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m It is the plan that a company has developed for

production, inventory, staffing, etc.

m It is a plan for future production of end items
m MPS INPUTS: --> Forecast Demand -->
Production Costs --> Inventory Costs -->
Customer Orders --> Inventory Levels --> Supply -
-> Lot Size --> Production Lead Time --> Capacity
m MPS OUTPUT (production plan): --> Amounts to
be Produced --> Staffing Levels --> Quantity
Available to Promise --> Projected Available
m It gives production, planning, purchasing, and top
management the information needed to plan and
control the manufacturing operation.
m The MPS is a statement of what the company
expects to produce and purchase (i.e. quantity to
be produced, staffing levels, dates, available to
promise, projected balance).
m MPS helps avoid shortages, costly expediting, last
minute scheduling, and inefficient allocation of
m þeeping the inventories at the desired level by
making perfect use of the resources that are
available with the company.
m Setting up due dates for the availability of the end
items and also providing the required information
regarding resources and also the materials ±
which act as the supporting pillars of the
aggregate planning.
m Maintaining properly, the desired level of customer
m Setting particular schedules for the production of
the parts and the components that are used as the
inputs to materials requirements planning, in the
end items.
m The MPS translates the Sales & Operations Plan
(SOP o PP) into a plan for producing specific
products in the future.
m The MPS is the translation of the SOP into
producible products that make up the output.
m The MPS is developed to generate a sustainable
Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) system
and to provide the information for coordination
with sales.
m The MPS is a statement of planned future output.
m Forms the basic communication between the
market and manufacturing.

m Is stated in product specification terms (part

numbers) for which there are Bill of Materials
m _nd-item product designations
m Options or modules from which a
variety of end products could be
m Numbers of units of an ³average´
final product
m The items are produced in batches,
carrying finished goods inventories for
most, if not all, end-items.
m In general, it carries no finished goods inventory
and builds each customer order as needed.
m The MPS unit is defined as the particular end-item
composing a customer order.
m Production often starts before a complete product
definition or BOM has been determined.
m The MPS unit is typified by an almost
limitless number of possible end-item
configurations all made from combinations
of basic components and subassemblies.
Probably will not start final assembly until
order arrives.
m It is an engineering document that
specifies the ingredients (or subordinate
components) required physically to make
each part number or assembly.
m Comprises only those subordinate
components that are immediately required
(not the components of the components).
m Is a list of components, from the end item,
down to the raw materials (it does show
components of the components).
m BOM files are those computer records
designed to provide desired output formats.
m BOM Structure relates to the architecture of
the BOM files
m BOM Processor is a computer software
package that organizes and maintains
linkages in the BOM as dictated by the BOM
m Product Structure a company should have one
and only one set of BOM records.
m Low-Level Code number should be
designated for each part, component,
subassembly or finished item in the BOM.
These numbers indicate where in the product
structure a particular item is with respect to
the end item.
m (hen the combinations of end-item product are
many,it is better to use the MPS at the option or
module level. The MPS is stated in the terms in
which the product is sold not built.
m Its useful to think of the MPS as a set of firm
planned orders. The scheduler needs to
convert planned orders to firm planned
orders and to manage the ³timing´ and
amounts of the firm planned orders.


To production

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m A stable MPS translates into stable component
schedules, which means improved performance
in plant operations.
m Too many changes ± lower productivity
m Too few changes ± lower customer service
(  Inc. MPS for (idgets
Lot Size =  units
Lead Time =  periods


m set Spray Corporation
‰ Markets dispensers for hot & cold beverages
‰ Uses an integrated system that includes:
ð Capacity Planning
ð Shop floor control
ð Inventory Management

m ( Inc. is scheduling production for a new product
called the (idget 
m Starting Inventory = 
m Lot Size = 
m Lead time = 




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