shut-off the supply
suddenly, a 2/2 shut-off valve is used for
the purpose. When operator shifts handle
of the 2/2 emergency shut-off valve, the
fluid flow is stopped suddenly. This results
in high-pressure pulsations or hydraulic
shock. The pressure pulsation is blocked
by check valve. The surges between the
check valve and the shut-off valve are
used to store the oil in accumulator and
thus the pressure pulsations of the oil in
Pressure intensifier or boosters are devices
used to generate pressure greater than those
achievable with standard hydraulic pumps alone.
They take the inlet flow from the pump and
intensify the pressure. A simplified cut way of an
intensifier is shown in Figure. The intensifier is
shown on the forward stroke. In this situation, the
pump flow (Q pump) is fed into port A of the
intensifier, which applies a pressure (P pump ) to the
piston, causing it to more right. This in turn
generates a force that is applied to the rod. The
force on the rod then creates pressure and flow at
the outlet to the system
When the four way directional control valve is shifted to
the opposite position, the pump flow is sent to port B of
the intensifier, causing the piston to move left. This causes
fluid to be drawn into the rod chamber which completes
one cycle. The Figure shows the usage of intensifier in the
punching machine. After placing the work piece in the
fixture and shifts handle of 4/2 DCV to the right side, the
oil flows to the blank end of the cylinder through the check
valve. When the pressure in the cylinder reaches the
sequence valve pressure setting, the sequence valve opens
and supplies the flow to the intensifier. Now the intensifier
starts to operate and gives high pressure output. This high
pressure output of the intensifier closes the pilot check
valve and pressurizes the blank end of the cylinder to
When the 4/2 DCV is shifted to the left side position, the oil flows to the rod end of the cylinder.
When it builds-up the pressure, the pilot signal opens the check valve. Thus the cylinder is
retracted to the starting position.

In some applications, the hydraulics and
pneumatics circuits are coupled to best use
of the advantage of both oil and air
mediums. This combination circuit is also
known as hydro-pneumatic or dual
pressure systems. Figure shows a typical
air-over-oil intensifier. This circuit can be
used for drawing a cylinder over a large
distance at a low pressure and then over a
small distance at high pressure. This circuit
consists of two lines- air lines and oil lines.
In the circuit the air lines are shown by
single lines and oil lines by double lines.
When the first 4/2 DCV valve1 is shifted to left mode, the air from the reservoir flows to the
approach tank. In the approach tank, the air forces the oil to the blind end of the cylinder through the
bottom of the intensifier, as shown by double lines. Now the cylinder extends. When the cylinder
experiences its load, the second 4/2 valve2 is actuated to the left mode. This valve position sends air
to the top end of the intensifier. Now the intensifier moves down, and the piston of the intensifier
blocks the path of oil from the approach tank. Now the cylinder receives high pressure oil at the blind
end to perform the useful work such as punching operation. When the valve2 is released, the air flow
from the reservoir is blocked. The air from the top end of the intensifier is vented to the atmosphere.
This completes the high pressure portion of the cycle. When valve1 is released, the air flow is
diverted to return tank and also the air in the approach tank is vented. The diverted air flow pushes the
oil to the rod end of the cylinder. This causes the cylinder to retract. The oil from the piston end of the
cylinder is diverted back to the approach tank through the bottom end of the intensifier. This
completes the entire cycle of operation.
Mechanical Engineering Dept. / Mutah university Dr. Ramadan Jabr

Design of Hydraulic Circuit

Case study 1
1.1 Problem Definition: Package lifting device

Figure 5.8.1 Schematic of a Package lifting system for LED TVs

For a dispatch station of a LED TV production house, design a package lifting device to lift packages containing 21” to 51”
LED TVs from the inspection conveyor to the dispatch conveyor. Draw the hydraulic circuit diagram. List the components.
Readers are requested to assume suitable data.
Mechanical Engineering Dept. / Mutah university Dr. Ramadan Jabr

1.3 Proposed hydraulic circuit and its operation Shut-off valve

Figure 5.8.2 shows the circuit design for package

lifting device. The two direction hydraulic motor Pressure relief valve
is run by using a hydraulic power pack. Required
valves and pressure sensors are also included
Pressure gauge
for desired control action. Readers are
requested to carefully read the circuit and Flow sensor
comprehend the circuit.
Once the hydraulic circuit has been assembled
and checked, valve 1V1 and pressure relief valve
Hydraulic Power
1V2 can be operated in sequence to obtain the Pack
rotary motion of hydraulic motor in required rotary motion of
direction (clockwise/counter clockwise). This hydraulic motor in
rotary motion can further be converted into required direction
linear motion by using suitable motion converter (clockwise/counter
mechanism viz. Rack and pinion mechanism. clockwise
Linear motion is used to lift the packages. It is
required to develop a PID based controller to
control the operation of the valves. The pressure Figure 5.8.2 Hydraulic circuit design for package lifting device
gauge and flow sensor are used to monitor the
operation continuously. Page 45 of 63
Mechanical Engineering Dept. / Mutah university Dr. Ramadan Jabr

Hydraulic pump One direction and two

direction of rotation with
variable displacement

Rotary actuators

One direction and two

direction of rotation with
constant displacement

Pneumatic motor
One direction and two
direction of rotation with
variable displacement

One direction and two

direction of rotation with
constant displacement

Hydraulic motor
One direction and two
direction of rotation with
variable displacement

Service units

Air filter This device is a

combination of filter and
water separator

Dryer For drying the air

Lubricator For lubrication of

connected devices,
small amount of oil is
added to

Page 54 of 63
Mechanical Engineering Dept. / Mutah university Dr. Ramadan Jabr

the air flowing through this

Regulator To regulate the air pressure

FRL unit Combined filter, regulator

and lubricator system

Direction control valves (DCVs)

2/2 way valve Two closed ports in the
neutral position and flow
during actuated position

3/2 way valve In the first position flow

takes place to the cylinder
In the second position flow
takes out of the cylinder to
the exhaust (Single acting

4/2 way valve For double acting cylinder

all the ports are open

4/3 way valve Two open positions and

one closed neutral

5/2 way valve Two open positions with

two exhaust ports

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Mechanical Engineering Dept. / Mutah university Dr. Ramadan Jabr

Shuttle/ OR valve When any one of the input

is given the output is

AND valve Only when both the inputs

are given output is

Quick exhaust valve For quick exhaust of air to

cause rapid extension/
retraction of cylinder

Flow control valves

Flow control valve To allow controlled flow

Flow control valve To allow controlled flow in

with one way one direction and free flow
adjustment in other

Pressure control valves

Pressure relieving valve Non relieving type

Relieving type
overload being vented out

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Mechanical Engineering Dept. / Mutah university Dr. Ramadan Jabr

Pressure reducing valve Maintains the reduced

pressure at specified
location in hydraulic system

Unloading valve Allows pump to build

pressure to an adjustable
pressure setting and then
allow it to be discharged to

Counter balance valve Controls the movement of

vertical hydraulic cylinder
and prevents its descend due
to external load weight


Single acting cylinder Spring loaded cylinder with

retraction taking place by
spring force

Double acting cylinder Both extension


pneumatic/hydraulic force

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