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5. Towards Green Energy

Use of various energy sources
Generation of electrical energy Process & environment
1 Thermal electric power station
Water is heated by burning of coal( thermal energy). Steam of high temperature
& pressure generated drives turbine. Generator connected to turbine rotates &
electrical energy is produced. steam converted to water & is re-circulated .

Chemical Kinetic
Thermal Kinetiergy Electrical
energy in energy in
energy in turbine energy
coal steam

Thermal Power Generation - Problems

Burning of coal emit CO2 , SO2& NO2 are harmful to health.
Soot particles have problems of respiratory system.
Reserves of coal are limited so crisis of availability.
Thermal power generation is a major way of electricity generation today .
Forms of energy- mechanical , chemical , sound, light , heat (can be
The electromagnetic induction- whenever magnetic field around a conductor
changes, a potential difference is generated across the conductor.
The field around a conductor can be changed in two ways-
A conductor is stationary & magnet is rotating.
A magnet is stationary & but conductor is moving.
Large generators in power generation are based on electromagnetic induction.
The turbine rotates by kinetic energy of flow of liquid or gas rotate magnet in
generator. Energy source rotating turbine decides design of turbine.
1 Thermal electric power station
2 Nuclear Energy

An atom of uranium - 235 bombarded No air pollution . A good source of

by neutron , absorbs it & gets converted electrical energy If sufficient nuclear fuel
to extremely unstable isotope uranium – is available,.
236 which converts into atoms of
barium & krypton by nuclear fission
releasing three neutrons & 200 mev . 1. The products of nuclear fission are
radioactive & its disposal is a big
The three neutrons generated cause
challenge before the scientists.
fission of three other uranium - 235
atoms releasing more energy to 2. Accident in nuclear power plant is fatal
continue chain reaction .
Nuclear Energy
3 Power generation plant based on energy of natural gas

Pressurized air is introduced in combustion

chamber using a compressor , natural gas
burns in presence of the air. The gas at very
high temperature &pressure runs turbine&
drives the generator to produce electricity .
Efficiency of this power generation plant is
higher than coal . Do not contain sulphur,
natural gas results no pollution.
Electric Energy Generation & Environment

Electricity generation based on fossil & nuclear fuels degrade environment .

Burning of fossil fuels – Air pollution- Soot particles - problems of
respiratory system(asthma). Carbon monoxide - affects our health. Carbon
dioxide - global warming. Nitrogen dioxide - acid-rain.
2. Fuels will deplete ( coal - 200 yrs & natural gas 200- 300 yrs).
3. Disposal of nuclear waste & accidents are serious issues
Electricity generation from water reservoir, wind, sunlight, biofuels
have no environmental problems so , they are environment friendly & the
energy as green energy.

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